
  • 网络poe;Power over Ethernet
  1. M-BUS总线的远程供电及拓扑构成

    Remote Supply and Topology of M-BUS

  2. M-BUS总线具有显著的优点,如任意拓扑结构、总线极性可互换、远程供电等。

    M-BUS has significant advantages , such as arbitrary topology , exchange of bus polarity , remote power supply .

  3. 角的100米电缆远程供电使得网络建设更方便;

    PTE remote power supply with100m cable makes network construction more convenient ;

  4. 高压输电线作为远程供电传输线路,它的安全稳定运行就显得尤为重要。

    It is particularly important to keep power lines safe and stable while long-distance high-voltage electricity transmission is ongoing .

  5. 本文采用市电+直流远程供电方式解决小灵通基站供电问题。

    The thesis adopts " commercial power and DC remote power supply " to resolve the problem of PAS cell station power supply .

  6. 针对高速公路监控摄像机远程供电困难的问题,结合环保、节能的原则,设计了监控摄像机太阳能供电系统,详细介绍太阳能供电设计方案,并进行了实例计算,最后对本文进行了总结。

    Aiming at difficulty of power supply to monitoring camera at long distance on freeway , the paper designs a system for solar power supply to monitoring camera , minutely introduces the design schemes for solar power supply , computs by example and sums up them at last .

  7. 本论文设计及架构了一套远程光供电及光操控传感系统,论文讨论及分析了系统的绝大部分设计。

    This thesis presents a remote-optically powered and controlled sensor platform , and it also discusses and analyses most of designs in the system .

  8. 远程抄表技术带给供电企业用电管理的革新

    Renovation of Power Supply Management from Remote Meter-reading Technology

  9. 磁保持理想的远程应用的连续供电的设备不能使用,如灌溉系统。

    Magnetic Latching-Ideal for remote applications where continuously powered devices can 't be used , such as irrigation systems .