
  • 网络radiation heat transfer;thermal radiation;radiation heat exchange
  1. 本文对热载体烤漆炉内的传热过程进行了分析,对其辐射换热进行了简化和计算。

    The article analyzes heat transfer process in the drying furnace , also simplifies and calculates the radiation heat transfer .

  2. 辐射换热常常是燃烧系统和各类火焰中主要的换热方式,因此引起了广泛的注意。

    The importance of thermal radiation heat transfer in combustion systems and flames has been paid unprecedented attention due to its often dominant role in heat transfer .

  3. 流动过程的模拟用湍流两方程模型,辐射换热用MonteCarlo解法。

    The turbulent two-equation model and the Monte Carlo technique are used in predicting .

  4. 同时利用模型考察了玻璃温度、加热管温度以及玻璃透射率对LowE玻璃辐射换热的影响。

    The model also shows the effects of glass temperature , heating tube temperature and glass transmissivity on radiative heat transfer of Low E glass .

  5. 箱带模型结合DOM在非灰气体辐射换热计算中的应用

    Application of box model and discrete ordinate method in investigation of non-gray gas radiative heat transfer

  6. 蒙特卡罗法(MonteCarloMethod,MCM)是一种随机性模拟方法,在辐射换热计算中被广泛应用。

    Monte Carlo ( MC ) method is a sort of stochastic simulation method , which has been widely employed to solve radiative heat transfer .

  7. 求解有气体介质参与的辐射换热问题时,气体吸收带的带宽是一个重要的参数,同时它又是计算关联k模型中累积分布函数的参数。

    Bandwidth is an important parameter for gas radiative heat transfer calculation , and a parameter for the calculation of the cumulative distribution function in the correlated k method .

  8. 对比了两种循环流化床(CFB)锅炉炉膛内求取辐射换热系数的方法;

    The two methods which obtained the coefficient of radiation heat transfer in the furnace of CFBB had been compared .

  9. FVM结合PDF方法研究湍流射流火焰中的辐射换热

    The Combination of FV and PDF Method for Radiation Heat Transfer in Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames

  10. 模拟过程采用速度-压力耦合SIMPLE方法,湍流模型采用RNGk-ε模型,燃烧模型采用挥发分反应模型,辐射换热采用DO模型。

    SIMPLE method was employed for flow field prediction and RNG k ? ε method for turbulent flow . Volatilization reaction model was used for combustion and DO model for radiant heat transfer .

  11. TACR压力管与排管间辐射换热分析

    Analysis on Radiation Heat Transfer between Pressure Tube and Calandria Tube of TACR

  12. 运用Stokes公式及边界元理论,导出了辐射换热计算中的辐射角系数与相互辐射面积的计算基本公式。

    Based on the Stokes theorem and the boundary element theory , the basic equation of the radiation angle factors and the mutual radiation area for calculating radiation heat transfer was deduced .

  13. 气相湍流流动采用Realizableκ-ε模型模拟,气相湍流燃烧采用平衡混合分数/PDF模型模拟,辐射换热采用P1模型模拟。

    Realizable k - ε model is employed to simulate gas turbulent flow . Equilibrium Mixture Fraction / PDF Model is employed to simulate gas turbulent combustion . P1 model is used to simulate radiation heat transfer .

  14. 建立了冷却顶板/置换通风系统在无膜、加膜时的数学模型,模型包括:区域划分、冷却顶板换热模型、气流模拟模型、辐射换热模型、壁面热平衡模型、CFD模型。

    The simulation models of DV / CC and DV / CCF are established , and include : dividing zonal , the model of CC or CCF , the model of airflow , the model of radiant heat transfer , the model of wall heat balance and CFD model .

  15. 由于RTE的积分/微分性质,同时参与辐射换热介质的发射、吸收、散射等特性使得辐射传递方程的求解更加复杂。

    The RTE governing the propagation of radiative intensity in participating media is an integro-differential equation , and the media is always with absorption , emitting and anisotropic scattering characters , so solving RTE is complicated .

  16. 采用二阶迎风格式离散控制方程,及DO(DiscreteOrdinates)模型离散求解辐射换热方程,水蒸气的吸收系数根据Leckner公式计算。

    Discretization of the governing equations was performed with two order upstream scheme , and radiative heat transfer equation was solved with Discrete Ordinates ( DO ) method . Absorption coefficient of water vapor was calculated by Leckner formula .

  17. 辐射换热是钍基先进CANDU型反应堆(TACR)压力管和排管间换热的主要途径。

    Heat radiation is the primary way for the heat transfer between pressure tube and calandria tube of TACR , and its accurate analysis is very important for design and safety analysis of TACR .

  18. 根据辐射换热理论加入辐射换热项,以及考虑Soret效应和Dufour效应对液滴蒸发的影响,同时,根据喷雾理论在临界点处加入二次破碎项。

    Consider Soret effect and Dufour effect on the influence of the droplets evaporate . And at the same time according to the practical spray theory , this paper join secondary breakup model in the critical point .

  19. 采暖房间的辐射换热计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Radiation Heat Transferring of the Heating Room

  20. 流化床辐射换热机理研究

    On the Mechanism of the Radiation Heat Transfer in Fluidized Beds

  21. 炉壁黑度对炉膛辐射换热影响的研究

    Effect of Furnace Wall Emissivity on Radiation Heat Transfer in Furnace

  22. 燃烧过程辐射换热离散坐标模型的应用

    Application of Discrete-Ordinates Model to the Study of Radiative Heat Transfer

  23. 冰箱系统内辐射换热效果的分析

    The Effect Analysis for Radition Heat Transfer inside the Ice Box

  24. 炉膛辐射换热计算的一种改进的离散传递法

    An improved discrete transfer method for radiative heat transfer in furnaces

  25. 炉内辐射换热的Monte&Carlo方法计算

    Calculation on radiant heat interchange in a furnace by Monte-Carlo method

  26. 介质辐射换热有限元法的扩散综合加速算法

    Finite element diffusion-synthetic acceleration for radiative heat transfer in participating medium

  27. 室内长波辐射换热模型对房间负荷影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Long Wave Radiation on Space Load

  28. 炉内烟气辐射换热有效长度分析

    Analysis of Effective Length of Gas Radiant Heat Transfer in Furnace

  29. 绿色林带影响下建筑物辐射换热的计算方法

    Calculation method of radiation-heat transfer of the building under plant influence

  30. 高水分烟气辐射换热实验研究

    Experimental study for radiative heat transfer of high moisture flue gas