- modern-style poetry;"modern style" poetry, referring to innovations in classical poetry during the Tang Dynasty , marked by strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes;the Tang Dynasty modern style poetry

[the Tang Dynasty modern style poetry] 指唐代形成的律诗和绝句,句数、字数、平仄、用韵等都比古体诗严格
This poems in general show a freshly and smoothly style .
The syntax characteristics of " modern style " poetry and teaching advice
The Influence of Foreign Culture on the Birth of Chinses Rhymed Poetry
The Form and Modern Sense of Modern Style Poetry
Research on the Rhymes in the Former Five South China Poets ' Modern-Style Poetry
On the sheets were seven or eight modern poems written in a familiar tone .
A Study on Japanese Rhythmical Poems in Chinese Style and the Application of Four tone Words
Rhymes in the former can be devided into twenty rhyme sections , and are very regular ;
From the viewpoint of the phonology , we emend the words in different editions of Liu 's poems .
As for Su 's poem creation , the thesis mainly probes into his poem style and creating method of Lv Shi .
His poetry on the later has an important role in promoting in recent poetry , plays the past and the function of landscape poetry .
The rhymed poetry in the Tang Dynasty found its origin in the ' Yong Ming Style ' which took shape under the influence of the Budda culture from India .
Being in an advantageous position ," Four Literary Friends " played a positive role in the popularization of modern style poetry in that specific political climate and cultural background .
The author in the paper discusses some ways of using the syntactic rhetoric to produce the partial whole musical beauty of the Tang Dynasty " modern style " ancient style poetry .
Rhetoric is one of the major concerns of the study of the poems by Du Fu , an eptomizer of the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and a poet skilful at " modern style " poetry .
Through analysis and comparison , this paper argues that , Liang , Chen period many poets , in the practice of poetry creation by sun life rhythm demands influence , his poetry and for future generations of modern style poetry styling text evidence .
Using comparative method , Excerpt of Poems in the Tang Dynasty selects modern style poems , from early stage of the Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties , to analyse and comment respectively . The poems are mainly from middle and late Tang Dynasty .
This paper discusses those special syntax-rhetoric strategies for lyricism in Tang Poetry , focusing on the relationship between lyricism in modern-style poetry in Tang dynasty and application of some special function words and sentence modes , and on the syntax-rhetoric modes of ancient-style poetry in Tang dynasty .
It is known that the poets of the southern dynasties period began to concern about the art and technique of the poetry , and they have accumulated a wealth of experience on the Creation of Poetry for the future generations , which also established the base for Modern-style poems .