
diē pò
  • fall drastically;fall/stumble and get injured; drop dramatically
  1. 该公司股票价格在首个交易日就跌破了发行价。

    Shares in the company slipped below their issue price on their first day of trading .

  2. 他从树上摔下来,跌破了膝盖。

    He fell from the tree and injured his knee .

  3. 浏览器使用量追踪机构NetMarketShare的数据显示,2010年IE在浏览器市场的份额跌破50%大关,如今只剩下5%的份额。

    Its share of the browser market fell below the 50 % threshold in 2010 and now sits at about 5 % , according to browser usage tracker NetMarketShare .

  4. 诚然,由于对雷曼的投资,primaryreservefund跌破了面值,不得不接受纾困。

    True , the primary reserve fund broke the buck by investing in Lehman and had to be bailed out .

  5. 标准银行(standardbank)的分析人士预测:“跌破6000美元的重要心理关口,将使该金属价格明显面临下跌风险。”

    Analysts at Standard Bank predicted : " a breach of the psychologically important $ 6000 will leave the metal significantly exposed on the downside . "

  6. 上月底,当中国太保(ChinaPacificInsurance)股价跌破去年12月的发行价时,另一个令人担忧的趋势出现了。

    Another worrying trend emerged late last month when shares in China Pacific Insurance dropped below the price at which they were offered to the public in December .

  7. 纾困行为表明,这些基金的母公司对于“跌破一元”(breakingthebuck)造成的名誉风险十分重视。

    They show how seriously the parent companies take the reputational risk of " breaking the buck " .

  8. 上周,中国西电(chinaxdelectric)成为中国内地5年来首只在交易首日跌破发行价的股票。

    Last week , China XD electric became the first new Chinese stock in five years to end its first day of trading below its IPO price .

  9. 据信,摩根士丹利上周五在购买Facebook的股票,以防止该股跌破每股38美元。

    Morgan Stanley was said to be buying shares of Facebook to keep it from falling below the $ 38 level on Friday .

  10. 道琼斯工业平均指数今年以来跌逾18%,其中花旗集团(citigroup)、美国银行(bankofamerica)和通用汽车(generalmotors)的股价均跌破了5美元。

    The Dow Jones industrial average , with Citigroup , Bank of America and General Motors Trading below $ 5 a share , has fallen more than 18 per cent this year .

  11. 今年1月,中国官方PMI降至49.8,为两年多来首次跌破荣枯线。

    The offical index declined to 49.8 in January , marking the first contraction in more than two years .

  12. 与传统外置天线相比,内置天线有着非常诱人的好处,如不易跌破,低特定吸收率(SAR),易实现大规模批量生产。

    Comparing to traditional external antennas , internal antennas offer several advantages , such as less broken off , low specific absorption rates ( SAR ), easy mass production .

  13. Facebook认股权证的投资者们正双倍买入看跌期权,很多人都下注该公司股票到12月将跌破每股22美元。

    Investors in Facebook warrants are buying twice as many puts as calls , with many betting the stock will be below $ 22 a share by December .

  14. 这是自2008年以来全年PC出货量首次跌破3亿台水平。上一次发生这种情况时,正值苹果推出iPhone不久,智能手机的使用率开始上升。

    It was the first time since 2008 - soon after Apple launched the iPhone and smartphone adoption began to rise - that annual PC shipments fell below 300m units .

  15. 但当花旗(citigroup)照理说它应该是首当其冲的银行股价跌破2美元,其股权价值已没有实际意义。

    But when Citigroup supposedly first in the line of fire trades below $ 2 a share , its equity value is moot .

  16. 它替代了我们不推荐的cronAPI,现在你可以在天气变化时或股价跌破某阈值时更新wave。

    This replaces the need for our deprecated cron API , as now you can update a wave when the weather changes or the stock price falls below some threshold .

  17. 在香港和中国内地萧条的首次公开发行(ipo)市场,随着两家近期上市的企业在昨日跌破发行价,投资者信心再遭打击。

    Confidence in the depressed market for initial public offerings in Hong Kong and China took another blow yesterday as two recently listed companies dropped below their offer prices .

