
  1. Fox昨日(5月17日)发布了该剧回归版的全集预告片,看到原班人马悉数回归,当年追剧的感觉又回来了。

    Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival1 series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels .

  2. 然而,他们却很愿意很骄傲地公布他们订阅者的人数,这些人被称为“追剧飙客”(bingeracer)有840万Netflix用户入选“追剧飙客”,他们在24小时之内看完一整季的电视剧。

    One thing , however , that they 'll proudly unveil is the number of subscribers who have succumbed to the ever-present allure of what they 've termed the ' binge racer ' , with a staggering 8.4 million having consumed an entire series within 24 hours .

  3. 奈飞公布最受“追剧飙客”欢迎的20部剧

    Netflix reveals top 20 series binge watched in first 24 hours

  4. 在追剧之前看看原著小说的话会很有意思。

    It 's really interesting when you read the novel before watching the movie .

  5. 电影公司同样在设法招揽奈飞公司和“葫芦”视频网站所攻陷的喜欢“追剧”的观众。

    Studios are also trying to capitalize on the " binge-watching " audiences captured by Netflix and Hulu .

  6. 第四季上周刚出,打那以后,我就(目不转睛地)开启追剧模式了。

    Season 4 came out last week , and my eyes have been glued to the screen ever since .

  7. 就算人们知道他们不该这样,他们已很难抵抗不断追剧的渴望了。

    Even though people know they should not , they have difficulty resisting the desire to watch episodes continuously .

  8. 奥利维娅·科尔曼、吉莲·安德森及艾玛·科林领衔主演,这部剧唤起了不少忠实粉丝的追剧热情。

    Starring Olivia Coleman , Gillian Anderson and Emma Corrin , the show has gained a significant following of loyal fans .

  9. 对于音乐爱好者而言,只要追剧,你就能跟上最新的流行音乐潮流。

    For music lovers , just by watching " Glee , " you can keep up with the latest trends in pop music .

  10. 下面是我们为您提供的秋季即将上映的热播剧追剧指南,请根据个人喜好,制定你的观影计划吧!

    Here , we list a few of the most anticipated new series this fall . Decide for yourself and plan your viewing accordingly .

  11. 在江苏省,一名孕妇过度沉迷,因为追剧到深夜而且进食了过量的炸鸡差点流产了。

    In Jiangsu , a pregnant woman nearly suffered a miscarriage from binge watching the show late into the night and eating too much fried chicken .

  12. 颜值高成为很多粉丝追剧的原因,尤其是风度翩翩的帅哥钟汉良(40岁)和大美女唐嫣(31岁)。

    Many fans follow the series because of all the pretty faces , especially stunner Tiffany Tang , 31 , and the well-dressed Wallace Chung , 40 .

  13. 不同于其他的长篇剧集,这部76集的清代古装剧《甄嬛传》自播出以来一路火爆,不断有新观众加入追剧阵营。。

    Unlike other long TV series , Legend of Zhen Huan , the 76-episode Qing dynasty drama series , has kept attracting new audiences along the way .

  14. 抖森在获奖感言中提到,他帮到了追剧的驻南苏丹工作人员,此番言论在社交媒体招致批评。

    The Night Manager star drew censure on social media for a speech in which he referred to aid workers in South Sudan " binge-watching " the programme .

  15. 心理学教授马诺·库马尔·夏尔马说,该男子每天至少花八小时追剧,这让他“很快乐”。

    And psychology professor Manoj Kumar Sharma said that the man was spending at least eight hours a day watching Netflix because it made him " feel good . "

  16. 我们必须一直追剧,以便安慰自己,如果面对全球危机,僵尸病毒或者其他不幸时,我们也能够活下来。《华盛顿邮报》的珍钱尼说道。

    We must keep watching to reassure ourselves that , if faced with a global meltdown , zombie-virus-related or otherwise , we could survive , said Jen Chaney of The Washington Post .

  17. 你也可以放弃那些复杂电视剧或科幻节目,因为里面充斥着复杂的情节和人物关系,你追剧时你的大脑也得高速运转。

    You can also get away with watching intense and complex dramas or other fictional shows , as the often complicated plot lines and relationships between characters will force you to exercise your brain as you track all of the drama .

  18. 好吧,它代表着那些少男少女已经长大了:那些初中便开始追剧的少年现在已经是大二学生了,而那些高中时便开始追剧的少年现在已经在某个专业领域打拼了。这意味着时光流逝。

    Well , it means that teenagers have gotten older , that kids who started watching the show in junior high are now sophomores in college , that kids who started watching it later in high school are now drifting around the professional world somewhere-it means that time has passed .

  19. 开始追中剧了,很喜欢,我想我现在有点上瘾,哈哈

    I start watching chinese series and i love it now i think i am addictive to it ... lol

  20. 给自己一个机会沉浸在有趣的事物中,看比赛、玩电子游戏、追电视剧、在网站上看图片,想怎么玩就怎么玩。

    Give yourself the opportunity to indulge in something that you find fun and enjoyable , whether its attending a sporting event , playing a video game , watching your favorite tv show , or looking at pictures on a social sharing site .

  21. 一名男子因为持续六个月每天花八小时追奈飞剧而患上“奈飞瘾”。

    A man has been diagnosed with a Netflix addiction after spending eight hours a day over the past six months binge watching shows .

  22. 而且,如果情景连续剧里有一季主演缺席,你就很有可能不再追这部剧了。

    Moreover , you 'd probably have to shut the whole thing down if any of the cast members couldn 't appear in a season .

  23. 当我集中精神学习的时候,我打字的声音也让她很扫兴,这样她就不能专注地追那些肥皂剧,像《爱之舟》、《我们的生活》和《异度空间》。

    During the day when I 'm trying to study , my typing interferes with her enjoyment of " The Loveboat , " " Days of Our Lives , " and " Another World . "

  24. 我有些困惑,虽然视觉上我很喜欢,不过故事很难懂,有没有人能够详细给我解说下呢?我真的很想追这部剧,不过我看不太懂情节。

    I am so confused on the plot of this drama ! I love it visually but i find the story hard to follow can anyone explain it to me please ... i really want to watch it but i dont understand whats going on .

  25. 同一时间,南京理工大学学生胡云天(音译)也在追同一部剧,吃着同样的零食。

    At the same time , Hu Yuntian at Nanjing Tech University started to watch the same video , eating the same snacks .