
  • 网络process quantity
  1. 一种基于广域测量系统过程量测数据的快速暂态稳定预估方法

    A Fast Transient Stability Predicting Method Based on the WAMS Process Measurement Data

  2. 本文介绍了一种基于泛布尔控制理论的可编程控制器的设计,此种控制器利用逻辑模型实现对复杂工业对象过程量的控制。

    A design of PC based on Boolean control theory is introduced in the paper .

  3. 谈力学中的三大定理与过程量、状态量的关系

    Chat in the mechanics " Three great theorems " Measure against the process 、 Condition amount relationship

  4. 由于大型望远镜中数据量大、观测中的过程量众多,系统间通信的消息机制成为了望远镜运行控制的关键环节。

    Communication between subsystems is a key aspect of telescope control because of their high data rate and numerous control variables during observations .

  5. 下位机用于设备的开关控制、温度、压力、流量等过程量的监视和控制。

    The subordinate system monitors the process variables such as temperature , pressure , flow , liquid , level , switch status and so on .

  6. 建立了模糊时间序列预测模型.提出了用模糊数表示工作空间瓦斯浓度过程量的方法。

    He forecast model of fuzzy time series is built up the method to express the gas concentration process variation in underground coal mine is proposed .

  7. 电力系统暂态仿真的模型参数不准确导致了仿真结果和实际量测的差异,限制了其在线应用,而基于动态过程量测的参数在线辨识方法是解决问题的一个途径。

    During power system transient simulation the imprecision of model parameters leads to the discrepancy between simulation results and measured results , so that the reliability of on-line transient simulation is restricted .

  8. 知识组织过程量表包括存储、编码、维护和检索4个维度,12个问题主要测量组织内隐性知识的编码、组织知识的检索、评估、更新等活动;

    KO process includes 4 dimensions , they are storage , codification , maintenance and retrieval , 12 questions focus on measuring codifying tacit knowledge , and activities of retrieving 、 assessing 、 updating knowledge . The two dimensions of KT process are absorption and diffusion .

  9. 提出基于马氏距离的改进SPE指标,统一了其与T2的量度,改善了监控效果,并将其与T2合并组成一个综合指标,减少了过程监控量。

    An improved SPE index is introduced based on Mahalanobis distance . It is consistent with the T2 index in measuring unit and enhances the monitoring performance . Furthermore , to reduce the monitoring workload , an overall index is developed by combining the improved index and T2 index .

  10. 但DDMI目前采用的应用软件识别方法非常复杂,其过程计算量庞大,数据结构凌乱,并存在较大概率的识别错误。

    But the application software identification method of DDMI is very complex , the calculation of process is huge , the data structure is messy , and still has a high probability recognition error .

  11. 焦炭生产过程排污量测算方法探讨

    Probes into the Method of Discharge Calculation and Estimation in Coke Production

  12. 推导出了恒压充电过程充电量的计算公式。

    An equation for calculating the input capacity during constant-voltage charging process is also derived .

  13. 在对发酵过程生物量进行软测量混合建模的过程中,为构建更有效的混合模型,需要对混合模型的组成结构和形式进行划分。

    Therefore , it 's an effective approach to estimate the biomass on-line using the hybrid modeling method in fermentation process .

  14. 首先对影响通风系统故障过程特征量进行了定义;

    The present paper aims to define the characteristic features that may influence its failures process of the coal mine ventilation firstly ;

  15. 在分析发酵过程生物量软测量机理模型结构的基础上,定义了模型复杂度;

    On the basis of analysing structure of biomass soft-sensor mechanism model in fermentation process , this paper defined complexity of model ;

  16. 纺织工业空调排水占整个纺织生产过程排水量的90%。

    The wastewater due to air-conditioning from textile industry amounts to90 % of the total , which is usually drained off without reuse .

