
shì háng
  • airworthiness;seaworthiness
适航[shì háng]
  1. 该公司把自己定位成亚洲版的伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway),一场风暴正在酝酿,它将考验复星这艘大船的适航能力。

    Styling itself as Asia 's version of Berkshire Hathaway , a storm is brewing that will test Fosun 's seaworthiness .

  2. 本船在长江航行时处于适航状态。

    My vessel is in seaworthiness when navigating in Yangtze River .

  3. SILAS适航水深测量系统测试研究

    The Test of SILAS Sounding System

  4. 基于粗糙集EFIS显示防差错设计适航性的研究

    Study on Design Airworthiness of Error Prevention for Civil Aircraft EFIS Based on Rough Set

  5. AADMS不仅提高了航空运输集团内子公司间适航指令(AD)的管理效率,而且保障了飞行安全。

    Not only has the AADMS enhanced the management efficiency of the airworthiness directives ( AD ) within inter-sub-companies of an air group , but also it helps secure the air flight safety .

  6. 根据国外研究浮泥的经验,确定适航深度τy为3Pa左右。

    Based on these examinations and referring to foreign experience , the navigable depth τ y , is determined as about 3 Pa.

  7. 据美国海岸自卫队(U.S.CoastGuard)的调查显示,该船当时状况不佳,可能并不适航:因为该船发生火灾是常事,并且“底盘脆弱”,这便意味着该船船底一旦受到侵蚀就极有可能断裂。

    According to the U.S. Coast Guard 's investigation , the ship was in questionable condition and probably wasn 't seaworthy to start : Fires were commonplace and the ship was known to have a " weak back , " meaning that the keel was likely to split when weakened by corrosion .

  8. 其质量体系是根据中国民用航空条例CCAR-145《民用航空器维修单位合格审定规定》的要求建立起来的,其目的是为了保证部件维修后的持续适航性。

    Its quality system is established in accordance with CCAR-145 : Certification of Maintenance Organization for Civil Aircrafts , which guarantees the airworthiness of the repaired parts .

  9. 民航管理机构按照CCAR-145对航空电子维修站质量体系进行的审查主要集中在以下几个方面:人员、工具设备、维修器材、适航性资料和厂房。

    According to CCAR-145 , civil aviation authority inspects the quality system of avionics repair station for the following items : personnel , equipment , material , documentation and facilities .

  10. 采用B/S模式和.NET技术,设计开发了航空公司适航指令管理系统(AADMS),详细介绍了AADMS的设计与实现方法,描述了Web开发技术、ASP。

    In application of the B / C model and net technology , the airline worthiness directive management system ( AADMS ) is designed and exploited . This paper introduces at length the designing idea and the method of how it is brought about ;

  11. 通过可靠性闭环管理,持续监控机队可靠性水平,提高可靠性管理效率,并使其符合民航咨询通告AC-121-54可靠性方案的持续适航要求。

    Through the reliability management , continuous monitoring closed-loop reliability level , improve reliability fleet management efficiency , and make it conform to civil aviation advisory notice " AC-121-54 reliability plan " continued airworthiness requirements .

  12. 飞机适航性:发现真的安全吗?

    Aircraft air worthiners : is it really safe to fly ?

  13. 民机适航试飞技术的现状与发展

    Status and Development of Flight Test Techniques for Civil Aircraft Airworthiness

  14. 飞行标准及适航部〔民航处〕

    Flight Standards and Airworthiness Division [ Civil Aviation Department ]

  15. Y7H&500型飞机高速特性适航试飞

    Airworthiness certification flight test about high-speed characteristics for y7h ─ 500 airplane

  16. 连云港浮泥测试及适航深度的确定

    Fluid Mud Examination and Navigable Depth Determination for Lianyungang Port

  17. 民用航空发动机电子控制系统的适航审定

    Airworthiness Examination and Approval of Engine Electronic Control System for Civil Aviation

  18. 民用飞机航空电子系统适航标准应用初探

    A Preliminary Study of Airworthiness Standard for Civil Airplane Avionics

  19. 小型螺旋桨类飞机的适航噪声验证测量方法

    Measurement of Noise Airworthiness Verification to the Light Propeller Airplane

  20. 操作者们必须申请一张实验性适航证书飞才可让无人机飞行。

    Operators must request an Experimental Airworthiness Certificate to fly a drone .

  21. 浅谈我国适航指令的颁发与管理飞机空战仿真中机动指令生成器设计

    Maneuvering Flight Generator Design in Air to Air Combat Simulation

  22. 适航性条例、飞行品质规范和设计准则

    Airworthiness regulations , flying qualities specifications and design criterions

  23. 论适航水深在天津港强淤现象中的应用

    Application of Navigable Depth in Dealing with the Strong Siltation of Tianjin Port

  24. 中美批准放行证书/适航批准挂签的对比研究

    Comparative Study on China and US Airworthiness Approval Tag

  25. 航材适航指令和服务通告的控制

    Control Airworthiness Directive and Service Bulletin of Spare Parts

  26. 三爪砣测量适航水深技术分析与对策

    Analysis of surveying nautical depth by three wings lead

  27. 船舶的适航性与保险理赔

    Vessel 's Seaworthiness and Settlement of Claims under Insurance

  28. 安全性分析是适航符合性验证的重要方法。

    Safety analysis is an important method of compliance demonstration for airworthiness regulation .

  29. 民用运输类飞机座椅垫国产代用品的适航管理

    The Airworthiness Management for Replacement of Civil Transport Seat Cushions with Domestic Products

  30. 飞机雷电防护的适航要求与试验

    Airworthiness Requirement and Test on Lightning Protection of Aircraft