
tuì huà biàn xìnɡ
  • retrograde development;retrograde metamorphosis
  1. 我们能够见到这些神经末梢已经退化变性了。

    We could see that the nerve endings had degenerated .

  2. 在每一发育阶段均有退化变性的囊尾蚴出现。

    In every developmental stage there existed degenerated cysticerci .

  3. 并从椎间盘的自然退化变性规律以及不同年龄突出组织内容物的不同,结合临床发病规律讨论了保守治疗与手术治疗的适应证。

    Based on the natural deterioration of the disc and the different nature of the protrusion in different ages , the authors proposed the indications for conservative and operative treatment .

  4. 血清睾丸酮与前列腺和精液囊指数呈显著正相关;人参组、鹿茸组及参茸配伍组能减轻大鼠睾丸曲细精管退化变性程度,增加精子数目和睾丸间质细胞数量。

    Pilose 's Antler group and the combined groups of Ginseng and Pilose 's Antler can increase the number of sperm and Leydig cell , alleviate deterioration of contorted seminiferous tubule .

  5. 其病理变化是肌肉退化,变性,最后纤维化挛缩。

    The pathological changes were muscular degeneration , atrophy and fibrosis , resulting in contracture .

  6. 黄斑是视网膜的一小部分,具有感光和精细视物功能。黄斑点退化导致黄斑变性,从而影响视力。过半以上的75岁以上老年人深受黄斑变性的困扰。

    Caused by the deterioration of the macular-the tiny part of the retina responsible for picking up colour and fine detail-macular degeneration affects the vision of more than half of over-75s .