
sù dù ɡǎn
  • Sense of speed;racing feel;pace consciousness
  1. 司机的速度感与视觉疲劳

    Driver 's Sense of Speed and Visual Fatigue Beyond Vision

  2. 我也非常喜欢这个标志营造出来的速度感。

    I also love how this logo communicates a feeling of speed .

  3. 关于竞走运动员速度感心理结构的研究

    Study on the Psychological Construction of Sense of Speed of Race Walking Athletes

  4. 这往往会进一步增强速度感。

    It heightens still further the sense of speed .

  5. 您还可能对如何提高应用程序执行速度感兴趣。

    You may also be interested in getting the application to execute more quickly .

  6. 速度感是竞走运动员运动知觉和时间知觉等感知觉系统良好协调能力的一种表现。

    The sense of speed is a show of good coordination ability of perception .

  7. 许多人都渴望追逐速度感,因此竞速滑冰与冰上曲棍球吸引了大批观众。

    Speed skating and ice hockey attract large audiences as many people hunger for speed .

  8. 对于爱好速度感的人来说,竞速滑冰与冰上曲棍球绝对是最过瘾的运动。

    For those who love speed , there 's nothing like speed skating and ice hockey .

  9. 它包括方位感、时间和节奏感、速度感、肌肉用力感及浮力平衡感。

    It includes feel for position , time , rhythm , speed , muscle strength and floating balance .

  10. 为提高赛车游戏的速度感,请使用高视野范围。

    To increase the sense of speed in a racing game , use a high Field of View .

  11. 提倡文章的过程化、生长性,强调文章生成中的流动性、速度感。

    To promote the process , growth , emphasize the article generation of liquidity , the sense of speed .

  12. 设计一致性为谷歌产品带来了值得信赖的品牌基础,让用户感觉舒适,也让用户使用中感觉速度感。

    Design consistency builds a trusted foundation for Google products , makes users comfortable , and speeds their work .

  13. 按这种方式,他就能在建筑自身中展示了动感或“猛烈的速度感”。

    In this way , he could display kinetic energy or " the violence of speed " within the building itself .

  14. 在列车低速运行时,这种速度感比从速度表上读数更具直接性。

    While a locomotive runs at a low speed , this sense is more directly perceived than that from reading the speedometer .

  15. 利用枕木流动的速度感来估计列车运行速度已是司机的习惯做法。

    It is a usual way for drivers to estimate the speed of a locomotive by the sense of speed on coming sleepers .

  16. 在安吉莉卡画作的每一笔画和丹尼尔的雕塑作品的造型中都能察觉到一种运动和速度感。

    The movement and sense of speed could be perceived from either the strokes of Angelica 's painting or the gestures of Daniel 's sculpture .

  17. 在此基础上,笔者建立了竞走运动员速度感的心理结构,并将速度感训练划分了3个主要阶段。

    On basis of this , the author established the psychological construction of speed sense of race walking athletes and divided the training of speed sense into three major stages .

  18. 你们要有勇气注视着他们的眼睛倾听他们的见解确保我们世界的速度感距离感以及无名感

    That you all have the courage to look them in the eye , and hear their point of view , and help make sure the speed and distance and anonymity of our world .

  19. 那种速度感、那种风吹在脸上的感觉、大海的空气里混合着盐的味,还有海浪拍打着船身的声音,都深深让我着迷,我好想坐船环游世界!

    I love the speed , the feel of the wing on my face , the smell of salt in the ocean air , and the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the boat . I would love to sail around the world !

  20. 气流速度对感烟火灾探测器响应灵敏度的影响

    The Influence of Flow Velocity on Response Sensitivity of Smoke Detectors

  21. 有时你会为你转变的速度大感失望。

    Sometimes you will despair at the rate at which you are changing .

  22. 尤其是,霍尔效应传感器可用于无接触转换、定位感测、速度线性感测和齿轮齿感测。

    Specifically , Hall-effect sensor ICs are used for contactless switching , position sensing , speed sensing , linear sensing and gear-tooth sensing .

  23. 整体比赛速度和球感比以前改进了很多,头球也多多使用了哦。

    The acceleration and the ball awareness has introduced more headers than before .

  24. 各个领域的应用,不断从绘制速度、真实感、显示尺寸、分辨率等方面向图形绘制技术提出挑战。

    Applications from different fields keep challenging the capability of rendering systems on the aspects of rendering speed , realistics , display size and resolution .

  25. 对农民工而言,中国快速增长的经济中有大量的工作机会,但他们的抱负提升的速度和挫折感加深的速度,都快过回报的增长。

    There is plenty of work for migrants in its fast-growing economy , but their ambitions and frustrations are rising even faster than their rewards .

  26. 结论用基因芯片筛选正常脑组织与人脑胶质瘤差异表达的基因,具有样品用量少,高质量,高速度,高敏感等特性。

    Conclusion cDNA microarray technology can be successfully applied to identify differentially expressed genes with small amount of specimen , high quality , high speed , and high sensitivity .

  27. 文章指出短跑运动员除要进行常规必要的心理训练外,还要有针对性地进行反应时、动作速度和节奏感、注意力集中、赛前强化训练以及竞技状态的形成等过程中的心理训练。

    The paper points out that except of necessary routine mental training , a dasher also needs mental training in reaction time , movement speed and rhythmicity , concentration of attention , heavy training before competition and forming of competitive status .

  28. 四种道路环境下的注视时间百分比、平均注视时间、扫视平均速度以及对各个感兴趣区域的平均注视时间的差异都不显著。

    The difference in the percentage of fixation time , the average fixation time , the average saccade speed and the average fixation time of each interested area under four kinds of road environments are not big .

  29. 节点内置形式多样、性能各异的各种传感器,可以测量周围环境的温度、适度、噪声、压强、气体成分、移动物体的大小、方向、速度等多种用户感兴趣的物理量。

    Sensor nodes are built in various sensors which can sensing the temperature , humidity , noise , pressure , gas composition , the size of a moving object , direction , speed and other physical qualities of interest to users .