
lún kuò
  • outline;line;lineament;contour profile;contour;frame;figure;profile
轮廓 [lún kuò]
  • (1) [outline;contour; frame; rough sketh]

  • (2) 表示物件或人像外形的线条

  • 在好年景里耕地面积的轮廓扩大了

  • (3) 一种不衬明暗而强调外形线的素描式样

  • 山的崎岖的轮廓

  • (4) 事情的概况

  • 他介绍了工程的轮廓

轮廓[lún kuò]
  1. 随着天色转亮,树的轮廓变得清晰了。

    The outline of the trees sharpened as it grew lighter .

  2. 我们终于能看到一小岛朦胧的轮廓了。

    At last we could see the dim outline of an island .

  3. 他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。

    They saw the huge building outlined against the sky .

  4. 门口站着一个人,屋里的亮光映衬出他的轮廓。

    A figure stood in the doorway , silhouetted against the light .

  5. 这条路沿着海岸线的自然轮廓延伸。

    The road follows the natural contours of the coastline .

  6. 他们在黑暗中能看到一座教堂的朦胧轮廓。

    In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church .

  7. 那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。

    The mountain was sharply defined against the sky .

  8. 她简略地勾勒出人物的轮廓。

    She drew the figures in outline .

  9. 群山的轮廓衬托了出来。

    The mountains stood out in silhouette .

  10. 月光下,我只能分辨出物体的轮廓。

    By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and outlines .

  11. 天空中穹顶与尖塔的轮廓深深刻在了我的记忆中。

    The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory

  12. 用浓黑色的毡笔画出你孩子的轮廓。

    Draw your child 's outline with a heavy black marker .

  13. 他只能看见球门柱模糊的轮廓。

    He could see only the hazy outline of the goalposts .

  14. 即便看到的只是背影的轮廓,比利还是认出了那个人影。

    Even from behind in silhouette , Billy recognized the figure .

  15. 阳光映衬出一名男子的轮廓。

    Silhouetted against the sun stood the figure of a man .

  16. 用唇线笔勾出双唇的轮廓,然后涂上唇膏。

    With a lip pencil , outline lips and fill them in .

  17. 远处的公交车只是一个模糊的轮廓。

    The bus was a vague shape in the distance .

  18. 詹姆斯面部瘦削,轮廓分明,容易过敏。

    James 's face was thin , finely boned , and sensitive .

  19. 远处,岛屿轮廓仅依稀可辨。

    Far away the outline of the island is just discernible

  20. 他画图时先快速勾勒出大致的轮廓。

    He starts a painting by quickly drawing simplified shapes .

  21. 高悬的灯光映照出里兹饭店的轮廓。

    The Ritz was outlined against the lights up there

  22. 从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。

    Viewed from above , the valleys form the shape of a man .

  23. 它的轮廓大致形成一个等边三角形。

    Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle .

  24. 用黑色毡头笔画出基本轮廓(见图4)。

    Draw the basic outlines in black felt-tip pen ( see fig. 4 ) .

  25. 花园有一种随意的风格,从而使温室的建筑轮廓显得柔和了。

    The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory .

  26. 事实上,帕森斯向我们展示了一个看似简单的社会沿革轮廓图。

    In effect , Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution .

  27. 乡村教堂在天空映衬下的轮廓非常醒目。

    The village church dominates the skyline .

  28. 城堡遗迹的黑色轮廓在暮色映衬下清晰可见。

    The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light .

  29. 用一根棉签把轮廓抹花。

    Smudge the outline using a cotton-wool bud

  30. 女人抵挡不住他那轮廓分明的脸庞的诱惑。

    Women find his chiselled features irresistible .