
  • 网络principle of transparency;transparency principle;Transparent principle
  1. 第一部分是着重分析WTO透明原则及透明政府。

    Chapter One analyses the transparency principle of WTO and transparent government construction .

  2. 透明原则是WTO的重要原则之一,同时也是法治的基本原则之一。

    The transparency principle is one of the important principle of WTO , is the basic principle of rule by law , is democracy 's expression and guarantee .

  3. 本文以WTO透明原则为切入点,就如何提高我国政府的透明度进行一些理论探析。

    This text regards WTO 's transparent principle as the breakthrough point , carry on some theory analysis on how to improve our government 's transparency .

  4. 第三,遵守WTO公正透明原则,逐步削减对FDI的超国民待遇,为国内资本在长三角地区投资创造更加公平的政策环境。

    Last but not least , abide by WTO rules of equity and transparence and cut gradually the over national treatments for FDI to create more equitable policy circumstance in the region for domestic investment .

  5. WTO规定,透明原则是指成员方正式实施的有关进出口贸易的政策、法律、法规、命令、条例以及签订的有关贸易方面的条约都必须予以正式公布,非经正式公布,不得实施。

    Rules provided for by WTO that related policy , laws , laws and regulations , orders , rules of import and export trade and related treaty of trade signed must be made public formally , otherwise they can 't be carried out .

  6. 透明原则:设计要可见,以使审查与调试更容易。

    Rule of Transparency : Design for visibility to make inspection and debugging easier .

  7. 在这些政策的实施过程中,中国坚持公开透明原则,为包括外商投资企业在内的各类企业提供了公平参与的机会。

    China has offered both foreign-invested and home grown businesses equal opportunities to participate among the12,439 international tendering projects for machinery and electronic products in2009 .

  8. 我国《政府采购法》的基本原则是:公开透明原则、公平竞争原则、公正原则和诚实信用原则。

    The fundamental principles of China 's " Government Procurement Law " are Public Transparency , Fair Competition , Fair and Just , and Honesty and Credibility .

  9. 只要其遵循多边贸易规则,秉持开放、包容、透明原则,我们都乐见其成。

    We are happy to see them come to fruition as long as they are consistent with multilateral trading rules and the principles of openness , inclusiveness and transparency .

  10. 世界银行前任行长罗伯特·佐利克高度评价了中国改革开放四十年来取得的辉煌成就,并且表示,中国主导的亚洲基础设施投资银行等新倡议也为合作治理和透明原则树立了榜样。

    Former World Bank president Robert Zoellick praised China 's 40 years of reform and opening-up , and he said that new initiatives such as the China-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank have been an example of corporate governance and transparency standards .

  11. 我国上市公司退市制度的完善应从我国国情出发,在投资者保护、公平公正透明原则下,紧密结合实际,完善场外交易市场、健全退市程序、细化退市标准并改善其他的配套制度。

    The improvement should be made according to our national conditions and under the principles of investor protection and fair and transparent . Specifically , the OTC market , the delisting process , criteria and other related systems should be improved close to the reality .

  12. 这些模式促进了架构模块化和平台透明性原则。

    These patterns promote the architectural principles of modularity and platform transparency .

  13. 修订后的程序更加符合循证、公正和透明的原则。

    The revised procedure is more consistent with the evidence-based , transparent and justice principle .

  14. 中方主张,区域经济一体化应坚持开放、包容、透明的原则。

    China holds the view that regional economic integration should follow the principles of openness , inclusiveness and transparency .

  15. 尽管同样遵照透明的原则,但这些条件对于在纽交所创业板挂牌的企业来说并不苛刻。

    These requirements are less stringent for companies listed on NYSE Alternext , although the principle of transparency still applies .

  16. 规范服务型政府的决策机制,必须坚持为人民服务的原则,高效廉洁的原则和公开透明的原则。

    To regulate such a system , a service-oriented government must stick to the principles of serving the people , being highly efficient , open and transparent .

  17. 在改革过程中应坚持规范、公开、透明的原则,建全制度,加强监督,村财政收入使用应向服务领域倾斜。

    In the course of reform , should keep standardized , fair and transparent context , strengthen supervision , and the fiscal revenues of the village should slope to the service field .

