
  • 网络Emirate of Dubai
  1. 债务持有人以及迪拜酋长国自身的资产价值更有可能得到保护。

    Value is more likely to be preserved for debtholders and for the emirate itself .

  2. 投资者现在知道,迪拜酋长国是有偿付能力的,而且也会对酋长国及其企业区别对待。

    Investors now know that the state is solvent , and to distinguish between the emirate and its institutions .

  3. 这座建筑在2010年1月启用,而仅仅数周之前,迪拜酋长国刚刚宣布暂停偿还主要源于光彩夺目的房地产项目的债务。

    The building opened in January 2010 , just weeks after the emirate announced a standstill on debts largely incurred on glitzy property projects .

  4. 但在阿拉伯联合酋长国成员国之一的迪拜酋长国,男人是不允许穿着女子服装的。

    Men are not allowed to dress in women 's clothing in Dubai , one of seven emirates that makes up the United Arab Emirates .

  5. 在SKF的一百多年的庆祝活动,他还参观了迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国。

    In the celebration of SKF hundred years , he also visited Dubai , United Arab Emirates .

  6. 迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国–正当全球市场经历着迪拜债务危机的冲击时,这个一度火爆的城市国家的统治者离开城市前往沙漠中的皇宫参加一个重要的会议。

    DUBAI , United Arab Emirates – As world markets absorbed the shock of Dubai 's debt crisis , the ruler of the once-booming city-state left town for an important meeting in a desert palace .

  7. 迪拜从阿拉伯联合酋长国央行得到的100亿美元现金注资,缓解了人们的担忧:这个挣扎中的酋长国,是否有能力偿还将于今年底到期的130亿美元债务。

    Dubai 's $ 10bn cash injection from the United Arab Emirates ' central bank has eased concerns about the struggling emirate 's ability to make good on $ 13bn in debt payments due by the end of this year .

  8. 因此,那份表明重组迪拜世界债务意图的仓促声明,激起了投资者对迪拜酋长国偿付能力的担忧。

    The botched announcement of the intention to restructure Dubai World 's debts therefore stoked fears about the solvency of the city-state .