
  • 网络differential rotation
  1. 你可知道如何证实较差自转?

    Do you know how to detect the differential rotation in our sun ?

  2. 恒星的较差自转和谱线轮廓

    Differential rotation of stars and spectral line profile

  3. 我们相信太阳黑子和不少太阳的活动,皆是由较差自转所造成的。

    We believe that sunspots and many other solar activities are due to this differential rotation .

  4. 行星的起潮力对太阳较差自转的影响&对1982年九星联珠对太阳较差自转角速度的估计

    The influence of the tide raising force of nine planets line up on the solar differential rotation

  5. 太阳表面的较差自转对黑子磁力管的扭绞结构的形成有较明显的影响,而科里奥利力的作用较小。

    The differential rotation has a greater influence on the formation of the spiral patterns than Coriolis force does .

  6. 太阳较差自转在太阳内部产生的方位磁场为这类扰动提供了源头。

    The differential rotation of the Sun induces an azimuthal magnetic field inside the Sun , providing a source for these disturbances .

  7. 为了研究引力不稳定性在巨分子云形成中的作用,通过计算机模拟技术建立了星系中分子云的较差自转模型。

    In order to study the effect of the gravitational instability in the formation and evolution of giant molecular cloud models ( GMCs ) in galaxies , the differential rotation models are developed by means of computer simulation methods .