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  1. 人性和谐共生&辽宁机电职业技术学院图书馆及现代教育技术中心(中标)方案设计谈

    Humanity · Harmony · Symbiosis Discussion about the Design of Liaoning Machinery-Electricity Vocational Technical College library Modern Educational-Technical Center

  2. 分析、总结了辽宁机电职业技术学院在高职办学中推行职业资格证书制度的做法和经验;提出了实施职业技能鉴定与高职教育有效衔接应注意的问题。

    The necessary of effective linkage between authenticating of vocational skill and higher vocational education is discussed in the paper , and experience of Liaoning Vocational Technology College of Machinery and Electronics in conducting double-certificate-system also analyzed and some problem during conducting it put out .

  3. 在辽宁机电职业技术学院图书馆及现代教育技术中心方案中,该文从基地环境、空间序列、交通组织入手,概述了对该建筑设计过程中的一些基本思考。

    In the project design for Liaoning Machinery-Electricity Vocational-Technical College library & Modern Educational-Technical Center , the author describes some thinking and feeling in the design process of the building from the start-point of the consideration of the base environment , space sequence and traffic framework .