  18. 依照公平与透明的原则向所有运营商收取普遍服务基金,以竞争缔约的方式提供普遍服务是值得我国规制机构借鉴的路径。

    Abide by the principle of fair and transparency , collect universal service funds from all operators , provide such service by way of concluding a treaty through competition is the suggested way .

  19. 论述数字资源发布网站质量控制的9项原则:透明性原则、有效性原则、维护性原则、可访问性原则、用户中心原则、应答性原则、互操作性原则、产权保护原则和长期保存原则;

    There are nine quality control principles for digital resource publishing Website : transparent , effective , maintained , accessible , user-centered , responsive , interoperable , right protective , and long-term preserved .

  20. 随着现代预算制度的不断发展和进步,逐渐形成了一系列经典的预算原则。这些原则主要包括年度性原则、公开和透明性原则、完整性原则以及预算绩效原则等。

    With the development of modern budget system , a series of classic budget principles was come into being , which includes annual principle , open and transparency principle , integrity principle and performance principle .

  21. 就像圣经中强调的,在私生活方面,我们就不应该做任何羞于暴露出来的事情,而在公务方面,除了极个别的情况,一定要坚持信息透明的原则。

    In private life , as the New Testament stresses , we shouldn 't do anything we will be ashamed to have revealed , and in public life , apart from exceptional circumstances , transparency must be the guiding principle .

  22. 针对上述问题,完善我国国有企业的薪酬管理,必须首先确立薪酬设计的原则,包括公平原则、竞争原则、激励原则、经济原则、合法原则、透明化原则。

    To solve these above-mentioned problems , it is necessary to perfect salary management in business enterprise and to establish the principles in designing salary , such as fair rules , competitive rules , economic rules , legal rules and transparent rules .

  23. 同时,我们认为,各方在开展自由贸易区建设时要秉持开放、包容、透明的原则,尤其对发展水平不同的经济体要体现灵活性,使各经济体在一体化路径上有更多选择。

    At the same time , we believe that in developing FTAs , the parties should cherish the principles of openness , inclusiveness and transparency and , in particular , demonstrate flexibility for economies at different development stages , so as to offer more options for integration .

  24. 巴黎会议发布了援助国家项目主权、透明和问责制原则。

    Paris set out common principles such as country ownership of aid programmes , transparency and accountability .

  25. 州政府秉持能干、公信及透明的施政原则,以公开招标进行所有发展计划。

    In line with the Penang state government 's CAT governance of Competency Accountability and Tranparency , all development projects are carried out by open tender .

  26. 他们认为,尽管不存在普适的税制模式,但良好的税收制度却存在着某些共性:那就是在制度的设计上,它们往往都遵循适度、公平、效率、便利、透明等税收原则。

    In their view , universal tax model does not exist , but the " good " tax systems do have some certain commons : in the design of the system , they tend to follow the tax principles of moderate , fair , efficient , convenience and transparent .

  27. 我国行政补偿程序应坚持公正合理、效率精简、公开透明、充分参与原则。

    Chinese administrative compensation procedure should insist on fair reasonable , efficiency simplification , public transparent , and full participation principle .

  28. 将效率与公平的均衡作为政府定价的根本目标,并将竞争优先、合理公正、共同决策、公开透明作为定价的原则。

    According to the goal of public utilities price-control by integrating efficiency with fairness , competition priority , rationality and fairness , collective decision-making , openness and transparency become basic principles .

  29. 审查起诉程序是介于侦查和审判之间的独特程序,程序的运作需要保障当事人的参与、公开透明并符合效率原则。

    The procedure of criminal examination and prosecution is a special procedure between the investigation and the trial procedure . It is required to guarantee the parties ' involvement , to be open and in accordance with the principle of efficiency .

  30. 现行税法体系中,增值税制度具有多环节征收、税不重征的基本特征,其特有的公平、透明与普遍征收原则对于抑制企业偷、漏税发挥了有效的作用。

    In current tax system , the VAT tax system has the basic characteristics , that is " Multi-link collection and no double taxation ", its inherent fairness , transparency and the principle of universal collection has played an effective role in controlling tax evasion .