
ɡuò dù yǐn jiǔ
  • Excessive drinking;drink to excess;over-drink
  1. 过度饮酒是一种社会公害。

    Excessive drinking is a social menace .

  2. 过度饮酒显然是有害的。

    Excessive alcohol consumption is clearly bad .

  3. “二手酒”(secondhanddrinking)指某人过度饮酒之后对家人、同事、同学以及整个社会带来的一系列影响。

    Secondhand drinking ( SHD ) is a term used to describe the ripple1 effects of a person ’ s alcohol misuse2 on families , co-workers , fellow students and society at large .

  4. 可导致睾丸素水平降低的外部因素有:某些药物治疗、不良饮食、过度饮酒、疾病、缺乏睡眠、缺乏性生活、压力、或者外科手术。

    External factors that can cause testosterone levels to fall include certain forms of medication , poor diet , excessive alcohol consumption , illness , lack of sleep , lack of sex , stress , or surgery .

  5. 酒精性肝病(alcoholicliverdisease,ALD)是一种由于过度饮酒引起的中毒性肝脏疾病。

    Backgrounds and Purposes : Alcoholic liver disease ( ALD ) is one kind of toxic liver diseases resulted from overdose of ethanol intake .

  6. 二手酒(secondhanddrinking)指某人过度饮酒之后对家人、同事、同学以及整个社会带来的一系列影响。

    Secondhand drinking ( SHD ) is a term used to describe the ripple effects of a persons alcohol misuse on families , co-workers , fellow students and society at large .

  7. 长期以来慢性肝脏疾病与长期饮酒有关,但顾名思义,NAFLD发生在那些不过度饮酒的人中。

    Chronic liver disease has long been associated with long-term alcohol consumption , but as the name suggests , NAFLD is found in those who are not heavy drinkers .

  8. 对于过度饮酒怀有的强烈而持久的愿望。

    An intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess .

  9. 大学男生过度饮酒的人数并没有减少。

    There was no reduction in binge drinking for college men .

  10. 她不赞成过度饮酒和疯狂跳舞。

    She doesn 't hold with heavy drinking and wild parties .

  11. 过度饮酒的皮肤征象

    Cutaneous signs as a presenting manifestation of alcohol excess

  12. 每天饮酒4杯以上的人被定为过度饮酒。

    Four or more glasses of alcohol per day were considered heavy drinking .

  13. 医生禁止我父亲过度饮酒。

    The doctor forbade my father to drink excessively .

  14. 我力劝他不要过度饮酒。

    I exhorted him not to drink too much .

  15. 过度饮酒可致早亡。

    Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to early death .

  16. 过度饮酒对各种痴呆症没有预防作用。

    Drinking heavily did not affect overall dementia .

  17. 首先,不要过度饮酒。

    First off , avoid drinking too much .

  18. 根据家人介绍,男子在过度饮酒后,冲动之下,挥刀自宫。

    According to his family member , the man cut his penis after drinking excessive alcohol .

  19. 过度饮酒还会让一些人营养不良。

    On the other hand , over consumption of alcohol leads to under nutrition for some drinkers .

  20. 另外,过度饮酒还会引发骨质疏松因为过高的酒精含量会影响人体对钙化合物的吸收。

    Excessive drinking can contribute to osteoporosis . Heavy alcohol use is said to interfere with calcium absorption .

  21. 据《今日美国报》报道,处于青春期的女孩子过度饮酒有可能会导致晚年罹患乳腺癌。

    Teen girls drinking may link to breast cancer later in life , the USA Today reported on Saturday .

  22. 过度饮酒使他的身体每况愈下,他最终明白后便停止了酗酒。

    Too much beer and wine was ruining his life ; he finally came to his senses and stopped .

  23. 它的部分诱因是遗传因素,但荷尔蒙变化、滥用药品或是过度饮酒也可能引发抑郁症。

    The cause is partly genetic but depression may be brought on by hormonal changes , drug abuse or excessive drinking .

  24. 自2006年至2010年,8.8万人死于过度饮酒,少活了约30年。

    From 2006 through 2010 , 88000 people died from heavy alcohol use and their lives were shortened by about 30 years .

  25. 据他本人所言,他多年前开始过度饮酒的原因是喝酒可以让他摆脱口腆的天性。

    For his part , he said one reason he started drinking heavily years ago was so he could shake off his natural shyness .

  26. 因为青少年的大脑还在发育,过度饮酒可能会损害他们的智力,从而影响他们的学习能力。

    Because their brains are still developing , teens who drink excessively may be destroying some of their mental capacity - affecting their ability to learn .

  27. 另外孕妇吸烟和过度饮酒、高龄产妇逐年增多也与早产密切相关。

    Moreover pregnant woman smoking and drinks wine , the advanced age parturient woman to increase closely year by year excessively also with the premature delivery related .

  28. 结论:尽管和成年美国人群相比,过度饮酒或豪饮者比例较低,但是在医学生中也比较普遍。

    Conclusions Excessive drinking and binge drinking among US medical students is common , though somewhat less prevalent than among comparably aged adults in the US general population .

  29. 初步认为与衰老相关的主要因素为:高血压、脑血栓、糖尿病、肾炎等疾病以及过度饮酒和精神抑郁等。

    Some factors were found to be related to aging , such as hypertension , cerebral thrombosis , diabetes , nephritis , excessive drinking and mental depressiOn et al .

  30. 一位专家建议国会议员说,酒精条例应该更新了,新内容之中应该包括一项关于过度饮酒的限制,比如每天最多能喝多少。

    Alcohol guidelines should be updated to include a ' binge drinking limit ' the maximum amount that should be consumed in one day , an expert has told MPs .