
  • 网络peroxide cure
  1. 研究了均匀实验设计法在CM过氧化物硫化体系研究中的应用。

    This article was about the application of uniform design method to study of CM peroxide curing system .

  2. 探讨了采用过氧化物硫化的EPDM发泡材料的配方设计和工艺。

    The formulation and processing technology of peroxide vulcanized EPDM foam were investigated .

  3. 过氧化物硫化EPDM发泡材料的研制

    Development of peroxide - vulcanized EPDM foam

  4. 用TMPTA改善过氧化物硫化EPDM性能的研究

    Improvement of Peroxide crosslinked EPDM Properties with TMPTA

  5. 防老剂BLE对过氧化物硫化体系的防护效果较好;

    The effect of antiager BLE is good in the peroxide system .

  6. 研究了在过氧化物硫化体系中,甲基丙烯酸锌[Zn(MAA)2]和硫化剂DCP的用量对EPDM胶料性能的影响。

    The effect of the addition levels of zinc dimethacrylate [ Zn ( MAA ) 2 ] and DCP on the properties of peroxide cured EPDM was investigated .

  7. 结果表明:选用BPO过氧化物硫化天然胶时,添加3份DVB交联助剂的硫化天然胶,基本达到了硫黄硫化的基本力学性能;

    The results showed that the basic mechanical properties of NR latex cured with sulfur were achieved by using BPO peroxide as curing agent and adding 3 phr DVB coagent .

  8. 采用三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸酯(TMPTA)作共交联剂,研究其对EPDM的过氧化物硫化行为、力学性能及老化性能的影响。

    The influence of TMPTA co curing agent on the curing behavior , the physical properties and the aging properties of the peroxide cured EPDM was investigated .

  9. 当DCP和Mg(MAA)2用量分别为0.6份和30份时,由过氧化物硫化的SBR硫化胶的拉伸强度高达31.4MPa。

    The tensile strength of the SBR vulcanizates was 31.4 MPa when the DCP amount was 0.6 phr and the Mg ( MAA ) 2 amount was 30 phr . The SBR vulcanizates had good ageing resistance .

  10. 研究了在过氧化物硫化丁苯橡胶(SBR)中,过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)用量和甲基丙烯酸镁(Mg(MAA)2)用量对SBR力学性能、动态力学性能和交联结构的影响。

    The mechanical properties , dynamic mechanical properties and crosslink network structure of dicumyl peroxide ( DCP ) cured styrene butadiene rubber ( SBR ) reinforced by magnesium mathacrylate ( Mg ( MAA ) 2 ) were studied .

  11. 研究采用过氧化物硫化体系时几种硅烷偶联剂改性针状硅酸盐(FS)/SBR复合材料的物理性能,并详细探讨硅烷偶联剂改性FS补强SBR的机理。

    The fibrillar silicates ( FSs ) were modified by several silane coupling agents respectively , the physical properties of these FSs / SBR composites with peroxide curing system were investigated and the mechanism of SBR reinforced by different modified FSs was discussed in detail .

  12. 采用过氧化物硫化体系,研究了助硫化剂种类、软化剂用量及不同单螺杆挤出机制备工艺与EPDM/PP(TPV)性能的关系。

    It studied the relation between the use amount of cocuring agent and softening agent , preparation processes of different single-screw extruders and the properties of EPDM / PP by means of peroxide vulcanization system .

  13. 过氧化物硫化体系中硫化剂DCP用量为35份,甲基丙烯酸锌[Zn(MMA)2]/DCP硫化体系中Zn(MMA)2用量为10份、硫化剂DCP用量为25份时,共混物的综合性能最佳。

    And the vulcanizate with the best comprehensive properties was obtained when 3.5 phr DCP in peroxide curing system or 10 phr Zn ( MMA ) _2 and 2.5 phr DCP in Zn ( MMA ) _2 / DCP complex curing system were used .

