
  • 网络Mindray
  1. 例如迈瑞有限公司(MindrayMedicalInternational)曾经是从事医院和诊所用的诊断设备制造的,这就足够了。

    Once upon a time , it was enough , for example , for Mindray Medical International ( MR , news ) to be in the business of making diagnostic equipment for hospitals and clinics .

  2. 波士顿咨询公司本月早些时候发布的一份报告显示,这些公司包括电器供应商海尔集团、科技公司小米集团和医疗设备供应商迈瑞医疗国际有限公司。

    These include electric appliances provider Haier Group Corp , tech firm Xiaomi Corp , and medical equipment provider Mindray Medical International Ltd , according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group earlier this month .