
  • 网络light material
  1. 数字化射线照相技术对轻物质的判断

    The Identification of A Light Substance Based On Digital Radio-Graph Technology

  2. 射线透射图像中轻物质自动识别算法的研究

    Research on Light Substance Auto identifying algorithm Through the Radial Transmission Image

  3. 梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》融入孔子重精神、轻物质的思想;

    Thoreau integrated Confucian spirit being more important than material into Walden .

  4. 射线透射成像中重物质遮挡下的轻物质检测技术研究

    Technique Research of Inspecting The Light Substance Covered by Heavy Substance Through The Transmission Image

  5. 本文介绍了数字化射线照相技术对轻物质进行判断的方法。

    The paper introduces how to use Digital Radio-Graph technology to identify a light substance .

  6. 这个研究显示了一种强有力的方法来解密地核中的轻物质的身份。

    The research revealed a powerful way to decipher the identity of the light elements in the core .

  7. 经实践证明,该方法是合理和有效的,可大大增强对轻物质的识别能力,是一种非常可行的识别技术。

    It is proved by practice that the method is reasonable and effective and feasible and can enhance the ability to identify a light substance .

  8. 本文研究了不同厚度轻重物质在射线透射成像中的图像灰度关系,根据提取轻物质轮廓线的要求,找出了在不同厚度重物质遮挡下的可检测出轻物质的最小厚度曲线。

    We find out the curve of minimal thickness that can exam the light substance covered by the heavy substance of various thickness in accordance with the request of picking out the profile .

  9. 这些比较告诉我们,土星由较轻的物质构成。

    These comparisons suggested that Saturn is made of lighter materials .

  10. 地球上没有稳定同位素的最轻的物质是什么?

    What is the lightest element on Earth , with no stable isotope ?

  11. 本区可能存在的中酸性熔岩海山是长英质轻碎屑物质的主要源区。

    The intermediate and acid seamount which maybe exist , may be the main origin of felsic detritus .

  12. 较重的物质可在水中与较轻的物质分离,砂矿开采正是利用这个原理。

    Placer mining is based on the fact that heavier substances can be separated from lighter ones in water .

  13. 射线衍射增强成像技术可以精确得到样品内部结构的折射角信息,对提高轻元素物质的成像衬度有着重要的意义。

    Diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging could extract accurately the refraction angles of the sample , which is very important to increase the image contrast of low Z samples .

  14. 但这种新的方法能帮我们在未来构造出更坚固更轻的物质,航空航天等行业对此会非常感兴趣。

    But this new approach could help us build stronger and lighter materials in the future - which is something that 's of great interest to industries such as aerospace and aviation .

  15. 铅酸蓄电池活性物质的利用率和极板的尺寸有很大关系,如何开发质量轻、活性物质利用率高的板栅是现在的一个热门课题。

    The utilization of lead-acid battery active material is of great relationship with the size of grid . It is very necessary to develop a grid that has lightweight and high utilization of active material .

  16. 为了解污染物在土壤中迁移的规律,利用BTEX模拟轻非水相污染物质,采用土工离心试验技术对BTEX在非饱和土和地下水系统的迁移过程进行模拟。

    The transport of contaminants in soil was modeled experimentally using geotechnical centrifuge modeling to simulate the pollutant transport process in an unsaturated soil and groundwater system with BTEX as the light non-aqueous phase liquid ( LNAPL ) .

  17. 硼砂也叫粗硼砂,是一种既软又轻的无色结晶物质。

    Borax also called coarse borax , is a kind of both soft and light colorless crystalline substance .