  17. 基于有限元的绝缘子污闪模型计算高压绝缘子污闪过程特征量的分类和判别

    Calculation of Contaminated Insulator Model Based on Limited Element Method Clustering and Discriminating of Typical Characteristics of High Voltage Contaminated Insulator During Flashover

  18. 整个干预过程采用量表、访谈、观察、反馈等手段进行定量和定性研究。

    The whole intervention process employed quantitative and qualitative research though scale test facilities , interviews , observations , feedback from group members .

  19. 电解生产铝的工艺过程耗电量大,如何减低电耗是目前铝厂提高经济效益的关键。

    Since power consumption is greatly high during the Aluminum electrolysis process , power consumption reduction helps to improve economic efficiency of aluminum plant .

  20. 依据流动子过程特征量分析方法,导出了高超声速化学反应流动的相似律。

    According to the analyzing method of characteristic quantities for flow 's sub processes , this paper presents a law of similitude for hypersonic chemical reaction flows .

  21. 为了降低冶炼过程渣量,应采取如下措施:选择好还原剂配比、实现白钨矿在冶炼前期的快速还原和使用部分返回钢冶炼。

    It is suggested that suitable ratio of reductants , fast reaction at early period of smelting process and addition of returning steel be applied for decreasing slag amount .

  22. 为了方便企业甄选所需要的高级管理人才,本文就高级职业经理人胜任特质评定量表的编制过程及其量表的结构分析做一报告。

    To meet enterprises ' need to select executives , the report gave a description of making of an assessment scale of senior managers ' competence and of the structure analysis of the scale .

  23. 从而为更详尽和更深入地了解石油污染,研究溢油风化过程残留量预报和归宿提供了丰富的信息。

    It provided the great information for understanding the marine oil pollution in more detail and deeply studying the weathering processes of oil spilled , prediction of the residuary amount and fate of it .

  24. 该算法利用小波分解减少图像整体的搜索空间,采用区域生长和链表查询相结合的方式以及相关算法优化处理妥善解决认证过程计算量大、时间过长的问题。

    The algorithm uses wavelet decomposition to reduce the overall image search space , makes use of region growing , list-query and some optimizations to solve the problem of large amount of calculation and long time in the authentication process .

  25. 首先从通用性虚拟铣削过程变形量快速分析技术的需求出发,研究了薄壁基本元素的典型类别和相应的变形算法,在此基础上构建了基本元素及变形算法库。

    The new method computes the deformation of thin-walled component rapidly with analytical algorithms and analyzes the deformation at key position accurately with FEM . For this requirement , typical thin-wall elements in peripheral milling and the analytical deformation algorithms for them are studied .

  26. 在此基础上,基于线性回归方法建立了焊接接头落锤质量和焊接过程特征量之间的关系方程,利用该方程,可以对接头的焊接质量进行预测和评判。

    At last , the equation , which is about the relation between the tie-in quality and the characters in welding process , is established by using the linear regress . Using this equation , the quality of tie-in can be forecasted and evaluated .

  27. 黄金珠链作为黄金首饰中最为畅销的首饰品种之一,由球壳和连接件串连而成,经模具加手工方式制作,制作过程用工量大且质量难以保证。

    As one of the best-selling gold jewelry , gold beads are linked from the spherical shell to connected series and made by the hands of the workshop , and its processing needs a large amount of the production process and the quality is difficult to be guaranteed .

  28. 维生素C二步发酵混菌培养过程中需氧量的考察

    Studies on oxygen demand during fermentation with mixed-strains for two-step technology of vitamin C

  29. P(204)Li在有机相形成反向胶束过程的微量量热法研究

    Microcalorimetric Study on the Formation of Reversed Micell in P_ ( 204 ) Li Organic Phase

  30. 因此,只有在浅水区才能根据N和V~n的正相关程度判别再悬浮过程在含沙量变化中的相对重要性。

    Thus , only in shallow area can the maximum positive N-Vn correlation tell the relative importance ot resuspension in SPM concentration change with time .