
  • 网络Sports Injury;Athletic injuries
  1. 运动损伤(sportsinjury)指在体育运动中,造成人体组织或器官在解剖上的破坏和生理上的紊乱。

    The sports injury refers to the destruction in dissection and the physiological disorder of the body tissue or organ in sports .

  2. 近年来,由交通事故、高处坠落和运动损伤等因素导致的SCI患者数量日渐增多,多发生于青壮年人群中。

    For the past few years , the patients with SCI to increase gradually by traffic accident , high crash and sports injury .

  3. 运动损伤的应激反应与康复的PST干预策略

    Post-injury Emotional Response and PST Intervention Strategy on Rehabilitation

  4. 脊髓外伤的主要原因是交通事故(45.4%),少部分是高处坠落(16.8%)和运动损伤(16.3%)引起,在我国因矿难事故而致SCI数也是惊人的。

    The primary cause of SCI is road accident ( 45.4 % ), and other causes include falling from high locality and athletic injury whereas the SCI caused by colliery accident is striking in China .

  5. 从而得出SNPs有助于基因选材、运动损伤治疗、训练方案及营养方案的改进,从而提高运动成绩及大众健身水平的提高。

    Conclusion : SNPs can help gene selection of athletes , treating athletic injuries , training plans and nutrition programs so as to promote the public health level and athletic performance .

  6. 高校学生常见运动损伤的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Common Sports Injuries of College Students

  7. 对我国自行车运动员运动损伤及其规律的研究

    Study on China Cyclists ' Sport Injuries and it 's Regulation

  8. 对投掷运动员运动损伤的调查分析与预防措施的研究

    Investigation Research on Preventing Methods of Sport Injuries of Throwing Athletes

  9. 广西古典式摔跤运动员运动损伤调查分析

    A Survey on Sports Injury of Classic Style Wrestlers in Guangxi

  10. 自由式滑雪空中技巧运动损伤及预防

    The Injuries and Their Precautions In Air acrobatics in Freestyle Skiing

  11. 我国健将级女子标枪运动员运动损伤非技术性因素的调查分析

    Study on Non-technical Injury Factors of Chinese Elite Female Javelin Throwers

  12. 警体运动损伤预防机制的研究

    A Research on the Sports Injuries Prevention System at Policemen School

  13. 像他这样的人运动损伤后就需要承担天大的手术负担。

    A big burden for someone with chromic injuries like his .

  14. 中国优秀竞技健美操运动员运动损伤特征分析

    The Chinese is Excellent Tournament Aerobics Athlete Sport Hurt Characteristic Analysis

  15. 五人制足球运动员运动损伤分析和对策研究

    Sport Injuries Analysis Suffered for Futsal Sport and Treatment Strategy Research

  16. 山东省6所高校大学生田径运动员运动损伤调查

    Research on sports injuries in college athlete students in Shandong province

  17. 火针、激光火针在慢性运动损伤中的应用

    Application of Fire-Needle and Laser Fire-Needle in Chronic Athletic Injury

  18. 排球专项运动损伤情况的探讨

    The Research about the Situation of Volleyball Specialized Movement Injury

  19. 青海4所高校大学生体育运动损伤情况调查分析

    The investigation of College students ′ sports injury in 4 Qinghai Universities

  20. 高校男生运动损伤原因与对策研究

    The Causes and Countermeasures of Sports injury of the College Male Students

  21. 引发短道速滑运动损伤的心理因素及预防

    The mental factors cause speed skating sport injury and prevention

  22. 鹅足区运动损伤的解剖学基础

    Anatomical Basis of the Sports Injury in the Regio Anserine

  23. 体育教学中减少运动损伤有效途径的研究

    Effective Ways to Reduce the Physical Injury in PE Teaching

  24. 人格特征对棒球运动员运动损伤的影响

    The Influence of Personality on Sports Injuries Among Baseball Athletes

  25. 膝关节运动损伤的生物力学探讨

    A study on biomechanics of athletic injuries in the knee

  26. 处理与康复对策主要有:1、运动损伤的处理方法。

    Treatment and rehabilitation measures are : 1 , sports injury treatment .

  27. 左膝发生运动损伤的可能性不大。

    But there is little possibility of injury in the left knee .

  28. 排球运动损伤及预防的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Injury and Prevention in Volleyball Sports

  29. 运动损伤的项群特点初探

    Initial exploration of features of group events of sport injury

  30. 运动损伤在体育运动中是经常发生的,也是不可避免的。

    Sports Injuries in sport are frequent , and it is inevitable .