
  • 网络Cinke;SCHENKER;Sink;Brian Wansink
  1. 你和斯泰丝。辛克豪斯之间的不和什么时候才能结束?

    When is this conflict with Stacey hinkhouse going to end ?

  2. 然而,曾在瑞士学习,后荣获1996年诺贝尔医学奖的洛夫辛克纳吉却不是巧克力消费大户。

    However , Rolf Zinkernagel - the largely Swiss-educated 1996 Nobel Prize winner for medicine - bucks his national trend .

  3. 这一研究结果是由万辛克兄弟研究员布赖恩•万辛克和克雷格•万辛克发现的,研究结果刊登在《国际肥胖杂志》上。

    That finding , by researchers and brothers Brian and Craig Wansink , is dished up in the International Journal of Obesity .

  4. 如果你,或者你周围的什么人,念一个咒语让你离开这里,辛克尼斯就会知道,食死徒也会知道。

    If you , or anyone around you , casts a spell to get you out of here , Thicknesse is going to know about it , and so will the Death Eaters .

  5. 该研究报告在英国《国际肥胖杂志》上发表,由万辛克和他的兄弟、弗吉尼亚卫斯理公会学院宗教学教授、长老会牧师克雷格共同撰写。

    The study , published in Britain 's International Journal of Obesity , is co-authored by Wansink 's brother , Craig , a Presbyterian minister and professor of religious studies at Virginia Wesleyan College .

  6. 康奈尔食物与品牌实验室的负责人、合著者万辛克博士表示,预防大吃大喝最好的方式是让自己时时刻刻处于警觉状态。也就是说,我们可以在晚餐前快步走一会儿,或者在脸上洒点水,瞬间清醒一下。

    The best way to avoid overindulging is to make yourself feel more alert , said co-author Wansink , PhD , the director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab. That could mean going for a brisk walk before dinner , or splashing some water on your face for an instant energy boost .