
ruǎn jiàn ɡōnɡ jù
  • software tool
  1. 一个数据库管理系统(DBMS)是一个综合性的软件工具,用户可以用来建立、

    A database management system ( DBMS ) is a comprehensive software tool that allows users to create .

  2. STEP信息集成软件工具的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of software tool for step information integration

  3. TRACE是为了分析CP/M操作系统而编写的软件工具。

    Trace is a software tool which analyses CP / M.

  4. Swarm是一个实现基于Agent的仿真模型的软件工具。

    Swarm is a software toolkit for agent-based modeling and simulation .

  5. ActivationEngine是一个在设备创建和部署阶段使用的软件工具。

    The Activation Engine is a software tool that is used during the appliance creation and deployment phases .

  6. HLA及其联邦执行开发过程和支撑软件工具

    HLA Federation Development and Execution Process and its Supporting Software Tools

  7. “include”软件工具能够蕴涵子文件的拷贝,可用“include”组装许多程序。

    The " INCLUDE " software tool can include copies of subfile . " INCLUDE " can be used to assemble many programs .

  8. NET、SqlServer2000等软件工具构建了基于.NET的计量信息管理系统。

    Net based metering information ma-na-gement system is presented by using microsoft . net software and SQL server 2000 software .

  9. 或者,一些开放源代码工具能为在不同语言和操作系统中生成客户机提供便利。(这里有SOAP软件工具清单)。

    As an alternative , several open-source tools provide facilities to generate clients in different languages and operating systems .

  10. 建立了一种定量的数字分析方法,并运用MATLAB软件工具实现其计算、分析和显示。

    A quantitative digital analysis method is established in this research . The calculation , analysis and display are realized by MATLAB program .

  11. 支持CMM实施的软件工具述评

    Review on Software Tools of Supporting CMM Implement

  12. FPGA设计可以很复杂,而且经常有多种实现某个设计功能或控制软件工具的方法。

    FPGA design can be complicated and there are often several ways to implement a design function or control a software tool .

  13. 介绍了被称为软总线的中间件(Middleware)CORBA与分布式控制系统软件工具EPICS的接口技术。

    This paper describes a method for interfacing the middleware CORBA to EPICS-based distributed control system .

  14. 给出了一种应用EDA软件工具进行FPGA数字系统设计的方法。

    A design meth of for FPGA digital system in application of EDA software tool is given in this paper .

  15. 您将使用IT总监SamArcher采购的业务管理软件工具。

    You will use business management software tooling acquired by the director of IT , Sam Archer .

  16. 分析了企业应用软件工具集成和封装的方法,讨论了基于XML的企业数据传输与共享,PDM与ERP的集成。

    The integration and encapsulation method of many kinds of software tools used in enterprise is analyzed and XML-based data transfer and share is also discussed .

  17. EPICS是一个大型控制系统组态软件工具。

    EPICS is a large control system component software tool .

  18. 利用一些软件工具完全可以获取这些信息,因此您所需要关心的事情就是为Web服务提供数据并且使用作为响应返回的数据。

    You can use software tools to obtain this information for you , so all you have to worry about is supplying data to a Web service and using the data that comes back as a response .

  19. 在现代ASIC以及FPGA设计中,在EDA软件工具的帮助下,已经可以使设计规模达到千万门级甚至更大的规模。

    By using of the EDA tools , the scale of modern ASIC or FPGA design could be ten million gates or more .

  20. 分析了科学计算可视化软件工具、曲面绘制算法和彩色图像分割算法的技术类型和发展趋势。(2)对基于采样点的3D曲面绘制与编辑技术进行了深入的研究。

    The techniques styles and trends of scientific visualization tools , surface rendering and color image segmentation . ( 2 ) A deep research on point-sampled 3D surface rendering and editing is made .

  21. 每个Rational软件工具都提供一个整合的开发环境(IDE),并且有用于IT或者网络组织特定角色的整套性能。

    Each Rational software tool provides an integrated development environment ( IDE ) with a different set of features that focus on particular roles in an IT or network organization .

  22. 由于软件工具不能用来运行治理,SOA治理中的许多方面都无法由IBM或其他任何供应商的产品提供支持。

    Just as software tools can 't be used to run a government , many of the aspects of SOA governance cannot be supported by products from IBM or any other vendor .

  23. 这种开发思路将有助于一切其它面向屏幕的软件工具环境下对MIS开发的概念模式的描述,这将大大提高软件开发效率,改善开发和维护性能。

    They are can support MIS development , in any general oriented interface aid tool , it can make development and maitenance easier and improve the efficiency of MIS development .

  24. 同时,采用自动生成的软件工具对由流水线、功能部件、存储部件等构成的结构属性设计空间进行搜索,得到最优的ASIP体系结构。

    Meanwhile , adopt automatically generated tools to explore ASIP architecture design space , and obtain an optimal architecture .

  25. 本论文以150家国有企业集团和684家附属企业为样本,通过问卷调查采集数据,利用SPSS软件工具对研究假设进行了检验和分析。

    The dissertation takes as samples 150 state-owned business groups and 684 of their affiliated firms , collects data by questionnaire surveys , and tests and analyzes the research hypotheses by SPSS .

  26. 文章首先介绍了流程工业CIMS故障诊断的特点及针对该特点设计的面向流程工业CIMS的故障诊断软件工具FDSK。

    In this paper , a Fault Diagnosis Software Kit ( FDSK ), considering the requirements of CIMS in process industry , is introduced .

  27. 用CPLD作为ISD语音芯片的控制器,在EDA软件工具的支持下实现了公交车报站系统的设计。

    Using the CPLD device as a controller of the speech chip and the bus auto - reporter - calling system design is achieved with the help of the EDA software tools .

  28. 学习了如何使用GUI软件工具后,我想看看它是否可以从命令行运行某些实用工具,这样我就不需要反复执行同样的操作。

    Once I 've learned how to use a GUI software tool , I like to see if it can run certain utilities from the command line , so that I don 't need to perform the same actions repeatedly .

  29. TEG是一种为其他应用系统提供文本编辑功能的软件工具,将其理解为一种编辑器类型更为恰当。

    TEG is a kind of supper tool which provides text editing for other application system and it may be more exactly called as a editor type .

  30. 有一些软件工具,像EasyMock,2提供了自动帮助功能,但是它们可能很复杂而且也很难使用。

    Some software tools , like EasyMock , 2 provide automated help , but they can be complex and difficult to use as well .