
guò qù le
  • It's past;pass away;die
过去了[guò qù le]
  1. 可是四个星期毕竟过去了,嘉丁纳夫妇终于带着他们的四个孩子来到浪搏恩。

    But they did pass away , and Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner , with their four children , did at length appear at Longbourn .

  2. 我实在告诉你们,即使到天地都过去了,律法的一撇或一画,也绝不能过去,直到一切都得成全。

    For truly I say to you , Until heaven and earth pass away , one iota or one serif shall by no means pass away from the law until all come to pass .

  3. 我们不会谈论那件事的——那都已经过去了。

    We won 't talk about that ─ that 's history .

  4. 这届政府的蜜月期现在已经过去了。

    The honeymoon period for the government is now over .

  5. 半年过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音讯。

    Six months passed and we still had no news of them .

  6. 事情总算全都过去了,她轻松地舒了一口气。

    She sighed with relief that it was all over .

  7. 你朝前挪一挪,我就可以挤过去了。

    If you move forward a little , I can squeeze past .

  8. 一个星期过去了,情况毫无变化。

    A week went past and nothing had changed .

  9. 我们还没来得及探讨真正的细节,时间就过去了。

    Time ran out before we could get down to the real nitty-gritty .

  10. 这次意外已经过去了,把它忘掉吧。

    The accident is behind you now , so try to forget it .

  11. 最厉害的一阵风暴过去了。

    The worst of the storm was over .

  12. 开始的时候在那里工作很有趣,但这股新鲜劲很快就过去了。

    It was fun working there at first but the novelty soon wore off .

  13. 我们以为已经轻易地把他们对付过去了。

    We thought we had them licked .

  14. 真是无聊——我是说,一个小时都过去了,什么事儿都没发生。

    It was so boring ─ I mean , nothing happened for the first hour !

  15. 日子似乎很快就过去了。

    The days seemed to race past .

  16. 这个上午转眼就过去了。

    The morning has just flashed by .

  17. 谢天谢地,事情总算过去了!

    Thank goodness that 's over !

  18. 时间一周周慢慢地过去了。

    The weeks went slowly by .

  19. 我必须在两点前赶到机场,但是时间一分一秒地过去了。

    I had to get to the airport by two , and the minutes were ticking away .

  20. 几个星期慢慢地过去了。

    The weeks crawled by .

  21. 一切都过去了。

    Everything had gone .

  22. 一个小时、两个小时过去了,他不耐烦了。

    He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another

  23. 得知自己到了哪里时,我简直要晕过去了。

    I nearly died when I learned where I was ending up

  24. 10年过去了,原先的概念仍不过时。

    Ten years on , the original concept was wearing well .

  25. 很多经济学家认为经济衰退最糟糕的时期已经过去了。

    Many economists believe the worst of the economic downturn is past .

  26. 追悔莫及的阿加西坐飞机回家面壁思过去了。

    A chastened Agassi flew home for a period of deep contemplation .

  27. 我不想再沉湎于过去了。

    I 'd rather not dwell on the past .

  28. 过去了13个月,还有24年。

    Thirteen months down , twenty-four years to go .

  29. 她44岁的生日就这样过去了,除了她自己没人注意到。

    Her forty-fourth birthday had just passed , unnoticed by all but herself .

  30. 50年过去了,这对夫妇仍然深爱着彼此。

    50 years on , the couple are still devoted to one another .