
  • 网络software registration
  1. 办理软件登记应当缴纳费用。

    The acquisition of software registration shall be subject to the payment of fees .

  2. 软件登记机构发放的登记证明文件是登记事项的初步证明。

    The registration certificate issued by the software registration agencies shall be the preliminary evidence for the registration .

  3. 谈软件登记与高校知识产权保护论农业高校知识产权保护问题

    Discussion on Software Copyright Registration and Intellectual Property Protection in the Universities

  4. 软件登记的收费标准由国务院著作权行政管理部门会同国务院价格主管部门规定。

    The fee schedule is to be specified by the copyright administrative department under the State Council in collaboration with the competent department of price under the State Council .

  5. 软件登记管理机构发放的登记证明文件,是软件著作权有效或者登记申请文件中所述事实确实的初步证明。

    Documents of proof of registration issued by the Software Registration Administration Organization are the initial documents certifying that a software copyright is in effect or is in the process of applying for registration .

  6. 最后我们用Visualc成功开发了GA-IMRT/200基于遗传算法的调强放射治疗计划系统并获得国家计算机软件著作登记(2006SR02586)。

    Finally , we used Visual c # successfully developed a GA-IMRT / 200 intensity modulated radiotherapy planning system based on genetic algorithm , it received the national computer software registration ( 2006SR02586 ) .

  7. 第三章计算机软件的登记管理

    Chapter III Computer Software Registration Administration

  8. 软件产品登记测试探讨

    A Survey on Software Products Accreditation

  9. 第十条软件产品登记项目变更,登记单位应及时到原颁发证书机关办理变更登记手续。

    Article Ten In cases of the change of the registered software items , the applicant shall go through the formalities of the change of the registration at the original issuing authorities .

  10. BAE研究员谢尔盖•舍甫琴科(SergeiShevchenko)表示,该恶意软件把自己登记为一个服务,在运行SWIFT的AllianceAccess软件包的环境中活动,使交易可被删除,记录可被变更。

    BAE researcher Sergei Shevchenko said the malware registered itself as aservice and operated in an environment running Swift 's AllianceAccess software suite , allowing transactions to be deleted and records changed .

  11. (xvii)计算机软件著作权登记中使用的软件分类码指南

    ( xvii ) Guide to Classified Coding of Software in Computer Software 's Registration

  12. (xviii)计算机软件著作权登记收费项目和标准(1992年4月18日)

    ( xviii ) The Item and Standard of Registration Expenses of Computer Software ( 18 April 1992 )

  13. 结果该软件可用于登记、诊断报告处理、病人查询、浏览、DICOM格式影像、统计分析以及介入材料的管理。

    Results The software can be used for registration , the disposition of diagnostic reports , the retrieval of patient information , the browsing of DICOM format images , statistical analysis and the management of intervention materials .

  14. 按规定填写的软件著作权登记表;

    A software copyright registration form filled out in accordance with the regulations ;

  15. GB/T16704-1996计算机软件著作权登记文件格式

    Document formats for registration of copyright in computer software

  16. 第六条国家对软件产品实行登记备案制度。

    Article Six The state exercises a system of registration and filing over software products .

  17. 提供计算机软件著作权登记的全程代理。

    Provide service of software copyright registration .

  18. 2007年,全省软件著作权登记数为2016件,继续居全国第四。

    In2007,2016 software copyrights were registered and the registrations ranked the4th in the country continuously .

  19. 第二章软件产品的登记

    Part two registration of software products

  20. 对软件产品的登记和备案、软件产品的生产、销售及监管做了明确规定;

    The registration , record , production , sales and supervision of the software products have been specified ;

  21. 我们通过一个叫做软件结果审查登记表的表格来收集和组织这个审查结果。

    We collected and organized the inspections results using a form we developed called the Software Requests Inspection Registry .

  22. 否则,你需要重新安装客户端软件,并且重新登记一个新的用户名。

    Otherwise , you will need to re-install the software and create a new account .

  23. 其中非圆齿轮齿廓设计计算软件已获得计算机软件著作登记权(登记号:2009SR027139)。建立了非圆齿轮行星系分插机构的三维模型,进行了虚拟装配和虚拟动态仿真。

    The noncircular gear tooth profile algorithm copyrights of computer software was awarded ( Registration Number : 2009SR027139 ) . Construction the three dimensional model of separating mechanism with noncircular planetary system , the hypothesized assembly and the hypothesized dynamic simulation .

  24. 保护期满前,软件著作权人可以向软件登记管理机构申请续展二十五年,但保护期最长不超过五十年。

    Prior to the fulfillment of the term of protection , the software copyright holder may apply to the software registration administration organization to extend the protection by 25 years , although the period of protection may not exceed 50 years at the longest .

  25. 自公告发布之日起,所有计算机软件著作权质押合同必须到中国软件登记中心办理质押合同登记手续,质押合同自登记之同起生效。

    Fromsince the date of promulgatingissuing the announcement , all the pledge contracts of computer software copyright must be registered at China software registration center and the pledge contracts shall become effective on the date of registration .

  26. 电子工业部设立全国软件产品管理中心,负责全国软件产品的登记备案、颁发登记号和登记证书及有关管理工作。

    The National Software Product Management Center under the Ministry of Electronic Industry shall be responsible for the registration numbers and certificates as well as other relevant management affairs .

  27. (四)软件产品的名称、内容、版本、功能、著作权人、软件著作权登记、文档等的材料、以及软件产品的样品、软件产品的测试结果。

    The name , contents , function , the copyright holder , materials concerning the registration and filing of the software copyright as well as the sample and test result of the software product .

  28. 第十五条提供给用户的软件产品应在其外包装上标明该软件的名称、版本号、软件著作权人、软件登记号、软件生产单位(或进口单位)及单位地址、生产日期。

    Article Fifteen Software for the users shall be marked on the outer package with the name , version number , copyright owner , registration number of the software , as well as the name and address of the producers ( or the importer ) and the date of production .