
  1. 另一方面,由于管理者在公司经营过程中做出的是专用性投资,而股东投出的是非专用性投资,因此,管理者会被锁定在与股东的交易关系中(跳槽成本高)。

    On the other hand , because the managers in the company make course-specific investments and shareholders cast non-specific investments , managers will be locked in a trading relationship with shareholders ( high switch cost ) .

  2. 公平的薪酬福利政策可以让员工有自豪感、增加其跳槽的机会成本,降低管理成本。

    It supports a sense of pride to employees , increase the cost of job hopping and reduce the management cost .

  3. 这是它们能够提供给员工的一项有吸引力的福利,特别是考虑到如果这些员工跳槽走人,就得去面对日益上涨的房价。跳槽附带的高昂成本,会迫使员工三思而行。

    This is an attractive benefit to be able to offer employees , especially given that if those employees were to leave they would have to deal with ever-increasing housing prices . The high costs associated with such a move make people think twice before they leave . '