  18. 但国际货币基金组织(IMF)近期警告说,如果油价跌破每桶90美元,伊朗就不得不削减国家补贴和政府支出。

    But the International Monetary Fund warned recently that Iran will have to cut state subsidies and shave government spending if oil prices stay below $ 90 a barrel .

  19. 在3月份时,RIM的股价还在60美元以上,不过随后就开始高台跳水,到6月末时,已经跌破30美元。

    RIM 's stock traded above $ 60 this year until March , when it began a rapid descent , falling below $ 30 by late June .

  20. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)分析师表示,金价下跌将一直持续到2014年,届时可能会跌破每盎司1000美元,创下自2009年初以来的新低。

    Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analysts say gold will continue dropping into 2014 , possibly falling below $ 1,000 an ounce , a level not seen since early 2009 .

  21. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)昨日宣布将更换首席执行官。本周这家中国电商集团的股价跌破80美元,这是去年9月该集团创纪录规模首次公开发行(IPO)以来的最低水平。

    Alibaba , the Chinese ecommerce group , replaced its chief executive yesterday after shares dipped below $ 80 this week , the lowest since September 's record-breaking initial public offering .

  22. 纽约商品交易所(newyorkmercantileexchange)的数据显示,提供针对油价在今年年底前跌破每桶100美元的看跌期权合约数量,在过去6周内增长了1倍以上。

    The number of financial bets providing insurance against a fall in prices below $ 100 a barrel before the end of the year has more than doubled in the past six weeks , according to the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  23. 艾德•克鲁克斯(EdCrooks)应该获得一两桶石油的奖励,因为他预言油价将冲破每桶100美元,并在2008年底跌破这一关口。

    Ed Crooks deserves a barrel or two for predicting that the oil price would break $ 100 a barrel and end the year below that mark .

  24. 在其中一个案例中,贷款条件规定,HTF股价不应跌破某一价值。

    In one case , loan conditions stipulated that the HTF share price should not fall below a certain value .

  25. 与此同时,货币市场关键部分的借款利率跌至创纪录低点,3月期美元伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)跌破1%。

    Meanwhile , borrowing costs in a key part of the money markets reached record lows as the three-month dollar Libor rate fell below 1 per cent .

  26. 在亚洲,这个触发点可能是中国采购经理人指数(pmi)的公布:近来钢铁与电力产量出现意想不到的疲软,意味着5月份的数据可能会跌破50。

    The trigger in Asia could be Chinese PMI data : recent unexpected softness in steel and electricity output data suggests that the May reading could slip back below 50 .

  27. 上月底,输电设备制造商中国西电(chinaxdelectric)在上海市场首日上市中跌破发行价,成为内地股市5年多来首只“破发”的股票,令投资者大吃一惊。

    In Shanghai , investors got a shock late last month when China XD electric , a maker of electricity transmission equipment , became the first company in more than five years to fall on its first day of trading on the Chinese mainland .

  28. 然而世事难料,谁会想到扎克伯格的“蜜月期”就已经光速结束,Facebook周一破发(跌破38美元的发行价),公司市值跳水至千亿美元以下,而扎克伯格的个人资产则急剧缩水13亿英镑(约合129亿元人民币)。

    It meant Mr Zuckerberg 's personal fortune had fallen by £ 1.3billion in the middle of the day 's trading , as he saw his company 's share price tumble well below its £ 24 opening on Friday .

  29. 疲弱的PMI数据似乎表明,中国经济增幅将在第二季度跌破具有象征意义的8%这个水平。此前,中国经济在今年首季度同比增长了8.1%。

    The weak PMI reading suggests growth dropped below the symbolic 8 per cent mark in the second quarter after growing at an annual rate of 8.1 per cent in the first .

  30. 直到最近,许多投资者还认为货币市场基金几乎与银行账户一样安全,而在美国最老牌的货币基金reserveprimary之前,仅有一家小型货币市场基金曾“跌破一美元”。

    Until recently many investors considered money market funds to be almost as safe as bank accounts and before reserve primary , the oldest such fund in the US , only one small money market fund had ever " broken the buck " by dropping below $ 1 .