
duǒ bì qiú
  • dodge-ball
  1. 其中很多游戏都可以让多个玩家同时参与挑战,比如划船游戏&RiverRush,以及将躲避球和保龄球融合一起的RallyBall。

    Multiple players can engage in challenges like a boat game ( River Rush ) and another game that combines dodgeball with bowling ( Rally Ball ) .

  2. 最终谁会是这场“躲避球”比赛中的幸运儿呢?

    Who would be the last picked in dream team dodgeball ?

  3. 躲避球是十五世纪在这里发明的。

    This is where dodgeball was invented in the15th century .

  4. 在她的家乡罗马尼亚,躲避球是全国运动。

    In her home country of romanovia , dodgeball is the national sport .

  5. 我喜欢玩躲避球游戏,非常喜欢听音乐。

    I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much .

  6. 我喜欢在学校打躲避球。

    I like to play dodge ball at school .

  7. 站在哪边?不,这不是玩躲避球。

    Sides ? No , this isn 't dodgeball .

  8. 他们在操场玩躲避球。

    They are playing dodge ball on the playground .

  9. 初中《体育与健康》课校本课程&躲避球运动初探

    Initial exploration of dodge ball , school course of sport and health in junior high school

  10. 我喜欢躲避球。

    I like playing dodge ball .

  11. 我记得的有,拼字游戏,躲避球游戏,网球棒球,踢球,还有拳击游戏。

    Some games I remembered we played were : Scramble , Dodge ball , Tennis baseball , Kickball , and Knockout .

  12. 童子军完全用意大利面与药属葵打造了这个巴克明斯特·富勒所创作的四面体复制品,用一个躲避球马上就能摧毁它。

    Boy Scouts entirely built the tower with pasta and the drug Kwai , a precise copy of Buckminster Fuller 's tetrahedral . A dodge ball will be able to destroy it immediately .

  13. 当哈利为躲避游走球而不得不在空中傻乎乎地旋转时,马尔福大声嚷道。

    yelled Malfoy as Harry was forced to do a stupid kind of twirl in midair to dodge the Bludger ,