
  • 网络auxiliary equipment;ancillary equipment
  1. 适度无人机(UAV)尺寸,结合具有轻重量和很少的操作组员,有助于短缩配置时间和最少化必需的辅助装备。

    Modest UAV dimensions , combined with light weight and small operating crew , contribute to shorten deployment time and minimize required auxiliary equipment .

  2. 以规划保障工作过程为研究对象,在充分理解规划保障工作的工程需求的基础上,研究开发计算机辅助装备规划保障工作平台(ComputerAidedMaterielSupportPlanningWorkPlatform-CAMSPWP)。

    Based on the requirement of support planning , researches and develops the computer aided materiel support planning work platform ( CAMSPWP ) to study the course of support planning .

  3. 使用计算机技术辅助装备可靠性试验分析与评价工作,可以提高工作效率和质量。

    Computer-aided reliability test and evaluation can improve the quality and efficiency .

  4. 计算机辅助装备规划保障工作平台研究

    Study on Computer Aided Materiel Support Planning Work Platform

  5. 重载锻压操作机是锻造压机重要的协调作业辅助装备,可以大大提高锻件精度、生产效率及材料利用率,降低能耗。

    Heavy forging manipulator is the important auxiliary tool for the hydraulic press , which greatly improves the workpiece precision , working efficiency , material utilization , and the power consuming for production could be reduced .

  6. 本文分析了影响该类复杂产品阶段中进行设计评价与决策因素,结合设计品质管理理论,提出以检核表来辅助装备制造业类大型复杂产品造型设计评价与决策的理论和方法。

    This paper analyzed the factors that impact on complex product in the stage of design evaluation and decision , combined with the design of quality management theory , and put forward to the theory and methods which uses the checklist to assist large complex product design evaluation and decision-making .

  7. 根据东风汽车公司对工艺装备管理的要求,开发了计算机辅助工艺装备管理系统。

    According to the requirement of Dongfeng Automobile Corporation to technology equipment management , a computer aided managing system is developed .

  8. 研制了专用立式离心铸造机及其辅助工艺装备,谋求解决传统卧式离心铸造工艺在汽缸套生产中存在的问题。

    A special vertical centrifugal casting machine and supplementary equipments were developed to solve problems existing in the traditional horizontal centrifugal casting of cylinder sleeves .

  9. 计算机辅助工艺装备的设计与管理是计算机辅助设计技术的研究内容之一,也是工艺信息化的重要组成部分。

    The computer-aided jig tool design and management is one of the research contents of the computer-aided design technology , as well the important constituent of the process planning information .

  10. 缩短夹具设计周期,提高夹具的设计质量是计算机辅助工艺装备研究的重要领域,也是提高企业快速反应能力的一个关键环节。

    Shorten fixture design cycle and improving design quality is a very important research field in computer aided tooling , as well as key factor in enhancing enterprise rapid respond ability .

  11. 我国煤矿的高效运输液压支架技术和设备的实际应用水平还相当低,因此发展高效机械化辅助运输装备是高产高效矿井建设的重要内容与根本保证。

    The actual application level of efficiently hydraulic support transportation technology and equipment of is lower in our country , so the developing of the highly mechanization of assistant transportation equipment is the important content and basic guarantee of the high yield and efficiency of the mine building .

  12. 计算机辅助飞机工艺装备协调系统设计

    Computer aided design for aircraft tooling coordination system

  13. 便携式战场抢修辅助系统通过分析装备威胁机理、战损模式及影响,提供装备损伤评估、诊断推理、应急修复等。

    The damage evaluation of equipment , diagnosis reasoning and emergency repair is provided with portable aided system of battlefield maintenance for missile launch vehicle through analyzing threat mechanisms of equipment and damage mode and its effect .