
Liáo dōnɡ bàn dǎo
  • Liaodong Peninsula;the Eastern Liaoning peninsula
辽东半岛 [liáo dōng bàn dǎo]
  • [Liaodong Peninsula] 位于辽宁省东南部,向西南伸入渤海和黄海之间,南端有旅顺、大连等良港,苹果、炸蛋丝产量居全国前列

  1. 新石器时代晚期&青铜时代初期辽东半岛黄海沿岸的海侵

    On the transgression in alongshore of the Yellow Sea the eastern Liaoning Peninsula from the late Neolithic Age to during the initial Bronze Age

  2. 大连位于辽东半岛南部。

    Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula .

  3. 辽东半岛近岸和外海海区呈现偏中度Hg污染。

    And ( 4 ) intermediate Hg contamination was presented in the area adjacent to Liaodong Peninsula and in outer sea area .

  4. 皱纹盘鲍(Haliotisdiscushannai)是我国经济价值最高的海洋贝类之一,自然分布于山东和辽东半岛。

    Haliotis discus hannai Ino is the highest economic valuable shellfish in China . The wild population distributes in Shandong and Liaodong peninsula .

  5. MM5模式能够很好地再现辽东半岛大暴雨的大、中尺度环流系统。

    MM5 model can well reappeared the large scale and mesoscale circumfluence systems of LiaoDong Peninsula heavy rainstorm .

  6. Tim位于高空槽后,获得负涡度平流,在东部弱冷空气作用下,引起台风弱变性,并没有形成气旋,在东北地区被西风槽合并后消失,辽东半岛只出现10mm以下的降水。

    Tim located in the rear of a high-level trough and obtained negative vorticity advection , with the effect of the feeble cold air from the east , only formed weak cold front in North China , and precipitation on Liaodong Peninsula was less than 10 mm .

  7. 辽东半岛热带气旋暴雨的研究

    A Study on the Tropical Cyclone Torrential Rain over Liaodong Peninsula

  8. 辽东半岛南部晚先寒武纪宏体生物序列

    Macrofossil sequence of the late Precambrian from the southern Liaodong Peninsula

  9. 辽东半岛东部晚第四纪海面变迁

    Late Quaternary shoreline migration along the eastern coast of Liaodong Peninsula

  10. 辽东半岛沿海开放港口全方位经营的战略研究

    A Study on Strategical Management of Coastal Ports in Liaodong Peninsula

  11. 辽东半岛南部寒武系下统筇竹寺阶的发现及其意义

    Discovery of the lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi stage in southern Liaodong Peninsula

  12. 试论辽东半岛南部地区的史前文化

    On the Prehistoric Culture in the Southern Region of Liaodong Peninsula

  13. 辽东半岛南部太古宙地壳变质作用

    Metamorphism of the Archean crust in the south of Liaodong Peninsula

  14. 辽东半岛南部海陆风分析

    The Analysis of Land and Sea Breezes on South Liaodong Peninsula

  15. 辽东半岛地区农民体育健身现状与对策研究

    Current Situation and Countermeasures on Liaodong Peninsula Peasants ' Sports Fitness

  16. 辽东半岛水资源合理利用与保护的对策

    Rational Utilization of Water Resources on Liaodong Peninsula and Countermeasures for Protection

  17. 河流泥沙对辽东半岛海岸的填充作用

    Filling effect of discharge silt on the coast in the Liaodong Peninsula

  18. 辽东半岛东南岸全新世海进的认识

    Preliminary notes on Holocene transgression in the southeast coast of Liaodong Peninsula

  19. 该群落分布于山东半岛及辽东半岛近岸海域。

    It was located at offshore area of shandong and liaodong peninsula .

  20. 海城地震后对辽东半岛断层应力场的研究

    Analysis of stress field on fault on Liaodong Peninsula after Haicheng earthquake

  21. 辽东半岛早元古宙枕状熔岩特征

    Features of the early Proterozoic pillow lava in Liaodong Peninsula

  22. 辽东半岛几个长记录站的温度变化

    Temperature Changes at Four Long Record Stations in Liaodong Peninsula of China

  23. 辽东半岛南部金伯利岩区的石英碳酸岩成因及其意义

    Genesis and significance of quartz-carbonatite in kimberlite field of southern Liaodong Peninsula

  24. 辽东半岛早及中寒武世早期生物地层

    Lower and early Middle Cambrian biostratigraphy in the Liaodong peninsula , China

  25. 辽东半岛南部盖层褶皱与构造演化

    Cover fold and structure evolution of the southern Liaodong Peninsula

  26. 影响辽东半岛的热带气旋降水分析

    The analysis of tropical cyclone precipitation affecting the Liaodong Peninsula

  27. 辽东半岛南部新元古代地层发育特征研究

    Study of the Neoproterozoic Character of Stratum Development of South Liaodong Peninsula

  28. 辽东半岛早元古宙海相拉斑玄武岩特征及其意义

    Features and significance of marine tholeiite of Early Proterozoic in Liaodong Peninsula

  29. 辽东半岛南部的石炭-二叠系界线

    The boundary between Carboniferous and Permian systems in the south of Liaodong Peninsula

  30. 辽东半岛温泉旅游现状与发展战略格局

    The current situation and development strategy of hot spring tourism on Liaodong peninsula