
  1. 并以XH集团为例,结合当前十二五规划中文化类企业发展的普遍特点和运行轨迹,明确财务管控模式需跟随企业战略转型进行相应调整。

    Take XH group as an example and take into account of the common features and path of development for culture enterprises in the current twelfth Five-Year Plan , this paper comes up with the issue of adjustment in financial management and control as a result of the strategic transformation .

  2. 并由此树立企业的品牌形象,培养起一批信任和跟随企业的投资者,建立起关系营销网络。

    And thus establish a corporate brand image , foster investors that trust and willing to follow with the corporate , establish a relationship marketing network .

  3. 另外,创业企业间的联合研发以及风险投资机构对领跑/跟随企业同时进行投资,这两种策略对内部收益率均具有显著正效应。

    In addition , both of the jointly R & Ds between enterprises and the investments in lead / follow venture companies have positive effect on IRR .

  4. 并探讨了寡头垄断市场中领导者企业在和跟随者企业在进行垂直差异化和水平差异化的条件下进行价格竞争时的价格策略。

    And analyze how the leader enterprise adopt the price tactics when them compete with the follower enterprise under the terms of carrying on the vertical difference or the horizontal difference .

  5. 而在全球化并购浪潮中,银行业也跟随中国企业在走向国际化和综合化的道路上迈入一个全新的发展时期。

    Meanwhile , in the wave of economic globalization , mergers and acquisitions , the financial industry is also on the way to a new period of development of internationalization and integration .

  6. G公司目前的市场竞争地位总体上属于跟随者,其企业竞争力与市场领导者相比处于劣势。

    G Company is in henchman position in market . Its competitiveness is in inferior position compare with those market leaders .

  7. 但在信息不完全的情况下,寡占企业的价格跟随行为会导致企业间协调彼此的定价,从而可能构成协同行为。

    But under the circumstances with incomplete information , price leadership may contribute to the coordination of prices among the enterprises and constitute the concerted practice .

  8. 领导者必须能激发员工的斗志,促使员工跟随自己去实现企业领导阶层设定的种种目标。

    Leadership is about motivating people ; making people want to follow them to achieve the objectives that the leadership or the board of the company has set out .