
dài bǔ zhènɡ
  • arrest warrant;warrant of arrest
逮捕证 [dài bǔ zhèng]
  • [arrest warrant] 逮捕人犯时必须出示的法律凭证

  1. 法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。

    The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect .

  2. 美国科罗拉多州的电子逮捕证

    The Electronic Arrest Warrant of Colorado in America

  3. 田纳西州纳什维尔市范德堡大学的法学教授ChristopherSlobogin讲了这个案例。ChristopherSlobogin:“Jones称证据是非法获得的,因为警察没有逮捕证。”

    Law professor Christopher Slobogin at Vanderbilt University in Nashville , Tennessee , takes the story from there . CHRISTOPHER SLOBOGIN : " Mr. Jones ' argued that evidence was obtained illegally because the police did not have a .

  4. 是否带着逮捕证来抓我。

    Whether to come back with a warrant and arrest me .

  5. 如果拒绝,就拘留并签署逮捕证。

    If they refuse , detain them and get warrants .

  6. 他们备有逮捕证。

    They were armed with warrants .

  7. 根据逮捕证进行逮捕

    Execute a warrant of arrest

  8. 某天,我自己的法庭会发出一张逮捕证,正面的舆论被我掌控。

    One day I 'll issue an " arrest warrant " for the judges on this court and try them in my court .

  9. 然后内勤局调查员会前往该处出示逮捕证,希望获取情报,以及在可能时利用这些人作为我们诚信测试的线人。

    Then the IAB investigators will go and execute those arrest warrants with the hopes of gathering intelligence and using these people , if possible , as our operatives in an integrity test .

  10. 如果法官认为理由充分合理,就会向被告发出到庭答辩的传票,或者在特定情况下签发逮捕证。

    The magistrate , if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds , issues a summons to the accused to attend court to answer the charge , or in certain circumstances issues a warrant for his arrest .

  11. 已经发出了可逮捕他的逮捕证。

    A warrant is out for his arrest / against him .

  12. 你可以在捕涝期捕鱼,但过了捕涝期就不行了。已经发出了可逮捕他的逮捕证。

    You can fish in the open season , but not in the close season . A warrant is out for his arrest / against him .

  13. 警察昨天执行了三项逮捕行动。根据逮捕证进行逮捕

    The police made three arrests yesterday . execute a warrant of arrest

  14. 数日过后,哈萨克斯坦权威机构签发了一份逮捕阿利耶夫先生的国际逮捕证。

    A few days later the Kazakh authorities issued an international warrant for his arrest .

  15. 警官在执行逮捕之前,凡是可能的,都应事先取得逮捕证。

    Whenever possible , a police officer should obtain a warrant prior to making an apprehension .

  16. 逮捕并移交有关人员的步骤有两个,首先是由国际刑事法院根据《罗马规约》第58条发出逮捕证,再根据规约第9编提出移交请求。

    Arrest and surrender persons has two steps : first , issue the arrest warrant according to Article 58 of the Rome Statute , then make a request for surrender .