
  • 网络Adverse selection;adverse choice
  1. IPO折价、逆向选择与分离均衡假说

    IPO Underpricing 、 Adverse Selection and Separating Equilibrium Hypothesis

  2. 但CPA审计自身也存在逆向选择和道德风险问题。

    However , CPA Audit itself faces the problems of moral hazard and adverse selection .

  3. 为了消除这种逆向选择风险,VCs可以针对不同能力的创业家采用分离均衡式契约安排,从而吸引更多优秀的创业家。

    In order to eliminate this kind of adverse selection , venture capitalist can take separate balanced contract design in the light of the entrepreneurs of various ability to attract excellent entrepreneurs .

  4. 在对资金来源和偿还风险分析之后,指出目前的MBO融资主体不合法,并且在MBO完成后又缺乏对诸如道德风险、逆向选择等有效监管。

    On analyzing the Sources of funds and Repaying risk , the article considers the main body of finance is illegal , and after finishing the MBO , the adverse selection and the moral hazard can 't be supervised efficiently .

  5. 运用1999-2003年来自上海证券交易所的267只A股首次公开发行股票(IPOs)数据实证考察了Rock模型。与Rock(1986)的逆向选择理论一致,中签率与初始收益负相关。

    We examine empirically Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory using data of 267 A-share initial public offerings ( IPOs ) in Shanghai from January 1,1999 through December 31, 2003.Consistent with Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory of adverse selection , the allocation rate was negatively related to initial return .

  6. 理论分析表明风险转移型ICL模式在减少信息不对称所导致的逆向选择和道德风险问题、教育公平、收入再分配等问题上优于其他ICL。

    Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the risk-sharing ICL does better than other types in reducing adverse selection and moral hazard problems brought by the information asymmetry , educational equity , income redistribution and other issues .

  7. 公司上市时,政府在决定国有股权比重过程中确实存在着逆向选择问题;

    Downward self-selection bias of government during IPO process does exist .

  8. 风险投资投资过程的逆向选择和道德风险

    Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in the Investing of Venture Capital

  9. 这个问题的例子是逆向选择和道德风险。

    Examples of this problem are Adverse selection and Moral hazard .

  10. 解读新型农村合作医疗中的逆向选择问题

    On new style countryside cooperative medical " backwards selection " problem

  11. 这一章针对保险欺诈中的逆向选择与道德风险分别建立逆向选择模型与道德风险模型。

    This chapter establishes adverse selection and moral hazard model respectively .

  12. 国有企业技术人才逆向选择行为分析

    Study on adverse selection behaviors of qualified technicians in state-owned enterprises

  13. 经验商品电子商务逆向选择问题研究

    Study on the Adverse Selection of Experience Goods in E-Commerce

  14. 保留效用类型依存的逆向选择问题的研究

    The Study of Adverse Selection Problem with Type-dependent Reservation Utility

  15. 信息不对称带来“逆向选择”和“道德风险”问题。

    Asymmetric information brings the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard .

  16. 该保险市场也普遍存在逆向选择和道德风险;

    Secondly , the AI market has adverse selection and moral risk ;

  17. 逆向选择下供应链业务外包中的最优合约配置

    Optimal contract in supply chain outsourcing under adverse selection framework

  18. 高校专利成果转化过程中的逆向选择问题及对策研究

    Study on Adverse Selection of Universities ′ Exploitation of Patents

  19. 保险市场逆向选择与顺向选择共存研究

    The coexistence of adverse selection and propitious selection in the insurance market

  20. 对传统文化逆向选择的美国文学

    American Literature : Making Its Choice in Converse Direction of Traditional Culture

  21. 工程设计保险的逆向选择问题研究

    Research on insurance markets of engineering design with adverse selection

  22. 柠檬市场与不完全逆向选择

    The Market for " Lemons " and Incomplete Adverse Selection

  23. 风险投资逆向选择问题的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Adverse Selection in Venture Capital Investment

  24. 逆向选择风险与非财务因素分析&兼议信贷市场准入资格调查

    The Risk of Adverse Selection and Non-financial Factors Analysis

  25. 从银行方而看主要来自信息不对称所产生的道德风险和逆向选择。

    From the bank side , there are moral hazard and adverse selection .

  26. 逆向选择下的柠檬市场&试析诚信缺失下的中国证券市场

    China 's Security Market in the Absence of Credit

  27. 遏制投保人逆向选择的不完美信息动态博弈分析

    Dynamic game analysis of imperfect information of restraining the insured 's adverse selection

  28. 逆向选择并非唯一可疑的操作。

    Adverse selection was not the only dubious practice .

  29. 我国风险投资中的逆向选择与道德风险研究

    Research on Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Venture Capital Investment of China

  30. 体育院校教师聘用的逆向选择与道德风险

    Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Sport Universities and PE Institutes Employing Teachers