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  1. 对我国加入WTO后,加快造纸化学品行业发展的几点建议

    Suggestions to the Development of Chinese Paper Chemicals Industry after its Acceding to WTO

  2. 我国造纸化学品要走科学发展之路

    The Paper Chemicals of China Should Find a Way to Develop Scientifically

  3. REACH法规对我国造纸化学品和造纸工业的影响小型造纸企业面临的若干问题及对策

    Impact of the EU REACH Regulation on Papermaking Chemicals and Papermaking Industry of China Some Shortcomings of Small Paper Mill and Its Countermeasures

  4. 衣康酸及其在造纸化学品合成中的应用

    Itaconic Acid and Its Application Prospects in Paper Chemical Synthesis

  5. 国际造纸化学品市场的竞争与购并

    Competition and MA of the Markets in International Paper Chemicals

  6. 世界造纸化学品市场最新动态

    The Newest Trends of Paper Chemicals in World Market

  7. 坚持科学发展观,加快我国造纸化学品行业发展步伐

    Insist Science Development View , Accelerate the Development of China 's Paper Chemicals Industry

  8. 本文就广东省造纸化学品的应用现状与发展趋势进行探讨。

    This paper discussed the status and development trend of paper chemicals in Guangdong .

  9. 我国绿色造纸化学品开发应用现状与建议

    The Status and Suggestions on the Exploitation and Application of Green Paper Chemicals in China

  10. 国际主要造纸化学品公司介绍

    Introduction of International Main Paper Chemicals Companies

  11. 加快造纸化学品发展步伐,为我国造纸工业现代化服务

    Promoting the Development of Paper Chemicals and Serving for the Modernization of China Industry in China

  12. 文章详细介绍了近几年来国际造纸化学品市场的几次重大购并事例。

    This article particular introduces several important M & A activities of markets in international paper chemicals .

  13. 从国际市场的变迁看我国造纸化学品行业的现状与发展

    China 's Present Situation and Development about Paper Chemicals in the View from the Changes of International Market

  14. 参照国内造纸化学品的基本状况,本文介绍了山东省造纸化学品在品种、规模和技术水平方面的概况,并综述了造纸化学品的发展趋势。

    The general conditions in Shandong Province are introduced and the development trends of paper chemicals in China are summarized in this paper .

  15. 具体介绍了国际最著名的8家造纸化学品公司近几年来的发展及新产品、新技术开发等情况。

    It introduces the development of 8 the most famous international paper chemicals companies and the R & D condition of their new products and new technologies in detail .

  16. 介绍了浙江省食品添加剂、饲料添加剂、工业表面活性剂、粘合剂、水处理剂、皮革化学品、造纸化学品、电子化学品和油田化学品等新领域精细化工产品的生产规状及发展方向。

    A review is given on current status and development direction for Zhejiang fine chemistry in new fields such as food additives , feed additives , industrial surfactants , adhensives , papermaking chemical products , electronic and oil - field chemical products .

  17. 中国造纸用精细化学品的现状和发展逆向分析在精细有机合成路线设计中的应用

    Present situation & development of China special paper making chemicals application of Revers analysis in organic synthesis

  18. 制浆造纸工业用精细化学品的现状和发展加化学品后纸袋纸综合强度的评价

    The Current Situation and Future Development of Paper Chemicals Evaluation of the Effects of Chemical Additives on the Combined Strength of Sack Paper

  19. 造纸工业要现代化,必须要有一个与其相适应的现代化的造纸化学品行业。

    The modernization of paper industry requires a modern paper chemicals industry to adapt to it .

  20. 通过参加加拿大国际制浆造纸技术展览活动,综合阐述了当前国际上企业发展的规模化集团化的趋势,以及造纸化学品的应用和新产品发展动向。图书馆情报文献对科技馆展览活动的作用

    It was reviewed that the status and the development tendency of paper enterprise , paper chemicals and its utilization in this paper . Actions of Library 's Information Literatures on Sci-tech Hall 's Exhibition Activities