
lù jiān
  • shoulder;road shoulder;berm;berme
路肩[lù jiān]
  1. 前方5英里之内没有路肩。

    No shoulder for next 5 miles .

  2. 由于刹车太急,车子侧滑到了满是尘土的路肩上。

    The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road

  3. 如果你的车坏在路肩上了,就得等警察或修理站来帮忙。

    If you stop on the hard shoulder , wait for the police or breakdown service .

  4. 横断面为:1m路肩+30m行车道+1m路肩,共计32m,路面为水泥砼路面。

    Cross-section is : 1m shoulder + 1m + 30 m carriageway shoulder , a total of 32m , pavement is cement concrete pavement .

  5. 结果表明,沪宁高速公路两侧距路肩250m范围内土壤和小麦已受不同程度铅污染。

    The results show that the soils within the 250 m wide zones along either side of the expressway and grains of the wheat growing thereupon were polluted with lead to a various extent .

  6. 结果表明:48个样本点的192份土样的电导率值均小于2.0ds/m,即该地区的公路路肩1m深度内土壤属于非盐渍化土壤;

    The research on the inner rules was also conducted with the method of the SPSS . The result indicated that the average conductivity of 192 soil samples in 48 sample spots , where the highway shoulder soil was the non-salt-alkaloid soil , was below 2.0 ds / m.

  7. 上周,牛津附近的沃夫寇特的居民NicholasKravchenko把这个绿色庞然大物开进了小区。这辆这辆战地修理坦克,现在就停在居民区的路肩上。

    The huge green tanklike crane , designed to carry out battlefield repairs , has been sitting in a lay-by since new owner Nicholas Kravchenko of Wolvercote , near Oxford , drove it there last week .

  8. 高等级公路硬路肩结构探讨

    A inquiry into the structure of hard shoulders of high-grade highway

  9. 路肩式加筋土挡墙在工程上的应用

    Application of reinforced earth bulkhead type as road shoulder in engineering

  10. 没路肩,没夹板,好蹄好牙。

    No curbs , no splints , Good feet and teeth .

  11. 在道路两侧路肩上悬挂广告牌子的人。

    A person with advertising boards hanging from the shoulders .

  12. 预应力锚索在加固路肩挡土墙中的应用

    Application of Prestressed Anchor Rope in Strengthening Road Shoulder 's Retaining Wall

  13. 防止硬路肩切缝影响行车道板裂纹的措施

    Measures against Pavement Cracking due to Joints Cutting for Hard Road Shoulder

  14. 阳离子乳化沥青稀浆混和料在硬路肩灌缝上的应用

    The Application of Cationic Emulsified Bitumen in Poured Joint of Hard Shoulder

  15. 路肩隆声带应用安全性试验研究

    Test and Study on Application Safety of Shoulder Rumble Strips

  16. 我们应该补修一下这条公路的路肩了。

    We should repair the road shoulders of the highway .

  17. 正如我说过的,这是一个带两个路肩的弯道。

    As I said , it 's one corner with two kerbs .

  18. 我坐在路肩的草地上。

    I sat in the grass at the shoulder of the road .

  19. 高速公路路面基层硬路肩反坡施工工艺探讨

    Discussion on Hard Road Shoulder Adverse Slope Construction Technology of Expressway Pavement Base

  20. 两种覆盖对公路路肩土壤含盐量的影响

    Effect of Two Kinds of Covers on Salt Content in Highway Shoulder Soil

  21. 加筋土铁路路肩挡土墙受力及变形的研究

    A study on strength and deformation of reinforced earth retaining wall at roadbed shoulder

  22. 重型卡车把长草的软质路肩轧坏了。

    Heavy lorries have damaged the grass verge .

  23. 高速公路拓宽工程硬路肩下土体注浆加固试验研究

    Experimental research on injection process of soil under hard shoulder in freeway widening project

  24. 马克:路肩挺宽的。

    Mark : The shoulder was pretty wide .

  25. 对公路土路肩超高问题的探讨

    A study of soil shoulder superelevation of highway

  26. 路肩隆声带试验研究

    Tests Study on Shoulder Rumble Strips

  27. 微型桩在青海李坎公路K14km加固路肩挡墙基础中的应用

    Application of Micro-pile in Basis of Retaining Wall Reinforcement in K14 Kilometers of Qinghai Li-Kan Road

  28. 倒车时不要越过路边、路肩或是碰到路沿。

    Do not reverse over the edge or shoulder of the road or into the curb .

  29. 营口地区公路路肩土壤含盐量的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Salt Content in the Soil of Road Shoulder in Yingkou Area

  30. 路堤式与路肩式加筋土挡墙的现场试验与分析

    Analysis of in Site Experiment of Reinforced Earth Retaining Walls for the Embankment and Subgrade Shoulders