
kuà lán bù
  • hurdle step;hurdle stride;clearance stride;hurdle step stride
  1. 跨栏步专门力量训练应注意的问题

    Some Problems in Physical Strength Training for Hurdle Step

  2. 跨栏步技术是跨栏跑技术中的一个关键环节,跨栏步专门力量对于快速正确地完成跨栏步动作具有决定意义。

    The hurdle step skill is one of the key links in training hurdle running , so the physical strength training for hurdle step means a lot to the fast and perfect finish of a hurdle .

  3. 对110m栏跨栏步新型技术特点及其重要性的分析

    An Analysis to the Modern Technical Characteristics of High Hurdling Step

  4. 男子110m高栏跨栏步摆动腿的技术特点

    Technical Features of Leg Swinging during Hurdle Steps in 100m Hurdles Men

  5. 刘翔110m栏第5栏跨栏步技术的依据研究

    Study Basis of Clearance Technique in the Fifth Hurdle on Man 's 110m Hurdle of Liu Xiang

  6. 从跨栏步的起跨距离谈110m跨栏跑的后程减速

    The influence of distance of starting - hurdle on the deceleration in the later part of 110 - meter hurdle race

  7. 女子100m栏的完整技术,由起跑至第一栏、跨栏步、栏间跑,终点冲刺四部分组成。

    The whole technique of women 's 100-meter hurdle consists of the start up to the first hurdle , the hurdling step , the running between hurdles and the dashing towards the finishing line .

  8. 用运动学观点解析“跨栏步”技术原理

    Analysis " the Step of Hurdle Race " with Sport Technical Principle

  9. 对影响跨栏步技术效果因素的探讨

    The factors that affect the technical effect of hurdle pace

  10. 男子110米高栏跨栏步的现代技术特点分析

    The Analysis of Modern Technical Features of Gaolan Step Hurdle

  11. 跨栏步阶段躯干转动惯量的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study of Limbs ' Rotary Inertia in Clearance Stride

  12. 合理的起跨技术是缩短跨栏步时间的关键

    Proper Striding Skill Is the Key to Shorten the Time of Hurdle Pace

  13. 跨栏步及相关技术的生物力学分析

    The Biomechanics Analysis of Skills in Hurdle Pace

  14. 陈雁浩110米栏跨栏步及栏周期运动学特征分析

    The Kinematics Character Analysis of 110m Hurdles Steps and Hurdles Period of Chen Yan-hao

  15. 栏间跑与跨栏步的有机结合

    The Close Combination of Between - hurdle - runs and Crossing - hurdle - steps

  16. 刘翔的跨栏步技术存在起跨角大、下栏距离长的问题。

    There is a problem for Liu Xiang when he is leaping over the hurdles that the leaping angle is too big and the distance over the hurdle is too long .

  17. 运用影片解析等方法对我国部分优秀男女直道栏运动员跨栏步摆动动作相关运动学参数进行对比研究。

    This article delves in conducting a comparative study on the relevant kinematics parameters of the swinging motion of hurdle strides of some excellent straight track athletes , by using film analysis .

  18. 整个跨栏步摆动腿前摆时间是下压时间的1.25倍,前摆的平均角速度慢于下压的平均角速度;

    Whole acrosses the hurdle step to put time to down press time before swing leg of 1.25 times , average angular velocity of swing ahead is slow in the average angular velocity that bottom press ;

  19. 对一级110m栏跨栏运动员跨栏步技术特征分析与研究

    The Research into the Technical Features of the First-Rank Hurdlers ' Strides Between Hurdles

  20. 跨栏跑五步教学法初探

    Initial exploration on the teaching method of five strides in a hurdle race

  21. 体育院系普修跨栏课中间一步过栏教法的实验研究

    An experimental research of teaching method on one step run between hurdles exercise in the departments or at the institutes of Physical Education

  22. 实验研究表明,在跨栏跑教学中,强调起跨腿适宜的提拉时机对跨栏步技术的掌握、跨栏步与栏间跑的衔接、运动损伤的避免以及初期的教学效果有影响。

    The experiment shows that in hurdling teaching , emphasizing the " driving opportunities of takeoff leg " has influence on mastering the hurdling technique , the connection of the hurdling steps and running between hurdles , also preventing sports injuries and the initial teaching results .