
  1. 一种新型板式换热器在轻工行业的应用

    Application of New Type Plate Heat Exchanger in the Light Industry

  2. 热泵技术在轻工行业蒸发中的应用

    Heat Pumps Used for Evaporating in Light Industry

  3. 分子蒸馏技术作为一种新兴的分离技术,在轻工行业得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Molecular distillation technology is a new separate method and has been widely used in light industry .

  4. 适用于机械加工行业中的汽车行业、机床行业、轴承行业、工具行业、轻工行业、液压行业等。

    Suitable for the mechanical processing , such as automobile , machine , bearings , tools , light mechanical processing , hydraulics .

  5. 主要应用于钢厂、钢材加工中心、汽车、风机制造、灯具、轻工行业、五金制品等行业。

    Our machines are widely used in steel factory , steel machining center , automobiles , Lamps & Lanterns , light industries , hardware products , etc.

  6. 适用于日化、食品、医药及其它轻工行业的方形类产品包装快速自动贴标的理想设备。

    Square Sided Labeling System is an ideal choice for the daily chemicals , food and beverages , pharmaceutical and other light industries automatic sides labeling on square bottles .

  7. 但随着轻工行业自身的不断发展和国际竞争的日趋激烈,如何通过实施信息化来提高企业核心竞争力已经成为轻工行业面临的最迫切问题。

    However , with the continuous development of light industry and increasing fierceness of international competition , how to improve enterprises ' core competitiveness through implementation of informatization has already become the most urgent issue confronted by light industry .

  8. 近年来我国轻工行业蓬勃发展,不仅推动了我国经济的持续发展同时还解决了大量就业问题,是国民经济中的重要力量。

    Light industry in China has been prosperous in recent years , which has not only promoted sustainable development of Chinese economy but also solved a large number of employment issues , and it is an important force in national economy .

  9. [结论]非公有制企业的职业病发病高峰已经来临,当前应把职业病防治的工作重点放在职业病多发的冶金、有色金属、煤炭、建材、化工、轻工行业的非公有制企业。

    [ Conclusion ] High incidence of occupational disease from non-nation owned enterprises was observed . The prevention and control should be mainly put on the non-nation owned enterprises in metallurgy , non-ferrous metal , coal , construction material , and chemical industries .

  10. 2003年我国乙二醛的消费构成为轻工行业占283%,纺织印染行业占304%,医药行业占326%,石油行业占41%,其他46%。

    In 2003 , the breakdown of oxalic aldehyde consumption in China is as follows : 28 3 % for light industry , 30 4 % for dyeing and printing , 32 6 % for pharmaceuticals , 4 1 % for petroleum industry and 4 6 % for the others .

  11. 计算机控制在轻工发酵行业的应用分析

    Analysis of Application Computer Control in Ferment Process of Light Industry

  12. 在汽车、家电、轻工等行业,锌件得到越来越广泛的应用。

    The zinc-substrates get more and more extensive application in industry .

  13. 自动定量包装机广泛应用于化肥、饲料、轻工等行业。

    Automatic const-weight packing machine has been widely used in chemical fertilizer , feed and light industry etc.

  14. 产品被广泛应用于电子、机电、通信、仪器仪表、航空航天、轻工等行业。

    Products are widely applied in electronics , electrical , communication , instrumentation , aerospace and light industries .

  15. 冷轧板卷主要用于汽车、家电、建筑和轻工等行业,我国冷轧普板卷生产能力尽管在这几年有了长足发展,现有冷轧产能1150万吨,在建规划产能1200万吨。

    Cold-rolled coils are applied mainly to car manufacture , electrical household appliance , construction and light industry .

  16. 丙酮作为重要的有机溶剂,在化工、制药、轻工等行业中广泛应用。

    As an important solvent , acetone is widely used in many chemical , pharmaceutical and light industries .

  17. 本实用新型涉及一种气液分离器,特别涉及一种用于轻工造纸行业中纸机湿部的真空脱水系统。

    The utility model relates to a gas-liquid separator , in particular to a vacuum dewatering system which is applicable to the wet part of a paper machine in the light papermaking industry .

  18. 压力变送器被广泛应用在工业过程检测和控制中,如石油、化工、冶金、电力、轻工等行业的过程控制、检测系统,它是现场检测的核心。

    Pressure transmitter has been widely used in industrial process monitoring and control , such as process control and detection systems of oil , chemical industry , metallurgy , electric power , light industries , and so on . It is the core of on-site detection .

  19. 上海轻工产品和行业的发展构想

    Some Conceptions for Developing Shanghai Light Industrial Trades and Their Products

  20. 轻工勘察设计行业属于勘察设计行业的一个分支。

    The light industry survey and design is a branch belongs to the survey and design profession .

  21. 《食品与发酵工业》是我国轻工、纺织行业惟一获此殊荣誉的核心期刊。

    JFFI is the only one journal that enjoyed this honor in light industry and textile industry .

  22. 电动阀广泛应用于电力、钢铁、石化和轻工等各行业。

    Valves are widely used in electric power , steel , petrochemical and light industry and other industries .

  23. 职业病发病人数列前三位的分别是机械、轻工和建材行业。

    The case numbers of occupational diseases listed the top three were machinery , light industry and building materials industries .

  24. 现代工业生产中,钣金制件在化工、机械、冶金、轻工等众多行业中占有越来越大的比重,其中钣金展开是生产中的一个重要环节。

    In the modern industry , the manufacturing of sheet metal has played a more and more important role in chemical engineering , mechanism , and metallurgy and also light industry as well , in which the unfolding of sheet metal is an important link .

  25. 广泛应用于粮食、饲料、预混料、轻工、化工等行业。

    Widely applied in grain , feed and pre-mix processing as well as light and chemical industries .

  26. 甲醇作为重要的基础有机化工原料,也是清洁代用燃料,在化工、医药、轻工、纺织等行业具有广泛的用途。

    Methyl alcohol is an important Organic chemical material and is also a kind of clean substitute fuel .

  27. 广泛应用于轻工及家电等行业的装配、检测流水线作业。

    Our product is widely applied in the light industry and home appliance industry for assembling and testing lines .

  28. 适于电子、电工、轻工、薄壳制造行业使用。

    The utility model is suitable for electronic industry , electric industry , light industry , and thin casing manufacturing industry .

  29. 从广东轻工、电子仪表行业的发展看激光焊接技术产业化的问题

    A review on the Industrialization problems of laser welding technology through the development of light industry and electronic instrument industry in Guangdong

  30. 对电泳漆膜的各项性能测试表明,它具有优良的附着性、耐候性及耐盐雾性,可广泛应用于汽车、轻工、家电等行业。

    The tests on all kinds of properties of ED coatings film show that it is good at adhesion , weather resistance and .