
  • 网络MANIFEST;cargo manifest
  1. 在海关没有拿到船舶的载货清单以前去提呈申报是没有用的。

    Additional Cargo List There 'd be no point in submitting documents to the customs before they have the ship 's manifest .

  2. 装载进出口货物的汽车,向海关申报进出国境的时候,应当由汽车驾驶人员向海关交验载货清单(或者运单)一份。

    The driver of a motor vehicle carrying imported or exported goods shall submit a loading list ( or a waybill ) to Customs for inspection when he makes a declaration to Customs for passing the border .

  3. 全部载货容积与载重量加载货清单加载清单

    Full Reach and Burde Additional Cargo List