
jiào fū
  • Sedan bearer;sedan-chair bearer
轿夫 [jiào fū]
  • [chair man] 以抬轿为生的人

  1. 那个轿夫报告的是什么消息呢?

    What news did the sedan-chair bearer tell me ?

  2. 早晨不到五点钟,轿夫们淘米煮饭。

    Before five in the morning , the sedan bearers washed and cooked rice .

  3. 轿夫们把花炮全搬出来,放在门房里供人们赏鉴

    Proudly lined up on a long bench , they stonily awaited their victims .

  4. 天帝下令:“轿夫,也登记上吧!”

    The emperor ordered : " Then register the sedan-chair carriers as well . "

  5. 司筋大臣报告说:“各路神仙都带着轿夫。”

    The minister reported : " All the deities have brought their sedan-chair carriers . "

  6. 当天帝再次查问的时候,司筋大臣无可奈何地报告说:“各路神仙的轿夫,又都带着自己的轿夫啊!”

    When the emperor inquired again , the minister had no way out but reported : " The sedan-chair carriers of the deities have brought their own carriers too . "

  7. 天没亮,轿夫和挑夫都来了;

    Sedan-chair bearers and rickshaw pullers arrived before dawn the next day .

  8. 轿夫们,怕得发抖,躲藏在荆棘丛中。

    The bearers , shaking in terror , hide themselves in the thorny bush .

  9. 平端着酒碗,不敢跑,而像轿夫似的疾走,回到屋中。

    Holding the bowl steady and not daring to run , he strode off with the speed of a sedan-chair carrier .

  10. “轿夫要赶到他们家里吃中饭的,你快些预备走呀!”

    " The chair carriers have to get there in time for lunch , so you 'd better hurry up and get ready to go . "

  11. 小说背景设置在高密县,讲述了一个轿夫从土匪手中救出新娘,并与之喜结连理的故事。

    Set in Gaomi , the novel tells the story of a sedan carrier who saves the bride he is carrying from bandits and later marries her .

  12. 根据自动轿夫机器人抬着旅客机器人有上、下轿任务要求和防止翻越山路时犯规的需要,设计了同步带升降机构、气动式自锁机构。

    According to the robot is requested to carry the passengers up and down and to avoid foul when crossing the mountain , synchronous lifting mechanism and pneumatic-type self-locking agencies were designed .

  13. 主控系统通过位置传感器模块的信号分析,判断自动轿夫机器人行进状态,发出对应的升降控制信号,实现对比赛过程的模糊控制。

    The main control system determine the Road condition of the robotic auto-bearers through the signal analysis from position sensor module , and than issued corresponding lift-control signal to achieve the fuzzy control the contest process .

  14. 他用一种说笑的口吻说着,但是说时带着那么不自然的微笑。二门内看台上的观众也笑了,自然他们笑得很文雅,跟轿夫们笑得不同。

    He spoke it in a kind of jest , but it was with such an awkward smile . The gentry on the grandstand laughed too , though in a much more refined way , of course .