
chē pí
  • railway wagon;railway carriage;freight car
车皮 [chē pí]
  • [railway wagon] 火车机车以外的每一节车厢(多指货车)

车皮[chē pí]
  1. 但丹东天达国际货运代理有限公司(dandongtiandainternationalfreightandforwardingcompany)的富雪表示,车皮的归还几经拖延,但朝鲜曾请求中国方面予以批准。

    But Fu Xue , of the Dandong Tianda international freight and forwarding company , said there had been delays in the return of wagons but that North Korea had asked for permission from China .

  2. 中国上周暂停了到朝鲜的主要货运服务。此前,中国载有食品援助和可贸易商品的1800节车皮进入了金正日(KimJong-il)的隐士王国,却再也没有回来。

    China suspended key rail freight services into North Korea last week after 1,800 wagons carrying food aid and tradeable goods crossed into Kim Jong-il 's hermit state but were never returned .

  3. 据联合国为援助机构设立的网站reliefweb报道,“中国铁路车皮停止进入朝鲜,严重影响了”到朝鲜的食品发货。

    ReliefWeb , a United Nations website for aid agencies , reported that the delivery of food stocks into North Korea had been " critically affected by the cessation of movement of railway wagons from China " .

  4. 散发着蒸汽的老式火车头拖拽着空车皮。

    Old fashioned locomotive emitting steam , locked onto empty cars .

  5. 码头上载满木头的车皮。

    Railroad cars sitting on dock , loaded with timber .

  6. 由火车装运的所有主梁都安放在平板火车车皮上。

    All girders shipped by rail were arranged on a flatbed rail car .

  7. 码头上散发着蒸汽的老式火车头和已经装载的车皮。

    Old fashioned locomotive and loaded cars standing on dock , emitting steam .

  8. 因此,我回到对车皮,希望我们将得到这些推出不久。

    And if it ever does , I 'm on the wagon for life .

  9. 矿井合理请求车皮及合理的地面仓容积问题

    The criterion of ordering wagons and the reasonable capacity of ground bunker in mine

  10. 目前我们发现的一共八车皮。

    So far we count eight boxcars .

  11. 火车上有一节载人的车厢,或者,也可以免费在装矿的敞篷车皮上搭便车。

    It has one passenger car , or you can ride for free in the coal trucks .

  12. 第一种是在街道一样好用的全新烧结工厂赛车煞车皮。

    The first is the all-new sintergrip xrac series sintered factory race pads that are remarkably street friendly .

  13. 与此同时,火车车皮的严重短缺也影响了俄罗斯的煤炭输出,推高了欧洲煤炭价格。

    At the same time , a severe shortage of railway wagons has been hurting Russian coal output , pushing up European coal prices .

  14. 使社会上非常敏感的车皮审批问题从源头上得到根本解决,创造了巨大的社会效益。

    Very sensitive to the community , " freight cargo plan approval " issue has been solved from the source , creating many social benefits .

  15. 机车检测器主要功能是测量机车车速、超速报警并将机车的车速、车号和车皮的相关信息上传到检测分站。

    The main function of locomotive monitor was to measure speed , speed alarm and upload locomotive speed , number and wagon to monitor RACES .

  16. 对朝鲜而言,藏起中国的车皮将是一项奇怪之举,因为中国是朝鲜最亲密的政治盟友,也是朝鲜最大的食品、商品和石油供应国。

    Absconding with Chinese wagons would be a strange move for North Korea because Beijing is Pyongyang 's closest political ally and biggest provider of food , goods and oil .

  17. 多年来,中国的钢铁消费量因对冰箱、超市、火车车皮和温室的需求旺盛而一路走高,这些东西使北京市民现在整个冬天都能吃上新鲜的绿色蔬菜。

    Chinese steel consumption has been bolstered for years by the boom in demand for the refrigerators , supermarkets , train wagons and greenhouses that now allow Beijingers to enjoy green vegetables all winter long .

  18. 大量的中小型木材批发商聚集在该口岸采购原木,并运回加工厂销售。由于中俄火车车皮装载能力的不同,在换载运输工具时,每车皮都会产生部分剩余木材无法装载。

    A large number of small and medium timber wholesalers gather in the port , purchase logs , and then ship back to their own wood plant . For the difference of trains ' loading capacity , in the process of transferring vehicles , it is likely to cause surplus .