
  • 网络Selective action
  1. 目的评价汉防己甲素(Tet)肺靶向微球对低氧性肺动脉高压的治疗效应及其对肺循环的选择性作用。

    Objective To assess the effect of tetrandrine ( Tet ) pulmonary targeting microspheres on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and evaluate its selective action on pulmonary circulation .

  2. 肽类抗生素对细胞选择性作用研究进展

    Advances in selective action of peptide antibiotics on cells

  3. 共溶剂对PMMA的选择性作用

    The Selective Effects of Binary-Co - Solvents for PMMA

  4. [目的]研究羟基磷灰石(HAP)纳米粒子对肝癌细胞和肝细胞的选择性作用。

    [ Purpose ] To investigate the selective effect of hydroxyapatite ( HAP ) on hepatocarcinoma cells and hepatocyte .

  5. 目的观察二氢石蒜碱(dihydrolycorine,DL)对家兔脑血管的选择性作用。

    AIM To observe the selective effects of dihydrolycorine ( DL ) on isolated cerebral blood vessel of rabbit .

  6. 现已明确,AOPP是一种炎症介质,单核/巨噬细胞是其选择性作用的靶细胞。

    It has been clarified that AOPP are a novel class of pro-inflammatory mediators with monocytes being their elective cellular target .

  7. 1HNMR显示,六元瓜环仅对这些客体的苄基探针部分具有选择性作用,形成作用比为1∶1的不对称包结配合物;

    Experimental results by using 1H NMR technique reveal that the cucurbit [ 6 ] uril only includes the benzyl moiety of the title guest to form unsymmetrical host-guest complex with a 1:1 ratio ;

  8. 目的:应用重酒石酸去甲肾上腺素和KCl引起血管收缩反应,观察二氢石蒜碱对家兔脑基底动脉、胸主动脉及心室乳头肌的选择性作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the selective effect of DL on basilar artery , thoracic aorta and ventricular papillary muscle of rabbit by means of observing the vasoconstriction induced by noradrenaline bitartrate and KCl .

  9. 在理论上可利用低浓度的人IL-2融合蛋白选择性作用于这些淋巴瘤细胞,介导对瘤细胞的抑制或杀伤作用。

    In theory , low concentrations of human IL-2 fusion protein can selectively act on these lymphoma cells . Hence , IL-2 R can be an ideal therapeutic target on these tumor cells , which mediates T lymphoma cell suppression or killing .

  10. 脂类捕收剂DLZ对黄铜矿和黄铁矿浮选的选择性作用

    Effects of DLZ Collector on Chalcopyrite and Pyrite Flotation

  11. 结论:上述三种药物对IBS的治疗均有效,其中奥替溴铵选择性作用于腹痛型,比特诺尔和地芬诺酯主要作用于腹泻型。

    CONCLUSION : The symptoms of the patients with IBS may be remitted with above-mentioned drugs , included otilonium bromide selectively acing upon the type of abdominal pain , and colloidal bismuth and diphenoxylate being more effectively for the diarrheal type of IBS .

  12. 目的:观察不同给药途径对阿芙唑嗪(Alf)和多沙唑嗪(Dox)降尿道压的选择性作用,方法:电刺激麻醉猫腹下神经以升高尿道压。

    AIM : To observe the selective effects of alfuzosin ( Alf ) and doxazosin . ( Dox ) on the urethral pressure by different administration routes . METHODS : The urethral pressure of the anesthetized cat was increased by electric stimulation of the hypogastric nerve .

  13. 反舰导弹末制导雷达选择性作用分析

    Functioning Analysis of the Selectivity for Antiship Missile Terminal Guidance Radar

  14. 青蒿素对体外培养人恶性疟原虫不同生长期的选择性作用

    Selective Effect of Qinghaosu on Different Stages of Plasmodium falciparum in Vitro

  15. 归经是指药物对机体某一部分的选择性作用。

    Channel tropism refers to the theory that relates the therapeutic action of drugs to a certain parts of the body .

  16. 归经是指药物对机体某脏腑经络的选择性作用,即作用点或靶器官。

    The theory of attributive channel means the selective action of medicine on certain Zang and Fu organ and channel , i.e. agent or target organ .

  17. 即归脾经可能与脑-肠轴调控作用有关,且复方配伍影响药物对脑-肠轴的选择性作用。

    So we presume that the attribution to the spleen meridian is correlated with the regulation of brain-gut axis , and the compatibilities influence herbs ' selective effects on brain-gut axis .

  18. 此外,替米沙坦也能对过氧化物酶体增殖物活化受体Y(PPAR-γ)发生选择性作用,因而也能用于糖尿病和心血管疾病的治疗。

    Moreover , telmisartan also affects selectively to peroxisome proliferator activate acceptor γ ( PPAR - γ), so it can be used in the therapy of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases .

  19. 结论:在适当脉宽的基础上选择适当的(不要过大)能量对血管性疾病不同管径的血管有选择性作用,且不会导致皮肤的损害,同时可以通过严格控制治疗周期,缩短疗程。

    CONCLUSION : Using proper ( but not too high ) energy on the basis of suitable pulse has the selective effect on different caliber vessels , and cannot cause the injury of skin , and can shorten the course of treatment through controlling the cycle of treatment severely .

  20. 氯化花椒碱对核内依赖于DNA的RNA聚合酶Ⅰ具有选择性抑制作用。

    The nitidine possesses a selective inhibition on DNA-dependent RNA polymerase I in nuclei .

  21. ~1HNMR选择检测新技术用于新三萜皂苷的结构研究选择性絮凝作用

    Application of Novel Selective ~ 1H NMR Techniques to the Structural Determination of a New Triterpenoid Glycoside

  22. 脉冲Nd∶YAG激光对培养肥厚性瘢痕成纤维细胞胶原合成的选择性抑制作用研究

    Selectively inhibitor effects of pulsed Nd ∶ YAG laser on collagen synthesis of cultured fibroblasts of hypertrophic scar

  23. 背景:SD大鼠不同骶神经根对膀胱功能的选择性支配作用目前仍不十分清楚。

    BACKGROUND : The selective innervation of different sacral nerve roots on bladder in SD mice is still uncertain .

  24. 提示KA对脊髓神经元的选择性毒性作用;

    The results indicated that KA is a selective neurotoxin for spinal cord neurons .

  25. 目的:观察重组血管基膜衍生多功能肽(Vascularbasementmembranederivedmultifunctionalpeptide,VBM-DMP)对人肺癌细胞增殖的选择性抑制作用。

    Objective To investigate the selective inhibitory effect of recombinant vascular basement membrane derived multifunctional peptide ( VBMDMP ) on proliferation of lung cancer cells .

  26. 咪苯嗪酮对TXA2和HHT生成的选择性抑制作用

    Selective inhibition of ci-914 on the production of txa_2 and HHT

  27. IgY抗体作为导向载体对消化系统肿瘤的选择性识别作用研究

    The Selective Recognition of IgY Antibody for Digestive System Cancer as a Carrier

  28. 电针治疗CIA大鼠慢性炎症及对COX-2的选择性抑制作用

    Therapeutic Effect of Electroacupuncture on Chronic Inflammation in Collagen-induced Arthritic Rats and Its Selective Inhibitory Action on COX-2

  29. 发现化合物1a对Cu2+,Hg2+具有选择性变色作用。

    We found that compound la was selectively colored with Cu2 + , Hg2 + .

  30. 固体酸SO4~(2-)/TiO2-SiO2对甲苯硝化的选择性催化作用

    Regioselective catalysis of solid acid so 2 - 4 / tio 2 SiO 2 for the Mononitration of toluene