
xuǎn xiū kè
  • elective course;optional course;electives;selective course;option
  1. 第二部分是普通高中舞蹈选修课中民族民间舞蹈的教学现状。

    The second part is ordinary high school dance in the national folk dance elective course teaching situation .

  2. SCC是一门已开设了十年的选修课,最初是让学生们与当地的非营利组织一起开展为期十周的项目。

    SCC , an elective course now in its 10th year , began as a programme that placed students with local non-profits on 10-week project engagements .

  3. 一门特别的商务法语选修课引起了大家的关注。

    Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French

  4. 为毕业班学生开设了几门选修课。

    Several options are offered for the student 's senior year .

  5. 选修课包括太极拳和高级舞蹈练习。

    Electives are offered in Tai Chi and advanced dance exercise .

  6. It’snotasbadasitlooks.这并不像看上去的那么糟糕。那个选修课真的就像每个人说的那样难吗?

    Is that optional course as hard as everybody says ?

  7. 开发了一种基于WEB技术,在Internet/Intranet环境下运行的选修课选课系统。

    Based on Web technology , the system for selecting selective courses operated in Internet / Intranet .

  8. 该校结合可再生能源,面向mba学生推出了清洁技术和能源金融的选修课。

    The school offers its MBA students electives in clean technology and energy finance that incorporate renewables .

  9. 通过《C程序设计基础》课程的教学改革,探索解决当前计算机高速发展与教学内容滞后矛盾的方法,提出具体改革内容和途径,并在两次选修课中得以实践。

    Based on the reform of C Programming Language , this paper explores the methods of resolving the contradictions between highly developed computers and the out of date teaching contents .

  10. 譬如,波士顿郊外的巴布森学院(babsoncollege)开设了一门叫做可持续发展项目融资和评估的选修课。

    Babson College , just outside Boston , for example , offers an elective called financing and valuing sustainability .

  11. 以位于马德里的西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)为例,633名全日制MBA学生将从老师们推荐的150门选修课中选出80门让学校开课。

    At IE Business School in Madrid , for example , the 633 full-time MBA students now choose which 80 elective courses will run from the 150 proposed by faculty .

  12. 选修课:书法,武术,HSK,视听教程,围棋。

    Selective : Calligraphy , Martial Arts , HSK , Audio – Visual Course , Chinese Go .

  13. WebQuest教学模式在高中选修课中的应用研究

    The Research on Using WebQuest in Elective Course Teaching in Senior High School

  14. 尽管新项目的核心内容与双中心的embaglobal项目很像,但在香港教授的选修课将会具有本地特色。

    Although the core of the new programme is very similar to the two-centre EMBA global , the electives taught in Hong Kong will have a local flavour .

  15. 本研究率先提出了在我国高等学校文化素质教育中开设STS选修课,提高大学生科学素养的设想。

    The study brings upped to set up the STS elective course in the university 's cultural quality education for improving scientific literacy of university students .

  16. 以皖西学院体育系公共选修课网上选课系统的设计与实现为例,介绍了PHP与MySQL技术。

    This paper primarily introduces the PHP & MySQL techniques , which is fully illustrated by the design and realization of the selecting optional courses on net in the Physical Department , West Anhui University .

  17. INSEAD开设的创办企业选修课,让MBA学员到世界各地的科技和创新中心观摩,如印度的班加罗尔和孟买,以及美国的硅谷,了解那里的企业家们是如何创业的。

    Insead 's " Building Businesses " elective allows MBA students to travel to global technology and innovation hubs such as Bangalore and Mumbai , as well as Silicon Valley to see how entrepreneurs build companies .

  18. WebQuest是信息技术与课程整合的一种有效形式,并对高校中采用WebQuest进行天文选修课教学的可行性作了分析,最后以历法探究为例展示了WebQuest教学的实施步骤和具体的网页设计。

    WebQuest is a valid way for the integration of information technology and astronomic curriculum . The feasibility of using WebQuest to teach astronomic elective in the university is analyzed . As an example , a concrete web design is given to the inquiry based teaching of calendar .

  19. 竞赛评比法在篮球选修课教学中的运用

    Application of Methods of Contest Appraisal in Teaching Basketball Elective Course

  20. 对高中开设体育专项选修课的探讨

    A Study on Offering Sports Speciality Electives in Senior Middle School

  21. 高校公共选修课管理信息系统的开发

    The design of information management system for the college elective courses

  22. 加大选修课比例,增强课程灵活性。

    Increase the proportion of elective courses , enhance curriculum flexibility .

  23. 必须规范临床医学选修课体系

    The System of Elective Courses in Clinical Medicine Must be Standardized

  24. 关于大学英语翻译选修课教学的思考

    On the Teaching of the Selective Translation Course for Non-English-Major Students

  25. 将武术散手引入高职女生选修课的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study for Wushu Sanshou Being Girls Elective in Vocational Colleges

  26. 翻译选修课在大学英语教学中的构建

    On the Pattern of Elective Translation Course in College English Teaching

  27. 开设体育与健康选修课的实验研究

    The Research on Offering Sports and Health As a Selective Course

  28. 提高大学乒乓球选修课教学质量的探讨

    Study on Improving the Quality of University Table Tennis Selective Course

  29. 专业选修课对体育专业男生体质的影响

    Influence of Specialty Elective Course on Physique of Schoolboy Sport Majors

  30. 公共选修课《汽车文化》教学探讨

    Discussion on the teaching of automotive culture of the public selected course