
qūn xún
  • Balk;hang back;hesitate to move forward;in an instant;time flows away
逡巡 [qūn xún]
  • (1) [hesitate to move forward]∶因为有所顾虑而徘徊不前

  • 逡巡而不敢进。--汉. 贾谊《新书.过秦论上》

  • 大阉亦逡巡畏义。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • 逡巡不前。

  • 舅犯谢罪,逡巡河上。--《三国演义》

  • (2) [in an instant]∶一刹那

  • 雁翎金甲逡巡得,钩引徐宁大解危。--《水浒传》

  • (3) [time flows away]∶时光消失

  • 逡巡过了一年,当年是正月初一日。--《喻世明言》

逡巡[qūn xún]
  1. 他们中许多在商业软件前逡巡不前。

    And many of them balk when presented with commercial software .

  2. 驴子又一次逡巡不前,不肯越过它。

    Once again the donkey jibbed and would not pass it .

  3. 学术与革命使他们的文学功用观充满矛盾性,逡巡于审美与功利之间。

    Academic action and revolution made their literature function be full of contradictions .

  4. 因为你不停在我旅馆外面逡巡。

    I mean , considering you 've been lurking outside my motel room .

  5. 马在高高的树篱面前逡巡不前。

    The horse balked at the high hedge .

  6. 我的马在水塘前逡巡不前。

    My horse jibbed before the pond .

  7. 他在两者之间逡巡,颇有流离之感,于是付诸笔端,词句嶙峋,着意素淡。

    his feeling of displacement between the two places described in lean , simple phrases .

  8. 你们中的大多数可能面对家庭工厂的主意逡巡不前,但是听我的。

    Many of you might balk at the Home Depot idea , but hear me out .

  9. 他们在狭长的通道中逡巡。

    They were prowling the aisles .

  10. 她简直像一尾活鱼款的真空吸尘器,在食物丰富的水底淤泥、和肥沃丰饶的湖底沈淀层之中逡巡。

    She was a one-fish Hoover , motoring through the food-packed sludge and through rich layers of sedimentary smells .

  11. 小佩就是这个阵容当中的“老枪手”了,他带领前场逡巡对方球网前,以3-0轻取对手。

    Van Persie was one of the'old hands'in the team and he led from the front by netting in the3-0romp .

  12. 普拉姆的不那么聪明的二把手声称有三个渊凯奴隶猎手在营地间逡巡寻找一对逃跑的侏儒。

    Plumm 's not-so-cunning second-in-command claimed that three Yunkish slave-catchers were prowling through the camps , asking after a pair of escaped dwarfs .

  13. 1995年,英国巴林银行倒闭后,监管者可能已经逡巡不前。

    Regulators are likely to get no further than they did after the collapse of Barings , a British bank , in 1995 .

  14. 我们可以选择用什么样的眼光去看待生活——是昂首去寻找希望抑或垂头在绝望中逡巡。

    It 's our decision : From which perspective do we want to view life ? Will we look up in hope or down in despair ?

  15. 正在焦急时,珂赛特一眼望见穿着男装的爱潘妮在铁栏门外闪过;爱潘妮近来经常在那园子附近逡巡的。

    In this dilemma , Cosette had caught sight through the fence of Eponine in man 's clothes , who now prowled incessantly around the garden .

  16. 从西非开始,然后横贯中东,继而在前苏联逡巡,欧洲寻求能源之旅贯穿了一系列国家。

    Europe is sourcing energy from an arc of countries that starts in western Africa , then winds through the Middle East and round to the former Soviet Union .

  17. 在想象当中,我能听到荷马的歌唱,他拖着蹒跚而踌躇的脚步在营地间逡巡为生命,爱情,战争和一个高尚民族取得的丰功伟绩而吟唱。

    In imagination I can hear Homer singing , as with unsteady , hesitating steps he gropes his way from camp to camp-singing of life , of love , of war , of the splendid achievements of a noble race .

  18. 在想象当中,我能听到荷马的歌唱,他拖着蹒跚而踌躇的脚步在营地间逡巡——为生命,爱情,战争和一个高尚民族取得的丰功伟绩而吟唱。

    In imagination I can hear Homer singing , as with unsteady , hesitating steps he gropes his way from camp to camp - singing of life , of love , of war , of the splendid achievements of a noble race .

  19. 一旦进入白羊,金星就能帮助你这个月在工作和钱财上赢得大幅度的成功,因为它将与火星合力,而后者正逡巡狮子座&恰恰是你的声誉宫。

    Once in Aries , Venus can help you find career and money success this month on a large scale , for she 'll be working with Mars , now in your house of fame , as he tours Leo on that particular assignment .

  20. 他能扮小丑、口技者和角笛舞者,让观众开怀大乐,却也是偏执狂,逡巡于街道之间,“只有在人群中,我才能摆脱心中的恶灵”。

    Here too is the man who could light up a room , the clown , the mimic and dancer of hornpipes - but also the obsessive who prowled the streets unable to " get rid of my spectres unless I can lose them in crowds . "