
  • 网络mobile crane;rough-terrain crane;RTG;RTGC
  1. 2004年1月1日起,我国轮胎式起重机关税税率将从加入WTO之日的12.8%,降至5%;

    From Jan 1.2004 , the custom tariff rate of truck crane will reduce from 12.8 percent on entering WTO to 5 percent ;

  2. 轮胎式起重机司机室座椅振动的人机学研究

    An Ergonomic Research on Seat Vibration in the Cab of Wheel Crane

  3. 轮胎式起重机转台结构的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of turntable structure of rubber tyred crane

  4. 轮胎式起重机起升机构多目标最优化设计

    Multi-objective optimization of hoisting mechanism in wheeled crane

  5. 港口轮胎式起重机的常见事故

    Common accidents of tyre-wheeled crane at port

  6. 轮胎式起重机混合动力系统主电路的研究与设计

    Study and Design on the Main Circuits of Hybrid Power Rubber Tired Gantry Crane System

  7. 浅谈轮胎式起重机起升系统的缺陷及改进方案

    A Primary Discussion on the Deficiencies of Hoisting System in Wheeled Cranes and Their Improvement Scheme

  8. 轮胎式起重机减振问题初探

    About Damping of Tyre Crane

  9. UC&25轮胎式起重机动力及传动系统国产化技术改造

    Technique Reform to Make in Our Country of Dynamic & Transmission System on Model UC-25 Tire Crane

  10. 混合动力技术在轮胎式起重机上的应用研究油改电轮胎式集装箱门式起重机大车智能纠偏

    Research and Application of Hybrid Technology on Tyre Crane Intelligent Gantry Correction for Rubber Tire Container Gantry Crane Driven by Electricity Changed from Fuel

  11. 然后对轮胎式起重机回转控制系统的总体设计方案进行了阐述,再分别对调速系统的功率变换电路和硬件控制电路的结构进行了详细设计。

    Then introduced the control system of the power converter circuit and the control circuit and the internal structure of the modules of the detailed design scheme .

  12. 全地面起重机综合了汽车起重机快速转移和越野轮胎式起重机能越野、负载行驶的特点,因此与普通汽车起重机相比具有更大的优势。

    All-Terrain Crane ( ATC ) integrates the advantages of transferring fast of Truck Crane and cross-country ability and load running ability of Wheel Crane , so there is more predominance of the ATC compared to Truck Crane .

  13. 在港口范围内,轮胎式集装箱起重机(简称RTG)以其机动性好、作业灵活等优点,广泛应用于集装箱装卸业。

    In the port , rubber-tyred container crane ( RTG ) with its mobility , flexible , and other advantages , has been widely applied in container load or unload .

  14. 算例测试表明,算法的平均相对对偶间隙为1%,平均计算时间为4min,这种方法对于港口堆场内轮胎式龙门起重机的动态优化配置是有效的。

    Computation results show that the average duality gap is within 1 % , the average computation time is 4 min , which demonstrates the model is feasible . 4 tabs , 13 refs .

  15. 轮胎式龙门起重机是港口主要的作业设备之一。

    Rubber-tyred gantry crane is one of the main operating equipment in port .

  16. 轮胎式集装箱起重机支腿的焊接质量控制

    Welding for Support Legs of Rubber-tired Container Gantry Crane

  17. 集装箱港口堆场轮胎式龙门起重机的动态优化配置

    Dynamic crane deployment in container storage yard

  18. 轮胎式龙门起重机防摇技术

    Anti-swinging Technology of Rubber-tyred Gantry Crane

  19. 目前世界上有超过7000台的轮胎式集装箱起重机在工作。

    There are more than 7000 Rubber-Tyred Gantry Cranes ( RTG ) working all over the world now .

  20. 这个出口项目包括两台四十吨岸边集装箱起重机和三台轮胎式龙门起重机。

    This export project includes two sets of 40 ton dock container cranes and 3 sets of wheel-type gantry cranes .

  21. 轮胎式集装箱起重机主要靠发电机组产生电力,然后驱动各机构电机工作。发电机组目前主要是柴油机驱动。

    The electric power of RTG driving each of machine mainly depends on dynamotor , which is drived by diesel engine .

  22. 八绳防摇系统是对常规的轮胎式龙门起重机防摇装置起升绳悬吊系统进行的改进,对提高轮胎式龙门起重机效率和减轻司机的劳动强度有明显的作用。

    As an innovation to the conventional rope hoisting system in the anti-swinging device of rubber-tyred gantry crane , eight-ropes anti-swinging system is developed to improve the efficiency of rubber-tyred gantry crane , and reduce the labor intensity of the drivers .

  23. 新型轮胎式门式起重机的开发与应用

    Development and Application of a New Type Rubber-tired Gantry Crane

  24. 轮胎集装箱门式起重机起升动载因数的动力学模型及其解

    Uprising dynamic load factor dynamics model of tyre container crane and its result

  25. 轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机辅助宽转速范围供电系统的开发

    The Development of the Auxiliary Power Supply System with Wide Rotary Speed Scope on the Tyre Portal-type Container Crane

  26. 节能型轮胎式集装箱门式起重机的分析

    Analysis on Energy Saving Type of Rubber Tire Container Gantry Crane

  27. 应用于轮胎式集装箱门式起重机的节能降耗技术

    Application of energy-saving technology in rubber tire container gantry crane

  28. 轻型轮胎式集装箱门式起重机

    A Kind of Light-Duty Rubber-Tired Container Gantry Crane

  29. 基于公共直流母线的轻型电动轮胎式集装箱门式起重机控制系统设计

    Design of Control System for Light-type of Electric Rubber-Tired Container Gantry Crane Based on Common Dc Bus

  30. GB/T15362-1994轮胎式集装箱门式起重机试验方法

    Test method of rubber-tyred transtainer