
  • 网络Breathable membrane;Breathable Film
  1. 随着透气膜市场的不断发展,现在对其生产设备的需求越来越大,该种设备的国产化也变得日益紧迫。

    With the breathable film market continues to develop , its production equipment now growing demand for the kinds of domestic equipment has become increasingly urgent .

  2. 不透气膜(VIF)作为一种减少甲基溴施用量的过度性替代技术也是可行的;

    The VIF was feasible as a transitional technology to reduce the applied dosage of methyl bromide ;

  3. 以其电极为工作电极,Ag/AgCl为参比电极,Pt丝为对比电极,多孔聚四氟乙烯膜作为透气膜制成传感器。

    The CO gas sensor is based on MWNTs power micro-electrode as working electrode , an Ag / AgCl as reference electrode , a Pt wire as counter electrode , and a porous polyethylene film which is in direct contact with the gas-containing atmosphere .

  4. 空气电极防水透气膜的工艺研究

    Study on Gas Diffusion and Waterproof Layer of Air Electrode

  5. 聚四氟乙烯对空气电极防水透气膜性能的影响

    The Effects of PTFE on Waterproof Layer of Air Electrode

  6. 热塑性聚氨酯透气膜的生产、特点和应用

    Production , characteristics and application of TPU permeable membrane

  7. 主要用于透气膜与布类以点状的胶水进行复合。

    Usage ; mainly used for laminating permeability film and fabric through dotted glue .

  8. 膜曝气生物反应器是一种利用透气膜进行曝气的污水生物处理组合新工艺。

    Membrane aerated bioreactors ( MABR ) is a novel combination wastewater treatment process where gas-permeable membranes are applied to aeration .

  9. 小孢子植株在继代过程中用透气膜封口,小孢子植株的成苗率高,玻璃化现象明显抑制。

    Subculture of microspore plants in the process of using permeable membrane sealing , seedling plants of microspore high vitrification significantly inhibited .

  10. 通过对多种油气分离方法的性能比较,认为高分子透气膜法最适合变压器油中溶解气体在线监测。

    Performance comparison of several gas-oil separation methods shows that the polymer gas separation membrane method is the fittest one for on-line monitoring of dissolved gas in transformer oil .

  11. 再者,通过加设的金属透气膜,保证透气换热的同时可阻止水分子入侵。

    Furthermore , the performances of ventilation and heat exchange are ensured , and the junction box can prevent water molecules from invading through a metal ventilated membrane additionally arranged .

  12. 结果表明:防水透气膜具有优异的电化学性能,空气电极的极化明显减小,电流密度由82mA/cm2提高到150mA/cm2;单电池样品的恒流放电容量在40Ah以上。

    The results show that the polarization of air electrode is reduced greatly and the current density is increased from 82 mA / cm2 to 150 mA / cm2 . The capacity of the aluminum / air battery is over 40 Ah at 4A .

  13. 将苯丙氨酸解氨酶固定化到氨气敏电极的透气膜上,制备成酶电极,苯丙氨酸解氨酶催化苯丙氨酸产生氨气,引起氨电极电位的变化。

    The biosensor is composed of an ammonia electrode and a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase ( PAL ) coated hydrophobic gas-permeable membrane that separates the sample from the electrode internal solution . PAL catalyzes phenylalanine to ammonia , which result the potential change of the electrode .

  14. 透气微孔膜制备方法及透气机理的研究进展

    Progress in study on preparation and permeability mechanism of microporous breathable film

  15. 特有的全新透气底膜,有效地疏散湿气,让你倍感舒适。

    Special brand-new back film evacuates moisture effectively , let you feel more comfortable .

  16. 透气性延伸膜:如质感柔软之透气性纸尿布制品。

    Vapor permeable stretch film : Soft breathable diaper .

  17. 活泉中含有的天然二氧化硅能在肌肤表面形成一层可透气的保护膜。

    Natural SiO2 of mineral water can form a layer of protection membrane on the surface of the skin .

  18. 分析了涂层刀距、阻燃胶密度和上胶量对涂层织物阻燃性能的影响,以及泡沫密度、压泡压力与织物透气性和涂层膜的关系。

    The influence of distance between knife and fabric , density of flame retardant gum and amount of coating to flame retardancy of the coated fabric , as well as the relationship between foam density and foam pressure , permeability and coating film were analyzed .