
huán yuán jì
  • reducing agent;reductant;deoxidizer
  1. 介绍了具有探索性意义的处理锰结核的新型还原剂BR法、三相氧化法。

    The exploring processes of using BR as a novel reductant and3-phases oxidation method were introduced .

  2. 研究了以硼氢化钠为还原剂的金刚石表面化学镀Ni工艺,重点探讨了镀液主要工艺参数对沉积速度的影响,获得了最佳工艺条件:硼氢化钠1.0g/L;

    Process for electroless plating nickel on diamond using sodium borohydride as reductant was studied , and effect of parameters on deposition rate of nickel was investigated .

  3. 柴油机NOx催化器还原剂添加方案优选

    Optimization of Reductant Adding Scheme for Diesel NO _x Catalyst

  4. 这个化学反应中,Cu起到还原剂的作用。

    In this chemical reaction , Cu plays the role of the reducing agent .

  5. 而维生素C是一种生物还原剂,由于其自身无毒无害等优势,能更有效地处理Cr(Ⅳ)的污染。

    Vitamin C is a nontoxic bio-reductant , which can be effectively used in Cr ( VI ) disposal .

  6. 金属还原剂热蒸发法合成ZnO微/纳米材料

    Synthesizing of ZnO Micro / Nanostructures by Thermal Vapor Method with Metallic Reducing Agents

  7. 价格上还原剂A高于还原剂B,出于成本考虑,选择B作为还原剂。

    As the reducing agent A price is higher than the reducing agent B , we choice reducing agent B as the reducing agent .

  8. 采用不同的前驱物,以水合肼为还原剂制备了不同形貌的纳米Cu2O。

    The Cu2O nanocrystals of different morphologies were prepared using hydrazine hydrate as the reducing agent .

  9. 用无盐还原剂还原Np(Ⅵ)的研究

    Reduction of np (ⅵ) to np (ⅴ) by salt free reductants

  10. 各种还原剂对Cu,Zn-SOD的失活和还原作用

    Reduction and inactivation of cu , zn-sod by various reducing agents

  11. 研究采用以硼氢化钠为还原剂的化学镀镍溶液,在电子陶瓷基体上镀覆了Ni-B合金镀层。

    A Ni B alloy coating bas been plated on electronic ceramic body in chemical nickel plating solution by use of natrium borohydride as a reducer .

  12. 研究了光、热、pH、金属离子、食品添加剂、氧化还原剂等对姜黄色素稳定性的影响。

    The effect of light , heat , pH , metallic ions , food additives , oxidant and reductant on the stability of curcumin were studied .

  13. 使用还原剂A、B两种体系制备的铜粉均具有一定的抗氧化性,但如果需要长时间保存,必须进行抗氧化处理。

    The copper powder make by reducing agents A and B have some oxidation resistance , but if long time preserved is need , ti need some especial deal with .

  14. 通过比较和分析,最终提出了采用FeSO4作为还原剂处理含铬废水,氧化还原反应pH调节范围扩大,运行安全系数提高;

    Through analysis and comparison , it is concluded that using FeSO_4 as reducing agent could broaden pH adjusting range of oxidation-reduction reaction and improve safety of operation ;

  15. 以自制Co(OH)2为原料,乙二醇为溶剂和还原剂,制得了分散性好的球形超细钴粉。

    The ultrafine spheric Co powder with good dispersity was prepared with Co ( OH ) _2 being the raw material and glycol being the solvent and reductant .

  16. 以NiSO4为施镀主盐,次亚磷酸钠为还原剂研究了化学镀法在工件表面获得良好性能的NiPZrO2镀层的工艺。

    Using NiSO_4 as dissolving salt , NaH_2PO_4 as reductant in the solution , the process of electroless plating of Ni-P-ZrO_2 alloy was studied .

  17. 二甲醚在作为替代燃料的同时,也可以作为还原剂催化还原排气中的NOX。

    DME is not only an alternative fuel , but also can be used as reductant for catalytic reduction of NOX .

  18. 从CO和H2两类还原剂出发,综述了烟气直接催化还原脱硫的主要研究成果。

    Starting from CO and H 2 as two reducing agents , the main investigation merits of FGD by direct catalytic reduction are described .

  19. 研究了以肼为还原剂、氨为配合剂的六方BN微颗粒表面化学镀纯镍反应新体系。

    A new chemical plating system for hexagonal boron nitride particles with hydrazine as the reductive agent was studied .

  20. 采用松木碳为载体和水合肼为还原剂,通过化学还原沉积法制得Pt/C和PtCr/C催化剂。

    The Pt / C and PtCr / C catalysts were prepared by chemical reduction deposition , using pine carbon as support and hydrazine hydrate as reducing agent .

  21. 现阶段,主要采用32.5%的尿素水溶液作为还原剂释放出NH3。

    At this stage , 32.5 % urea solution is used as a reductant to release NH3 .

  22. 文章最后探讨了地沥青及油浸砂岩(主要还原剂为CH4)具有还原作用能力的热力学机理。

    The reduction thermodynamics mechanism of the land-bitumen and oil-soaked sandstone ( take CH4 as reductant ) is also discussed .

  23. 采用水合联氨或次亚磷酸氢钠作还原剂,分别在酒石酸钾钠和氨的配合体系中镀覆球形氢氧化镍,对一定金属钴镀覆量下的产物进行了XRD和SEM分析与观测。

    Cobalt was deposited on spherical nickel hydroxide by electroless plating , using hydrazine or sodium hypophosphite as reductive agent and ammonia or potassium sodium tartrate as complexing agent , respectively .

  24. 研究Co-P合金化学镀工艺,测定金属盐、还原剂和络合剂浓度、pH值以及温度对镀速的影响;测定了合金镀层的成分和结构。

    Electroless Co-P process are investigated . Effects of concentration of metallic salts , reducing agents and complexing agents , PH value and temperature on depositing rate as well as composition and structure of deposits are determined .

  25. 利用CTS为稳定剂和柠檬酸钠为还原剂,在微波辐射条件下绿色合成纳米银/壳聚糖(Ag/CTS)复合溶胶。

    Nano-Ag / CTS complex sols were synthesized by microwave heating using sodium citrate as reductant and CTS as protectant .

  26. 实验结果表明:还原剂、溶剂、P/V、干燥条件及焙烧温度都对VPO催化剂的物理性质有影响。

    The results showed : reductive agent , solvent P / V ratio , condition of drying and temperature of calcination had influence over the physical properties of VPO catalysts .

  27. 在测定炉水中SiO2含量时,对硅钼兰比色法中还原剂进行了改进。

    In the determination of SiO_2 in furnace water , the reductant of silicon-molybdenum blue colorimetric method , 1-2-4 sulfonic acid was replaced by ascorbic acid .

  28. 为了在中高烟温段同时净化NOx,研究了肼类物质作为还原剂在中、高温段对NOx的净化效果,并同氨的还原性能进行了比较。

    Secondly , De-NOx effect with hydrazine-based compounds as reductants at moderate to high temperatures was examined and the results were compared with having ammonia as reductant .

  29. 开发了一种以NH3为还原剂、选择性催化还原氮氧化物的负载铜低温催化剂。

    An alumina-supported copper catalyst for selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) of NOx with NH_3 at low temperature was developed .

  30. 一种类似盐的化合物(CaH),用作还原剂和氢的来源。

    A salt-like compound ( CaH2 ) used as a reducing agent and source of hydrogen .