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  1. 凡是新的信息就添进表中。

    Any new information will be inserted .

  2. DB2Load是将大量数据从平面文件、磁带或命名管道装载进DB2表的另一种方法。

    DB2 Load is another means to load huge quantities of data from flat files , tapes , or named pipes into DB2 tables .

  3. 把得分写进履历表将会很好。

    It will be nice to have that on my resume .

  4. 对于本系列的场景,所有客户数据将同时填充进数据库表中。

    For the purposes of this exercise , all customer data will be populated in the database table at once .

  5. Susan是营销部门的一位规划师,她在每天晚上需要将从商店收到的新数据装载进PRODUCTSALES表,从而判断新的销售趋势。

    Susan , a planner in the marketing department , needs to load the PRODUCT_SALES table with new data she receives from the department stores every night in order to determine new buying trends .

  6. 这是之前的RDB无法做到的,RDB一般是通过将XML数据放进特定的表结构中来存储XML数据,而且只是简单地将数据作为大型字符串来处理。

    This is in contrast to previous RDBs , which usually stored XML data by fitting it into a specified table structure , and simply handling the data as a large character string .

  7. 系统既解决了长期传统进户验表收费的难题,又为城市安全供气与管理创造了优越条件。

    It resolve not only traditional checking and counting by doors , but superiority condition for the city gas supplying and management .

  8. 面谈结束后,人力资源部主管或经理将面谈结果填进职位申请表的相关栏中。

    After the conversation , the director or manager of HR Department fills the interview results into the relevant columns of the post application form .

  9. 然而在现实应用中,把多张表中的数据挤压进一张表需要花费大量的心思和工夫,而且还可能造成信息的丢失。

    But for most real-word applications , squeezing data from multiple relations into a single table requires much thought and effort and can lead to loss of information .

  10. 从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。

    Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year .

  11. 他勒住马自己走进来。具有步进马达的石英表

    He drew up his horse and came in quartz with step motor watch

  12. 是的,把得分写进我的履历表将会更好。

    Yes , it will be nicer to have that on my resume .

  13. 具有步进马达的石英表

    Quartz with step motor watch

  14. 考查了床层温度、进料浓度、表观气速和吸附剂粒径对吸附性能的影响。

    The effects of bed temperature , input concentration , apparent gas speed , and absorbent grain size on the absorption performance were studied .

  15. 在程序设计方面,设计了步进电机相序循环表,通过软件有效地防止了步进电机乱步的出现。

    As to programming , we planned a cycle-table of the phase sequence for the step motor to prevent the appearance of the phase disorder of the step motor .