
yà rǎn
  • pad dyeing
轧染 [yà rǎn]
  • [pad dyeing] 使纺织品在涂上染料的滚轮之间通过而染色的过程

轧染[yà rǎn]
  1. 纯棉织物轧染色差的控制与管理

    Control and Management of Color Variation in Cotton Fabric Pad Dyeing

  2. 计算机测色配色系统在连续轧染上的应用探讨

    An Application of Computer Colour Measuring and Matching System to Continuous Pad Dyeing Process

  3. 多功能液体固色碱DA在活性染料轧染中的应用

    Application of multifunctional liquid alkali DA to reactive pad dyeing

  4. PTT弹力织物连续轧染工艺

    Continuous pad dyeing process for PTT elastic fabric

  5. 克力登SF染料轧染工艺

    Pad Dyeing with Caledon SF Dye

  6. CMC对提高K/S值和轧染均匀性是有利的。

    Also , CMC is helpful in raising the K / S value and the dyeing evenness .

  7. 采用连续轧染工艺,对其进行了印染加工试验,优选工艺条件,并获得弹性较好的PTT织物。

    Using continuous pad dyeing process at optimum conditions , the PTT fabric features excellent elasticity .

  8. 用ATULF型活性染料克服轧染色差

    Pad dyeing with ATUL F reactive dyes

  9. 结果表明,采用稀土媒染轧染工艺效果较好,文中给出了天然染料用稀土媒染棉织物的染色工艺条件。结果:酶切、PCR及测序鉴定证实,pAd。

    Results show that the dyeings using natural dyestuff with rare earth as mordant feature enhanced dye depth and color fastness . In addition , the optimum conditions for cotton pad dyeing using rare earth as mordant were defined .

  10. 活性染料连续轧染生产的色差控制

    Control of color difference in continuous pad dyeing with reactive dyes

  11. 纯棉经纬双弹机织物连续轧染生产实践

    Continuous Pad Dyeing of Two Way Stretch Pure Cotton Woven Fabric

  12. 轧染色差的预防与控制

    The prevention and control of color difference arising in pad dyeing

  13. 还原染料连续轧染要注意的技术问题

    Technical Problems Worthy of Attention in Continuous Pad Dyeing with Vat Dyes

  14. 硫化染料灯芯绒轧染工艺探讨

    Investigation of padding process of corduroy fabric with sulfur dyes

  15. 棉织物轧染色差的预防

    Reasons and prevention of color difference in cotton pad dyeing

  16. 纯棉灯芯绒织物轧染染色

    Pad Dyeing of Cotton Corduroy with New Bifunctional Reactive Dyes

  17. 活性染料轧染新设备新工艺

    New Pad-Dyeing Equipment and Process for Cotton with Reactive Dyes

  18. 活性染料轧染中始染与续染的色差问题

    Colour Difference between Starting and Standing during Reactive Pad Dyeing

  19. 粉状硫化染料轧染工艺及色差控制

    Padding with Powder Sulfur Dye and Control of Colour Difference

  20. 活性染料连续轧染的仿样技术

    Sampling technique of continuous pad dyeing with reactive dye

  21. 微波/化学法预处理羊毛的轧染工艺研究

    Research in pad dyeing process for wool pretreated by microwave / chemical method

  22. 连续轧染左中右色差的原因分析

    Reasons analysis on color difference in continuous pad dyeing

  23. 小批量连续轧染机的灯芯绒染色工艺

    Short Runs and Continuous Dyeing of ' Corduroy on Compact Pad Dyeing Machine

  24. 雕白粉-丁二酮肟钴络合物在还原染料悬浮体轧染中的应用

    Application of Rongalite-Cobalt Dimethylglyoxime Complex in the Pad Dyeing with Vat Dye Suspension

  25. 电脑测配色系统在硫化染料轧染中的应用

    The Application of Computerized Colour Measurement and Matching System to Sulphur Pad Dyeing

  26. 阳离子乳液黏合剂在涂料轧染中的应用

    Application of cationic emulsion adhesive to pigment pad dyeing

  27. 锦棉交织物轧染工艺

    Pad Dyeing Process of Nylon and Cotton Mixture Fabric

  28. 涂料轧染实际生产问题的探讨

    Some Problems of Pigment Pad Dyeing During Production Practice

  29. 连续轧染设备的技术进步(一)

    Progresses in continuous pad dyeing equipment ( I )

  30. 梭织弹力棉织物轧染质量控制

    Quality control in pad dyeing of cotton elastic fabric