
  • 网络Stepwise;stepwise selection;step-by-step method;stepped care
  1. 逐步法合成杯[4]芳烃关环反应的改进

    The Improvement of the Cyclization Step in the Stepwise Synthesis of Calix [ 4 ] arenes

  2. 收率为80%,与逐步法相比(69%×85%)收率提高21%。

    Reaction yield , as 80 % , is 21 % higher than the step by step way , which is 59 % .

  3. 同时引入了一个用来求解该模型的算法&逐步法,并探讨了该方法中满意目标的选择与最大宽容值的确定。

    Subsequently , an algorithm named Step Method is introduced to solve the model , and the choice of satisfactory goal and the definition of maximal allowance value are also discussed .

  4. 基于逐步回归法的IPO动态定价模型及实证研究

    The Empirical Research on IPO Dynamic Pricing Model Based on Stepwise Regression Analysis

  5. Cox逐步回归法分析影响预后的因素。

    Cox stepwise regression model was used to detect prognostic factors of survival .

  6. Bayes逐步判别法在绿茶板栗香化学识别上的应用

    Application of Bayes Stepwise Discrimination Analysis on Chemical Recognition of Green Tea with Chestnut-like Aroma

  7. 运用逐步判别法和Logistic函数判别法,对所得的模型参数进行了心功能优劣的判别分类;

    We also used stepwise discrimination and Logistic Function discrimination to classify and discriminate the model parameters by heart function condition .

  8. 一种基于QR分解的逐步累积法传感器配置

    Successive Sensor Placement for Modal Paring Based-on QR-Factorization

  9. 采用纽马克(Newmark)逐步积分法求解运动微分方程,按照瑞利(Rayleigh)阻尼确定阻尼矩阵。

    Newmark time integration method incorporating a Rayleigh damping is used to solve the equation of motion .

  10. 针对上述两种方案,基于逐步回归法选取了回归变量并分别在X、Y、Z三个方向建立了热误差预测模型。

    Aiming at the two proposals that are discussed , the regression variables are selected by stepwise weakening and the thermal error models are established in three directions .

  11. 当逐步回归法的前提条件不具备时,可考虑采用GM(1,n)灰色模型或广义线性模型。

    If the premise condition to apply the step regression method is not satisfied , we can use GM ( 1 , n ) grey model or general linear model .

  12. 方法:1.用逐步回归法,建立cox模型,对cGVHD的多因素变量进行危险因素分析。

    Methods 1 . Cox proportional hazard regression model was used in multivariate analysis .

  13. 采用多元逐步回归法分析炎症因子与FMD的关系。

    Stepwise regression was used to analyze the correlation between inflammatory factors and FMD .

  14. 应用非条件logistic回归模型进行单因素分析,将单因素分析有统计学意义的变量纳入到多因素logistic回归模型中,采用逐步回归法筛选变量。

    The logistic regression model was used to analyze the single factors and multivariate analysis was used during stepwise regression for statistically significant variables in single factor analysis process .

  15. 文章以一跨线污水管碰接工程为例,简要介绍了小口径PVC塑料管的一种特殊的顶管施工方法&逐步扩孔法。

    This article mainly discusses a special technique of enlarging excavation step by step according to an example of the intersection construction of small-diameter plastic sewage PVC-pipes crossing roads .

  16. 采用Newmark逐步积分法求解动力平衡方程,并编制了相应的计算机程序。

    The dynamic equilibrium equation is solved by Newmark method , and the responding computer program is coded .

  17. 用倒数方程法来求得系统的COD稳定去除率,利用逐步回归法,建立了人工快速渗滤系统的主要设计参数与COD去除率之间的多元线性回归模型。

    The stable removal rate of COD was obtained by the reciprocal equation method , and the model of multi-linear regression equation was established by stepwise regressive method .

  18. 用EDTA冲洗根管,逐步后退法预备根管,严密充填根管,可以获得良好的治疗C形根管系统的效果。

    We can also gain satisfactory therapeutic efficacy of C-shaped root canal by using EDTA to clear root canal , preparing root canal by step-back technique , filling root canal firmly .

  19. 通过logistic逐步回归法成功建立肾虚血瘀证的诊断模型,预测准确率可达到93.7%。

    Succeed to to set up the diagnosis model on type of Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stagnation by logistic stepwise regression , the prognostic accurate percentage achieves 93.7 % . 4 .

  20. 基于Gurtin变分原理的非时间步参数逐步积分法

    A non-time-step - parameter direct integration method by Gurtin variational principle

  21. 基于Gurtin变分原理的一种逐步积分法

    Step by Step Integration Method Based on Gurtin Variational Principle

  22. 最后,提出了具体的智能化算法,基于BP网络的结构健康状态的诊断方法&分层逐步识别法。

    Finally , a detailed and intelligent solution is proposed for diagnosing the health condition of the structure , which based on BP neural net-the method identified step by step , combine with a numerical example .

  23. 基于位移型Gurtin变分原理计算动力响应的逐步积分法

    A step by step integration method for dynamic response by Gurtin variational principle

  24. 通过对名义数据和有序数据的相关性分析,我们首先找出影响大学生作弊的因素,然后用逐步回归法和Logistic回归模型得出影响大学生作弊的主要因素。

    Using correlative analysis about nominal and order data we found the main factors of cheat in the tests in the University of Science and Technology . Then we got the key factors by Logistic modeling .

  25. 采用多元逐步回归法建立了揭示模型线性关系的QSAR模型,对模型进行稳定性检验,并采用样本集外的化合物对所建立的QSAR模型进行预测;

    The QSAR model was built with the multiple linear step regression method , and it was tested for the stability with other sample compounds .

  26. 编制Fortran程序,以逐步破坏法为基础,根据有限元法计算出的加筋板单元应力应变结果,可以用来计算船舶与海洋工程等箱型梁结构的极限强度。

    The Fortran program is also complied to calculate the ultimate strength of the box girder structure based on the results about stress-strain relationship of stiffened panels calculated by FEM .

  27. 目的分析多种因素对根管治疗术的影响。方法追踪观察212例根管治疗术的患牙,通过SAS统计软件,采用LOGISTIC向后逐步回归法。

    Objection To study the effect of many factors on root canal therapy ( RCT ) Methods 212 patients with RCT were retrospectively observed , then were analyzed with logistic regression in SAS statistical software .

  28. 主要应用多变量AR模型时序法和分段时序法,多变量AR模型时序法利用逐步最小二乘法和SBC准则定阶和参数估计;

    Analysis of a multivariate autoregressive process deals with the estimation of the parameters by stepwise least squares method and the order of the AR process is determined by a new criterion function SBC .

  29. 综合分析结果表明,黄芩核心种质构建最佳方法为最小距离逐步取样法(LDSS)。

    Comprehensive comparison showed that of least distance stepwise sampling ( LDSS ) is the .

  30. 然后,在实证研究阶段,结合单因素分析和其他学者的研究结果本文提出13个实证研究假说。采用逐步回归法,建立了多元回归模型,对IPO抑价程度的影响因素进行了多因素分析。

    Secondly , in the part of empirical study , after one-factor analysis , we propose 13 hypotheses , use stepwise method to establish the multi-dimensional return model and do multi-factors analysis about the influence factor of IPO underpricing .