
  • 网络subgrade stability
  1. 圆弧法验算路基稳定性的几何参数的解析解

    Analytic solution to geometrical parameters of circular slide in clay subgrade stability evaluation

  2. 应用热管技术提高多年冻土地区路基稳定性的数值分析

    Model Analysis of Using Thermosyphon to Enhance the Subgrade Stability in Permafrost Regions

  3. 论沈山高速公路路基稳定性的植物防护措施

    Plant Protection Measure for Subgrade Stability of Shen - Shan Expressway

  4. 利用瞬态瑞雷波法进行提速路基稳定性检测

    Stability detection of raising-speed subgrade by using instantaneous Rayleigh wave method

  5. 高速公路新旧结合路基稳定性与沉降变形规律研究

    Research on Old New Road Bed Stability Settlement Deformation Rules of Highway

  6. 利用瑞利波进行铁路路基稳定性检测的理论基础及应用

    Theoretical Basis and Examples of Rayleigh Wave Applied to Railway Roadbed Inspection

  7. 渗流条件下多年冻土区斜坡路基稳定性研究

    Study of Stability of Subgrade Upon Slope with Seepage in Permafrost Region

  8. 岩溶水作用下填石路基稳定性模型试验研究

    Model experiment of rockfill subgrade stability under karst water impact

  9. 基于非饱和土理论的降雨入渗路基稳定性分析

    Analysis of Roadbed Stability after Rain Seepage Based on Unsaturated Soil Theory

  10. 季节性冻土地区路基稳定性的数值分析

    Numerical Simulation for Stability of Subgrade on Seasonal Frozen Region

  11. 基于可靠度的多年冻土区路基稳定性评价及应用分析

    Reliability based AHP-Fuzzy synthetic evaluation system for stability of roadbeds in Permafrost Regions

  12. 山区公路半填半挖路基稳定性分析方法

    Stability Analysis Method for Half Filling and Half Digging Roadbed in Mountain Area

  13. 山区公路路基稳定性的研究

    Research of subgrade stabilization of highway in mountainous region

  14. 基于有限元强度折减法的岩腔路基稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Rock Cavity Roadbed Based on Strength Reduction Finite Element Method

  15. 高速公路软土路基稳定性监控

    Monitoring of Highway Soft Soil Road Bed Stability

  16. 填石路基稳定性设计方法研究

    Study on Design Method of Stone-filled Subgrade Stability

  17. 不同高度下路基稳定性分析;

    The stability analysis of different roadbed height ;

  18. 厦门沿海第四系物理力学性质与公路路基稳定性

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of Quaternary Stratum and Highway Foundation Stability in Xiamen Area

  19. 粘质土路基稳定性分析方法的研究及应用

    Research and Application of Clay Roadbed Stability Analysis

  20. 滑坡地段路基稳定性研究

    Research on subgrade stability in landslide areas

  21. 水位变化对带挡土墙路基稳定性影响

    The Influence of Variable Water Level on Stability of the Subgrade Joined with Retaining Wall

  22. 高速公路压煤区安全煤柱留设及其对路基稳定性的影响

    Study on safe coal pillar design and sub-grade stability of freeway in unexploited coal zone

  23. 但对于低等级公路软土路基稳定性问题,所做的工作却十分有限。

    But for low-grade highway stability of soft soil foundation , the work is very limited .

  24. 车辆动荷载作用下黄土暗穴对路基稳定性影响的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Subgrade Stability Influenced by Hidden Holes in Loess Under Dynamic Load of Vehicles

  25. 探讨了地表水流影响沿河路基稳定性的原因和力学机理。

    The cause and mechanical mechanism of surface water destroying the soil roadbed along rivers are explored .

  26. 国道205线上板桥K2732+335~K2732+385段路基稳定性分析及措施

    Analyzing the subgrade stability of K2732 + 335 ~ K2732 + 385 upper section on national highway 205

  27. 可见,击实功是保证这种材料填筑路基稳定性的关键因素。

    So , compaction is a key factor to guarantee the stability of embankment using this kind of material .

  28. 路基稳定性必然会影响公路的使用质量、修复难度,及公路后期维护工程。

    The stability of the subgrade will inevitably influence on the quality and repair difficulty and later maintenance projects .

  29. 采煤空区坍塌引起的地表移动与变形是确定路基稳定性的主要依据。

    The determinant criteria of the stability of roadbed is mainly ground surface deformation caused by mine goaf collapse .

  30. 采动引起的地表移动变形是确定路基稳定性、分析采空区影响程度的主要依据。

    The main principle to determine the stability of roadbed and to analyse the influence degree is the surface deformation caused by mining .