
yuǎn jù
  • long distance;tele-
远距[yuǎn jù]
  1. 并联电抗器对远距输电的影响

    Effect of parallel reactors on long distance transmission

  2. 正弦条码在远距高程定位中的应用

    Application of sinusoidal bar code in the distance and height positioning over long distance

  3. 本研究评估选择性PCI患者,远距缺血预处理减轻心肌肌钙蛋白I释放的能力。

    This study assessed the ability of remote ischemic preconditioning to attenuate cardiac troponin I release after elective PCI .

  4. 光纤线缆的分布渗透则比不上铜线的,除了远距应用和高EMI环境。

    Optical cables are far less ubiquitous than copper is , except for long-haul applications and high-EMI environments .

  5. 用激光作为信号的载波,FSO能够在远距离间提供一个无线的,高带宽的通信链路。

    With a laser as a signal carrier , FSO can provide a long-distance communication link with wireless and broadband data transmission .

  6. 该硬件系统综合了CiscoSystems公司的无线Internet技术和NI公司高性能的DAQ,同时具有携带方便,免于布线,采样速率高,易于实现远距或异地遥测数据分析等优点。

    This system combines wireless Internet technology of the Cisco Systems Corp. with National Instruments ' extensive DAQ capabilities . Simultaneously , it is portable , free of running cable , high sample rate , and easy to make remote access , measurement and analysis .

  7. 本文以此为出发点,提出了两种新的远距同源检测方法:1)通过分析局部比对核算法,提出了基于片段对的局部比对核方法DLA(DivideLocalAlignment)。

    Aiming at it , this thesis presents two methods for remote homology detection : 1 ) A local alignment kernel method based on segment pair which named DLA ( Divide Local Alignment ) is proposed in this thesis by analyzing the theory of local alignment kernel .

  8. 在非SSJ条件下,当导引头接收天线处远距支援干扰(SOJ)强于目标回波信号时,SOJ会引入较大的天线指向偏差。

    A large antenna directional bias would be introduced by support jamming at the antenna which intensity was bigger than target echo signal under non-SSJ .

  9. 介绍了基于DTMF远距有线遥控器的功能,给出了遥控器的硬件电路,软件结构及模块程序功能,实现了远距有线遥控。

    The function of wire remote controller based on DTMF is introduced . The circuit of hardware , the structure of software and the function of modularization procedure are given . The wire remote control has been realized .

  10. 井下核子皮带秤高抗干扰远距信号接收器

    Remote Signal Receiver of High Anti-interference for Underground Belt Nucleonic Scale

  11. 关于远距空空武器系统及其火力控制的探讨

    Discussion on the Long-Range Air-to-Air Weapon System and its Fire Control

  12. 问题:某人进入远距传送装置后能存活吗?

    Question : Does a person survive entering the teletransporter ?

  13. 关键词:心电图、远距医疗、传真系统。

    Keywords : electrocardiogram , remote monitoring , facsimile system .

  14. 我们能访问远距中国的其它国家。

    We can visit other countries far away from China .

  15. 试论电视信号的远距接收

    A tentative analysis of reception of the television sign in the distance

  16. 机器人视觉用双远距型傅立叶变换透镜

    Development of Double Long-Distance Fourier Transform Lens for Robot Vision

  17. 采用蒙特卡洛法对远距引导效能进行计算。

    The efficiency is calculated by using Monte Caro method .

  18. 我认为本课程适合利用远距教学进行。

    The distance-learning mode is suitable for this particular course .

  19. 但远距施力只是原力的其中一种形式。

    But telekinesis is just one type of Force power .

  20. 发展跨国际华语文远距教学与电脑媒体教学。

    Develop transnational Chinese language and culture distance learning and multimedia education .

  21. 在室内,利用远距光学显微镜系统对膨胀土裂隙进行了连续拍照观测,建立了非饱和膨胀土的裂隙概化模型。

    Generalized model of fissures distribution for unsaturated expansive soils is put forward .

  22. 远距离开车上班方式需要逐步结束;

    Commuting long distances in cars to work needs to be phased out .

  23. 分域高速远距继电器压电式加速度传感器在高冲击环境下的零漂分析

    Multi-zone high-speed distance relay Analyse Zero-drifts of the Piezoelectric Accelerometer in Rapid Impact

  24. 基于框架的远距红外桥梁目标识别

    A Recognition Algorithm Based on Knowledge Framework for Long range Infrared Bridge Images

  25. 远距实境无疑也会产生新的挑战。

    Undoubtedly tele-immersion will pose new challenges as well .

  26. 远距感受器远距感受器大位移电涡流传感器测量电路的设计

    Design of Testing Circuit for Large-distance Eddy Current Sensor

  27. 利用量子计算网络实现量子远距传态

    Realization of Quantum Teleportation by Quantum Computing Network

  28. 颜色的远距非接触测量及仪器

    Remote Non-Contact Measurement on Color and its Instrument

  29. 歼击机远距引导效能研究

    A Research On Fighter 's Long-distance Guidance Efficiency

  30. 远距红外图像中桥梁目标识别方法研究

    Research on Bridge Recognition in Long-Range Infrared Images