
  1. 连云港港疏港航道整治工程测量控制工作探讨

    Discussion on Control Survey for Waterway Regulation Works for Lianyungang Port

  2. 连云港港附近水域船舶定线制的研究

    Research on Ships ' Routeing System in the Adjacent Waters Off LianYunGang Port

  3. 连云港港庙岭三期试验区围堤工程施工

    Construction of Retaining Dike for Pilot Area in Phase ⅲ of Miaoling Port Complex of Lianyungang Port

  4. 本文结合《连云港港总体规划》,对连云港南北两翼港址开发进行研究。

    Based on the " overall planning Lianyungang port ," this article analysis the development of the northern and southern flanks of Lianyungang .

  5. 本文选取了日照港、青岛港和连云港港三个港口进行评价,并对评价结果进行了分析。

    This text chooses and estimates three ports : Rizhao port , Qingdao port , LianYungang port , and analyzes the result of estimation .

  6. 优越的地理位置,良好的自然条件,使连云港港成为我国及国际的水运主通道、陆运主骨架的重要结点和沿海的主枢纽港之一。

    With ascendant geographic situation and sound natural condition , Lianyungang port has become the important node of domestic and international water channels and key junction of land transportation and one of main coastal hub-port .

  7. 内河港口在国民经济和社会发展中具有重要作用,连云港港是中国的十大港口之一,华东地区枢纽港。

    Inland ports play an important role in national economy and social development . Lianyungang Port is one of the top ten ports in china , and also the hub port in eastern china area .

  8. 本文尝试将RFID技术引入远港物流中心的仓储管理系统,目的是借此对连云港远港物流中心仓储管理系统的合理性和有效性起到一定的指导及促进作用。

    This article attempts to RFID technology into the far port logistics warehouse management system , the purpose is far from Lianyungang port logistics warehouse management system , reasonable and effective to play a guiding and facilitating role .

  9. 连云港深水港建设中有关淤泥质海岸的水力、泥沙和环境问题的研究

    Hydrodynamic Characteristics , Sediments and Environment Problems on the Muddy Coast in the Construction of Lianyungang Deep Water Harbour

  10. 近海与长江之间集装箱航运船队的发展研究连云港深水港建设中有关淤泥质海岸的水力、泥沙和环境问题的研究

    Research on the Development of Containership Fleets among Coast ad the Yangtze River Ports Hydrodynamic Characteristics , Sediments and Environment Problems on the Muddy Coast in the Construction of Lianyungang Deep Water Harbour

  11. 利用γ-密度仪研究连云港庙岭煤港池的淤泥固结规律

    The siltation investigation in Lianyun harbour by using γ - ray density gauge