
  • 网络logical or;logic or
  1. 其他逻辑或物理数据模型(如ESB、应用和数据仓库)都可以映射到这个公共逻辑数据模型。

    Other logical or physical data models , such as ESB , applications and data warehousing , can all be mapped to this common logical data model .

  2. 最后,如果完成了建模,IDA会包含工具来将逻辑或物理数据模型映射到XML模式,这可以在DB2中表示为XML列。

    Finally , if modeling has been done , IDA contains tooling to map logical or physical data models to XML schemas , which can be represented as an XML column in DB2 .

  3. 有逻辑或理性地排列或表现的;协调的

    Logically or intelligibly ordered or presented ; coherent .

  4. 现代SOA应用程序通常与web服务一起作为标准化且独立的方式部署,可通过internet显示业务逻辑或数据访问。

    Modern SOA applications are often deployed with web services as a standardized and independent means of exposing business logic or data access over internet .

  5. 网络中各个节点之间的逻辑或物理互联关系形成了P2P网络拓扑结构。

    The interconnect physical or logical relationships between each node form a P2P network topology in the network .

  6. 这有助于有相关逻辑或用途的Jar集中在一起。

    This facet is useful to group together Jars that have associated logic or purpose .

  7. Prolog是与逻辑或数学关系密切的语言。

    Prolog is a language that comes close to logic or mathematics .

  8. 多Agent智能制造系统由逻辑或物理位置上分布的多组Agent构成,通过网络共享资源,相互协作完成一任务。

    Multi-agent manufacturing system is composed of multi-set of agent that was distributed in logic and physics position , and resource is shared through network connections , a task is accomplished together by each other cooperation .

  9. 容积KPI说明了在开发中生成的逻辑或其它相关工件的总量。

    The volume KPI speaks to the amount of logic or other relevant artifacts that are produced in development .

  10. 在2010年,IBM引入了一个名为安装的新定义,以便使子容量许可条件(如物理服务器或虚拟机镜像的逻辑或物理分区)更容易理解和购买。

    In 2010 , IBM introduced a new definition called an to make sub-capacity licensing conditions ( such as logical or physical partitioning of a physical server or virtual machine images ) easier to understand and purchase .

  11. 使用建议的方法,我们可以利用多种格式的现有资产:UML模型、逻辑或物理数据模型(ddl格式)、XSD模式和代码模块。

    With the proposed approach , we can leverage existing assets of many formats : UML models , logical or physical data models ( in ddl ), XSD schemas , and code modules .

  12. 考虑到在GSA企业架构中这种工具所起到的重大作用,本小节将对逻辑或物理数据模型如何被转换至EAML做一个概括性的介绍。

    Given the important role this tool plays in the GSA 's enterprise architecture , this section provides an overview of how logical and physical data models have been transformed to EAML .

  13. 同一复合结点内的元结点是逻辑或的关系。

    Compound node contains some meta-nodes whose relationship is logical or .

  14. (逻辑或语法)属于或关于范畴的。

    ( logic or grammar ) of or relating to scope .

  15. 这独立于事实、科学、逻辑或常识。

    independent of facts or science or logic or common sense .

  16. 更改业务逻辑或数据可能牵涉相关的每个网页。

    Changes to business logic or data means possibly touching every page involved .

  17. 这些值是由业务逻辑或先前的用户输入所提供的。

    Those values are provided from business logic or from previous user input .

  18. 基于逻辑或约束优化的实时系统设计

    Real-Time System Design Based on Logic OR Constrained Optimization

  19. 一种全光逻辑或非门的理论和实验研究

    Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on All-Optical Logic NOR Gates

  20. 与理智、逻辑或常识不一致的。

    Inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense .

  21. 才能找到逻辑或原由来

    that any logical reasons can be found .

  22. 虽然如此,但猜测性的机理仍需从逻辑或理论上加以论证。

    However , the conjecture mechanics need detecting in logic or in theory by no means .

  23. 对于某些替换,需要修改程序逻辑或链接语句。

    For some replacements , you may need to change the program logic or linkage statements .

  24. 如果传入了多个名称的值,那么匹配将基于逻辑或进行处理。

    If multiple name values are passed , the match occurs on a logical OR basis .

  25. 路由:能按条件逻辑或配置好的路由规则路由消息。

    Routing : the ability to route messages on conditional logic , or configured routing rules .

  26. 由于汉语重整体思维和主体思维的倾向,有时会出现一些似乎不合逻辑或有歧义的语言现象。

    Therefore different modes of thinking would lead to some illogic and ambiguous sentences in Chinese language .

  27. 主要的区别来自如何放置和实现业务逻辑或查看呈现逻辑。

    The main differences come from how you place and implement business logic or view rendering logic .

  28. 任何处理业务逻辑或敏感数据的事件处理保留在服务器端。

    Any event handling that deals with business logic or sensitive data is kept at the server side .

  29. 实验中实现了10Gb/s的全光逻辑或非运算功能,并对理论模拟和实验结果进行了讨论和分析,指出了输出消光比与连续光功率及注入电流之间的关系。

    The 10 Gb / s all-optical logic NOR operation has been demonstrated theoretically and experimental - ly .

  30. 逻辑或正式的定义通常由三部分组成:术语、种类和区别。

    More often , it consists of three essential parts : the term , the class , and the difference .