  14. 在EPDM/白炭黑胶料的过氧化物硫化体系中,加入三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸酯(TMPTA)能够迅速提高硫化胶的交联效率,增大网络密度,缩短硫化时间;

    The improvement of peroxide crosslinked EPDM properties with trimethylolpropane triacrylate ( TMPTA ) was studied . It was found that the crosslinking rate and crosslinking density increased and the curing cycle time reduced with the addition of TMPTA in the peroxide crosslinking system for EPDM / silica compound ;

  15. 研究了树脂硫化体系、过氧化物硫化体系对TPV的硫化效果,发现酚醛树脂硫化体系是TPV的比较理想的硫化体系,经其硫化的TPV力学性能、流动性能和耐油性能均优于其它硫化体系。

    The effects of dynamic vulcanization of NBR / PP blend were investigated in three kinds of vulcanization systems ( SP1056 , phenolic resin and DCP ), respectively . The mechanical property , flow property and oil resistance were very excellent cured by phenolic resin compared with other curing system .

  16. 原位生成甲基丙烯酸镁对过氧化物硫化丁苯橡胶的增强

    Reinforcement of peroxide-cured SBR vulcanizates by methacrylic acid and magnesium oxide

  17. 有机过氧化物硫化天然胶乳的研究

    Study on Natural Rubber Latex Vulcanized by Organic Peroxide

  18. 有机过氧化物硫化胶乳的一些影响因素研究

    Study on Some Influence Factors of Natural Rubber Latex Vulcanized by Organic Peroxides

  19. 过氧化物硫化氯磺化聚乙烯的试验研究

    Study on CSM compound Cured with peroxide

  20. 过氧化物硫化氯丁橡胶的研究

    Study on Chloroprene Rubber cured with Peroxide

  21. 说明在过氧化物硫化后,橡胶与填料间的相互作用增强了。

    Thus the addition of metallic methacrylate could enhance the interaction between the fillers and rubber .

  22. 过氧化物硫化体系中,二盐基亚磷酸铅和硬脂酸铅并用的协同作用最强;

    The effect is strongest in the peroxide system when dibasic lead phosphate cooperates with zinc stearate .

  23. 最后,筛选出适合低温性能的硫化体系,发现采用过氧化物硫化体系低温性能最好。

    Finally , screening out the best curing system which is suitable for low temperature performance is peroxide curing system .

  24. 结果表明,胶料需采用过氧化物硫化体系和助交联剂,用高温硫化和二次硫化工艺。

    The results showed that the compound needed to use peroxide vulcanization system and aid cross-linker with high temperature cure and secondary cure process .

  25. 过氧化物硫化体系硫化胶综合物理机械性能稍差于复合交联体系硫化胶的,但耐天那水性能较好;

    The properties of solvent-resistance of the vulcanizates of peroxide cure system are better than muiti-crosslinking system vulcanizates , but their physical-mechanical properties are reverse .

  26. 选用不同的过氧化物硫化体系制得硫化天然胶,在此基础上探讨了不同种类及用量的交联助剂和热处理温度对硫化效果的影响。

    NR latex cured with different peroxides curing systems was made , and an effect of different varieties and different addition of coagents on curing efficiency was discussed .

  27. 甲基丙烯酸盐是一类优良的橡胶活性改性剂,它们不仅是过氧化物硫化的助交联剂,而且也是多种橡胶的补强添加剂。

    The metallic methacrylate are an effective kind of modifying agent in rubber . They are used as not only a coagent for peroxide crosslinking but a reinforcing agent for many rubber systems .

  28. 热氧老化温度为150℃时,噻二唑硫化体系的耐老化性能最好,过氧化物硫化体系次之,硫脲硫化体系较差;

    Property of aging-resistant in the thiadiazole system is the best when aging temperature is 150 ℃, but it is better in the peroxide system and is the worst in the thiourea system at this time .

  29. 考察了过氧化物硫化体系和硫黄硫化体系EPDM/1,2聚丁二烯橡胶(1,2PBR)和EPDM/BR并用胶的硫化特性、交联密度和物理性能。

    The curing behavior , the crosslinking density and the physical properties of EPDM / 1,2 PBR and EPDM / BR blends cured with the peroxide curing system and the sulfur curing system respectively were investigated .

  30. FTIR研究过氧化物预硫化天然胶乳胶膜的热老化

    Study on Thermal Aging of Peroxide Prevulcanized Natural Rubber Latex Film by FTIR